
Oribi vs Heap

Compare Oribi & Heap analytics tools to choose the best fit for your business needs. Read Factors blog to understand the features & differences between them.

Written by
Harsha Potapragada
, Edited by
June 2, 2022
0 min read

Marketing Analytics, Web Analytics, and Customer Journey Funnels

Now more than ever, marketing analytics, web analytics, and customer journey mapping is at the core of every marketing strategy. That being said, tracking, collecting, cleaning and formatting data is a laborious chore. Most organisations, especially SME firms, have neither the time nor the resources to devote to these steps. What's more? Only after you have all the data in place can you analyse, report and optimize marketing efforts.

This is where organisations use self-serve marketing analytics solutions to collect and analyse data. There's no shortage of tools trying to solve for quality, self-serve analytics. Picking the right one, however, can be tricky. One such web analytics solution, Oribi, was recently acquired by LinkedIn for over $80 million. As a result of the acquisition, former Oribi-users are on the hunt for alternate solutions — one of them being Heap.


Founded in 2013, Heap is a San Francisco based product analytics platform that provides insights and data visualization to track customer engagement with a company’s site or product. It maps user behaviour and enables users to quickly access and organise data to recognise sources of friction within the user journey.


Oribi is an Israeli based web and journey analytics platform founded in 2015. Oribi helps track site interactions and key conversions. It also allows marketers to get action-oriented and data-backed trends and insights. Additionally, Oribi helps users understand visitor journeys with intuitive, user-friendly reporting mechanisms.

Heap Vs Oribi: Analytics and Integrations

Although marketers can (and do) use both Heap and Oribi to access user journey data, Heap is marginally more intuitive when it comes to tracking user journeys on web-based products. Oribi, on the other hand, is better suited for pure web analytics.

Another point: Heap does not support direct integrations with ads platforms like Google ads or Facebook ads. To be fair, Oribi’s integrations with Google and Facebook is also set to be discontinued as a result of the Linkedin acquisition. When it comes to CRM integrations, Heap allows for both Hubspot and Salesforce. Meanwhile, Oribi only users to push data back into HubSpot.

Heap works by placing a snippet of code at the top of the site and tracks user journeys only on your website or your product. Its primary use cases are product adoption, product-led growth and funnel tracking for the digital experience over the website or application. Heap also enables site search tracking and campaign management. Oribi does not.

Oribi’s funnel helps marketers understand what journeys buyers are taking and where they are losing more users so that marketers know what they have to work on to improve. Similarly, it gives insights as to which type of content works best and drives more buyers to convert.

Shameless plug but delivers the best of both worlds. Strong campaign analytics, web analytics, revenue attribution, funnels, button tracking and more — across ads, web, and CRM. Schedule a personalized demo to learn more :)

Heap Vs Oribi: User Interface

Oribi has often been praised for its simple to use UI. Heap, on the other hand, has been found a bit wanting in terms of ease of use. Oribi has consistently ranked higher across factors like UI, ease of set-up, ease of admin, real-time reporting, etc. However, Heap may have the edge in terms other features like retroactive reporting, integrations and custom event tracking. Although Heap is a non-code platform, users with zero experience have often found the tool a bit complex to set up and the learning curve steeper than in the case of Oribi. 

Factors also ranks high (in fact, higher than even Oribi) across ease of use, onboarding, customisable filters and breakdowns for reports. Learn more here

Heap Vs Oribi: Multi-step digital journeys & multi-channel digital journeys

Both Heap and Oribi help organise and track customer journey funnels. But the funnels are of different kinds.

Heap has been proven to be best for tracking the funnel in a multi-step digital journey, this means that if the user has to take several steps in their digital journey over the application/product or website to get to the end goal or to convert, Heap gives insights as to what steps the user took, in what sequence, when did they complete the goal, where they faced frictions, what step took more time, etc. Their effort analysis features allow you to see what parts of the site give more trouble to the user and why. 

On the other hand, Oribi is preferable for marketers to track the funnel in a multi-channel buyer journey. In other words, if you want to see where your potential buyers are coming from, and what actions they’ve taken before they’ve come to the website, a tool that focuses on tracking multi-channel journeys is more useful. Particularly in the case of B2B user journeys, where there are multiple decision-makers, each of which interacts with your product/service on various marketing channels over a longer sales cycle, multi-channel attribution tracking and efficiency measurement of overall campaigns becomes more important for the marketing team.

Pros and Cons of Oribi and Heap

Heap Advantages

  1. Real-time reports: Heap’s auto-tracking and data governance tools ensure that every single event and every single user is tracked and these data points fit into a data structure from the moment that they are collected. This ensures that the reports are always real-time and the data structure is able to adapt even when events change — without any code or engineering support.
  2. Allows for retroactive analysis: Since users can retroactively define events and conversions, the data structures and dataset organisations evolve to fit deliverables when they change.

Heap Disadvantages

  1. High cost of data storage: Because every single user and every single event is automatically tracked on a real-time basis, this leads to a large quantity of data that has to be stored. 
  2. Website analytics focussed: Although Heap supports several integrations, it is more focused on user’s interactions and journeys on the website/product. It also misses ad platform integrations due to the same reason. B2B marketers cannot map out entire customer journeys which in turn, can make it harder to derive insights into overall sales patterns. 
  3. Difficult to use: Its UI is a little complex as compared to Oribi. The learning curve is steeper. 

Oribi Advantages

  1. User interface: The interface and dashboard are intuitive and easy to use for anyone within the organisation. 
  2. Automated data orchestration: Oribi’s ability to automatically send data back into platforms like Hubspot and Google Analytics helps with data orchestration and breaking down of siloes across different storage locations.

Oribi Disadvantages

  1. Oribi’s CRM integration allows it to send data automatically to Hubspot but it cannot take data from the platform to integrate CRM data for attribution on the user’s larger customer journey on its own platform. 
  2. Oribi’s reporting capabilities have been found lacking as it does not allow for custom filters, breakdowns and formats for data visualisation. The reporting section only allows for pdf reports which can limit how much you can include/exclude.

In closing,

The biggest difference between the two is that Heap is primarily a product analytics tool and Oribi, a web analytics tool. However, because most B2B SaaS products are web-based, the functions of product and web analytics bleed into each other. So Heap is also used for web analytics and vice-versa. At the end of the day, there are several analytics tools that help marketers automate grunt work like data collection, organisation and formatting. They come with different features that help solve various use cases in the day-to-day working of the team. To choose which tool is best for you and your organisation, identify what you struggle with and what tools provide best for such use cases. 

We suggest you check out Factors to get the most out of your data!

This blog is based on insights shared by ,  and , written with the assistance of AI, and fact-checked and edited by  to ensure credibility.
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