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Leadfeeder [Dealfront] Vs. Factors: Compare Pricing & Features

April 14, 2023
0 min read

Leadfeeder is a well-established B2B lead generation software that helps go-to-market teams identify and enrich anonymous website traffic. Leadfeeder has recently joined forces with another sales intelligence platform, Echobot, to form Dealfront — a Europe-centric B2B data platform. 

As a result of this collaboration, Leadfeeder has consolidated multiple products, increased pricing plans, and limited the number of seats per account. Accordingly, several former-Leadfeeder users are considering switching to IP intelligence alternatives. 

While Factors is a relatively new player in the account identification space, it’s quickly emerging as a popular alternative to Leadfeeder given its cost-effective plans and industry-leading match rates of up to 64%. That being said, every platform has its unique advantages and limitations that must be considered before making a purchase decision. 

This blog compares Leadfeeder vs Factors to highlight features, benefits and drawbacks of each tool — and explore why one might make more sense for your use-cases over the other. 

Leadfeeder vs. Factor.ai

Before diving into the differences between Leadfeeder and Factors, it’s worth highlighting a few commonalities between both tools given that they’re close alternatives to each other. 

1. Account identification

Needless to say, identifying anonymous accounts on your website is a core functionality of both Leadfeeder and Factors. Both visitor identification tools use IP-based targeting technology to match anonymous traffic with company IPs so users can see who’s visiting their website without the need of form submissions or gated content. 

This provides valuable insights into the nature of website traffic as well as which accounts to go after with retargeting ads or outbound outreach.

While both Leadfeeder and Factors rely on similar technologies, the accuracy with which they identify visitors can vary dramatically based on their respective databases. More on this later.

2. Account-level enrichment

Along with identifying company names, both Leadfeeder and Factors deliver robust account-level firmographic enrichment data such as industry, employee headcount, geography, revenue-range, and much, much more.

Account-level enrichment helps go-to-market teams quickly qualify whether a lead fits the target audience or ideal customer profile. This in turn helps focus marketing initiatives and sales outreach to a highly targeted set of accounts — as opposed to expensive and ineffective spray and pray tactics. 

3. Implementation

Given that Leadfeeder and Factors employ similar IP-lookup technology to identify and track visitors, the implementation process is more or less identical. Both tools have quick and intuitive onboarding that involves the insertion of a light-weight code script onto the website. The script will soon start identifying visitors once activated. 

Overall, the entire implementation process takes no more than 10min for either solution. 

4. Real-time alerts

A really nifty feature offered by Leadfeeder and Factors is the ability for users to receive real-time Slack notifications when high-intent accounts are live on the website. These alerts can be configured to go off only when specific visitor criteria are met. For instance, teams can be notified only when a visitor is from a US-based SaaS platform with at least 100 employees and is on a high-intent page such as pricing.

Research suggests that contacting leads quickly dramatically improves chances of conversions. Accordingly, this is an especially valuable feature for sales reps looking to strike while the iron’s still hot.

5. Privacy-compliance

Leadfeeder and Factors are 100% privacy compliant. Both tools adhere to GDPR and CCPA privacy policies. Factors is also SOC2 type II certified. SOC2 information about Leadfeeder is not publicly available so we refrain from commenting on this. 

With common features out of the way, let’s discuss what each visitor identification solution does better than the other.

What Factors does better than Leadfeeder

Here are a few reasons to consider Factors over other alternatives:

1. Data accuracy (outside Europe)

Rigorous comparative testing over a sample size of 20,000 domains reveals that Factors achieves industry-leading match rates of up to 64%.

visitor identification match rates

No doubt, both Leadfeeder and Factors boast impressive IP databases. In fact, Leadfeeder is at the forefront of IP-matching for Europe-specific data. Challenge with Leadfeeder may surface when targeting companies from US and other geographies outside Europe:

Leadfeeder records IPs for a whopping 26 millions companies in Europe but only about 8.5 million companies in the US and the rest of the world. Factors, on the other hand, covers almost double this figure with over 15 million companies

Accordingly, if your business solely focused on the EU market, Leadfeeder is likely the better choice. But for global business, including the US, Factors should be the default. It taps into a relatively larger IP database to identify a wider range of companies from the rest of the world.

2. Account timelines

Account timelines is a feature unique to Factors that helps users visualize customer journeys and touchpoints in real time at an account and user level. 

This is a powerful tool, especially in conjunction with visitor identification, to identify what influences different stakeholders within the same account to move from the awareness stage of the customer journey to closing the deal.

3. Advanced analytics

Factors is built upon strong analytics and attribution foundations. As a result, it’s capable of far more granularity in terms of reporting metrics and KPIs as compared to other marketing intelligence tools.

Factors auto-tracks website KPIs including:

  • Page views
  • Button clicks
  • Percentage scroll depth
  • Session duration
  • Funnels (Eg: Homepage >> Pricing >> Blog >> Features)
  • Custom KPIs and more

In addition to these out-of-the-box analytics, Factors integrated with ad platforms, website, CDPs, and CRMs to deliver powerful multi-touch attribution, path analysis, automated AI-fuelled insights, and more. In short, when it comes to analytics, Factors sheds light on what you need to know to drive more pipeline with less spend.

Leadfeeder review

4. Customer success

While both Leadfeeder and Factors are relatively intuitive platforms, there’s no denying that they’re sophisticated products with at least some learning curves. With such products, it’s imperative to have onboarding support and dedicated customer success management — both of which Factors takes great pride in offering. 

Factors review

What Leadfeeder does better than Factors

Here are a few reasons to consider Leadfeeder over other alternatives:

1. Contact enrichment 

While no solution can identify exactly who’s visiting your website at a user level, Leadfeeder natively provides users with a list of ideal prospects from the companies visiting a website. 

For example, a fintech company may target the finance team from SaaS companies with over 10M in ARR. In this case, Leadfeeder can more or less find the contact info of CFO, VP finance, finance manager etc from companies already visiting your website — even though these professionals may not actually be the ones visiting. 

This is useful for teams who’d rather not rely on specialized sales intelligence tools like Zoominfo or Apollo for dedicated contact-level data. 

At the moment, Factors integrates with Apollo to provide this contact-level information. Since the majority of users rely on third-party service providers for contact information, this does not tend to be a blocker. 

2. Integrations

Leadfeeder provides several native two-way integrations with popular sales and marketing tools including:

  • Pipedrive
  • Salesforce
  • Activecampaign
  • Mailchimp
  • HubSpot
  • Zapier 

This helps users automatically upload account and contact information directly to their go-to-market tools and CRMs.

Factors integrates deeply with ad platforms, CRMs, CDPs, and more. While Factors does not provide native integrations with the full range of solutions Leadfeeder supports, it does integrate with Zapier/Make.com to support data pushback via Webhooks. At the moment, users can download csv files from Factors and upload them back into their preferred CRM, MAP, etc.

3. Native campaigns & promotions

Leadfeeder’s Promote feature allows users to target specific company IP-addresses with programmatic display ads across Google, Rubicon, Appnexus, and Pubmatic. 

While the efficacy of display ads continues to be hotly debated, this may be a useful way to target companies that already visit your website and fit the ideal customer profile. The primary metrics to track these campaigns are impressions, CTR, and website visits.

Compare Leadfeeder Pricing

Leadfeeder is a relatively inexpensive solution as compared to established Leadfeeder alternatives such as Clearbit and Albacross. That being said, its recent collaboration with Echobot has revised pricing:

leadfeeder pricing chart

Now, Leadfeeder plans start at €139/mo ($152) to identify up to 100 accounts per month

Factors, on the other hand, continues to remain one of the most cost-effective marketing intelligence tools out there with plans starting as low as $99/month for up to 350 accounts identified and enriched per month. Factors pricing is based on the number of monthly website visitors and follows a gradient. Learn more about our pricing here: factors.ai/pricing

What’s the right tool for you?

This blog has compared Leadfeeder vs Factors.ai in terms of features, benefits, and drawbacks. Depending on your use-cases, one is likely to make a better fit for you than the other. Here are a couple of considerations:

  • If data accuracy outside of Europe, cost-effectiveness, and holistic account scoring is a priority to you, Factors is likely better choice.
  • If Europe-centric data and native contact enrichment is a priority to you, then Leadfeeder may be a better fit.

If you’d like to see how Factors achieves industry-leading match rates of up to 64%, book a demo here: See Factors in action

6 Tips to Align your Sales and Marketing Teams

April 13, 2023
0 min read

Sales and marketing are like twins that don’t get along. Teams often confuse the two because they work along similar lines. In fact, both teams are often given a shared budget to divide amongst themselves. 

In a study conducted by Harvard Business Review, when sales and marketing teams were asked to describe each, the two had nothing but negative comments. “Paper pusher” and “irrelevant” were the top terms used to describe the marketing team. On the other hand, some words that the marketing team used to describe the sales team included “incompetent” and “simple-minded” (Source).

Of course, this rift between sales and marketing has existed since the beginning of, well, sales and marketing. 

But what if…what if…both sales and marketing could join forces to work together? 

What can sales and marketing teams achieve when tightly aligned? 

Well, organizations that have their sales and marketing teams on the same page enjoy the following: 

  1. 36% higher customer retention rates
  2. 38% higher win rates (Source)
  3. 67% improvement in deal closures
  4. 209% more revenue from marketing (Source)
  5. 20% annual growth rate (Source)
  6. Save 30% Customer Acquisition Costs  (Source)

Then the next question is—How can you get your sales and marketing teams on the same page? Here are a few tips that will help! 

6 strategies to align sales and marketing

1. Align Goals to ROI

Sales and marketing teams have different ways of looking at their goals. While sales teams have monthly, quarterly, and annual deadlines, this concept is foreign to the marketing team that has never been linked to revenue performance. 

Since both teams work in different styles, confining either one to follow the other process will result in unnecessary friction. 

But the one thing that doesn’t change is their goals. 

In the end, both their goals should be improving ROI. Taking the focus away from the journey and putting it on the result can even both the teams’ paces and unite them. 

2. Employ Lead Qualification

Another area where both teams find themselves at odds is when a successful campaign from the marketing team does not translate into higher conversions for the sales team.

marketing and sales strip

The culprit behind this is lead quality. 

If the leads being generated are not interested in buying the company’s product, no matter how many prospects flow into your sales funnel, the end conversion rate will be the same. 

One way to improve lead quality is by qualifying them. 

Apart from this, lead qualification offers three other benefits: it help the marketing team understand whom they’re supposed to target, get both teams on the same page, and reduce the sales team’s efforts. 

Then, how does one employ lead qualification?

One way to qualify a lead is to get both teams to sit together and build an ideal customer profile (ICP). An ICP is basically a customer profile of the business’s ideal buyers. It answers questions like how much they would be willing to spend, where they are more likely to live, what communication channels they are more likely to use, and what they are looking for. 

The next step involves setting up a presales team that sorts the leads into invalid, uninterested, partly interested, and interested, before sending the leads forward. The invalid and uninterested leads get discarded. 

The marketing team’s goal is to reduce the number of invalids and uninterested leads, whereas the sales team’s job is to convert the remaining two categories into clients. 

These two steps can result in smoother operations between sales and marketing. 

3. Use a CRM

Lack of communication is the biggest reason for disconnected sales and marketing teams. Since sales and marketing teams are usually swamped with their own work, it can get tricky to find time to interact with each other.

A Customer Relationship Management Software solves this problem by centralizing information. This allows different teams to access resources and monitor each other’s activities, keeping everyone on the same page. 

CRMs also help nurture leads, track journeys, decrease duplication of efforts, provide deeper insights and analytics about customers, and score leads, all of which allow better decision-making and harmony between teams. 

And if that isn’t enough, the software also provides sales and marketing automation, speeding up the groups’ efforts and saving them time. 

4. Invest in Sales Enablement

Sales enablement is one of the most common methods companies employ to align their sales and marketing teams. How it helps companies is by:

1. Encouraging marketers and sales reps to interact

The marketing team needs to notify the sales team whenever they update new content. This forces them to reach out and interact with the sales reps. Similarly, sales reps must provide feedback on how the content helps them and what improvements can be made, thus, improving communication between the two.

2. Giving marketers and sellers an idea of what content resonates with customers the most

Once marketers create new content, they understand which content the sales team uses more and which is used less, thus helping them make better content to enable the reps. 

Sales reps can also understand the type of prospects they are interacting with through the marketing team’s enablement content. This allows them to change their pitch according to the customer segment they are dealing with, which results in more closures. 

3. Ensuring that the content remains on brand

When sellers have difficulty finding the right content, they might modify the material they already have to suit their sales purposes. This saves them time, but it might not necessarily be brand compliant. 

Sales enablement allows representatives to modify materials on the fly using only pre-approved content. Furthermore, it gives marketers access to each modification made by each seller. This allows the marketing team to analyze what sellers are looking for in the material and which ones they are finding difficulty in navigating. This will be really beneficial for future asset optimization and improvement.

5. Attend Each Other’s Meetings

For companies that haven’t yet employed a CRM or an update tracking software, the best way for sales and marketers to keep tabs on each other’s updates is by actually attending their meetings. 

Or better still, holding a dedicated joint meeting weekly or monthly can bring both teams on the same page. This ensures everyone is on the same page regarding that quarter's goals, tactics, expectations, strategies, and performance progress. 

Here are some tips for holding a fruitful sales and marketing meeting

1. Set a proper agenda

Collect the agendas to be discussed beforehand and allot specific times for them to ensure all the topics are discussed. Remember to keep buffer time in case the topics drag on and the time taken to finalize a decision on that agenda. 

2. Keep changing the themes

One way to avoid having complicated agendas with broad topics is by grouping them under different themes. Keeping one theme per weekly meeting can simplify the agenda and burden both teams less. 

Some popular sales and marketing themes include: 

  • Strategies Discussion – Held to discuss the strategies that have been working and the strategies that need to be changed or dropped. 
  • Performance Reviews – How the teams’ efforts contribute to achieving goals and how much they have progressed. 
  • Buyer Behaviour – Held to discuss any changes and improvements that can be made regarding buyer engagement or to discuss the results of an already published campaign. 
  • CCC review – Held to review and discuss marketing and sales content, campaigns to be published or made, and any notable moves competitors have made. 

And since there is a theme for each meeting, all members of both teams need not have to attend. Instead, they can look at the meeting minutes later, saving them time to do other work. 

3. Share the agenda beforehand and assign representatives to speak

The last way to ensure fruitful meetings is to share the topics to be discussed beforehand. This gives both teams time to prepare in advance. Furthermore, assigning representatives saves time for reps and marketers who must sit through the entire length of the meeting to discuss minute topics. 

6. Talk out the discrepancies

It’s common to have disagreements between sales reps and marketers over different issues. However, while they might seem trivial, these conflicts must be dealt with utmost care to not give the illusion that one team is favored over the other. 

Another common issue is that both teams might not say out loud whether they agree or not with each other for the fear of retaliation or confrontation. 

One solution to these problems is encouraging both teams to provide constructive criticism. Sales and marketing employees can be taught how to provide feedback without sounding rude. 

And to ensure that the feedback is formalized and the interactions stay respectful, it can be organized on dedicated venues like forums or a weekly critics session. 

The final step is to rinse and repeat these 6 steps. But remember, like all other strategies, they will soon become obsolete and ineffective if your business doesn’t regularly revisit and update them. 

Ultimately, aligning both sales and marketing teams is always important, no matter how big or small a business is. While these are very effective strategies, each company knows its employees the best and, thus, should also consider additional custom methods apart from these as well. 

Content Reporting: Tips and Best Practices to Create the Right Dashboards

April 12, 2023
0 min read

Content managers spend the bulk of their time drawing up content briefs, editing email newsletters, and collaborating with marketing teams to ensure they set the right tone. Detailed content reporting on key metrics is essential for content managers to iterate and curate effectively going forward. This blog highlights the importance of content reporting as well as a few best practices to create relevant content dashboards.

What is content reporting?

Content marketers use content reporting to analyze the performance of their assets across website, organic channels, social media, syndication and more.

Modern content reporting eliminates the need for manual analysis. Instead of juggling between several unintuitive tools, marketers can use a unified, interactive dashboard to reflect holistic information about content performance.

This has the benefit of centralizing all your reporting and getting relevant insights to you in real-time. Metrics that content marketers keep track of to optimize their content performance include clickthrough rate (CTR), bounce rate, time on page, and website traffic through the identification of unique visitors.

Factors’ content and attribution reporting help you understand your content ROI

Why is content reporting important?

It’s imperative for your content marketing team to create high-value content for your target audience. In order to do this, you have to understand how your target audience is responding to the content you’ve already put out. Once you figure out how different content resonates with different personas, you can create more content that is relevant to their journey at each stage of the funnel. Ultimately, this improves the customer experience and drives more conversions.

In a nutshell, content reporting helps marketers:

1. Understand which content performs well

Content makes up a significant proportion of any B2B company’s expenses. It’s important that you get the best results from the time and money your company puts into its marketing efforts. Dedicated content reporting based on metrics such as engagement (including time spent, scroll depth, bounce rate, and pageviews) or conversions (such as influenced demos and pipeline) gives you a keen idea of the type of content your target audience is looking for.

2. Measure the impact of content across the sales funnel

Marketing teams are increasingly being asked to tie their efforts back to pipeline and revenue. With comprehensive content analytics and reporting in place, marketers can connect the dots between distribution channels, assets, and bottom-line metrics. 

With path analysis and account journey mapping, marketers can pin-point how prospects are interacting with blogs, case-studies, white papers, etc before turning into MQLs, SQLs, and pipeline. With multi-touch attribution, marketers can determine which assets initially bring in top-of-the-funnel leads and which assets help influence the final conversion to paying customers.

Content analysis and reporting at this level helps prove content marketing’s impact on high level business objectives and improves content strategy by shedding light onto what works and what doesn't. 

3. Streamline content production, distribution, and repurposing

Content reporting allows you to see what content provides value to your prospects when they’re at the bottom, middle, or top of the funnel respectively. You’ll therefore be able to streamline content production and offer prospects and clients content that’s relevant to them.

Your target audience’s needs are constantly evolving, though–which means your content also has to do the same. Dedicated content reporting will help you assess whether certain channels or posts are underperforming with respect to crucial content metrics. This information helps you know when you need to refresh your content. You can also see which content is performing well, so you can repurpose it for further use.

4. Optimize the process and minimize overheads

When you know which channels and content help to bring the most leads and conversions, you eliminate any shots in the dark about the conversion process. 

You’ll be able to make more educated guesses about which marketing channels to invest in based on past trends. This allows you to cut down on marketing expenditure that doesn’t bring in results, and focus your energies towards high-value content creation and distribution on channels that will resonate with your target audience.

5. Understand what type of audience engages with each content piece

Content marketing teams often produce loads of ungated assets without actually knowing who the final consumer of their content is. Visitor identification tools like Factors.ai help identify anonymous accounts visiting the website — along with firmographics such as the visitor’s industry, employee headcount, and revenue range.

This provides unprecedented visibility for content marketers to gauge who their audience really is and what types of content appeal most to them. For example, maybe visitors from enterprise-level companies prefer content around security and privacy compliance. Early-stage start ups, on the other hand, may find content around pricing more relevant.

Visitor identification helps content marketers tailor assets towards their ideal audience and promote relevant content going forward.This, in turn, helps improve the odds of conversion along the customer journey.

What should you include in a content report?

Some metrics are more valuable than others when it comes to content reporting. Most free tools such as Google Analytics only provide the bare minimum to track content performance. This includes clicks, impressions, social-shares, and bounce rates. No doubt, these are useful metrics — but only when used in conjunction with other, granular KPIs, filters, and breakdowns.

For example, aggregate bounce rate on Google analytics is a metric that measures the number of visitors who drop off from a website after visiting  a single page. In B2B, this is a remarkably ineffective metric unless broken down by B2B segment such as industry, revenue range and so on. Only then can marketers compare variations in bounce rates to discern how different assets influence different sets of audiences. 

Your content team should employ tools that are able to measure metrics that industry experts recommend keeping track of for detailed content analysis. This includes:

  • Scroll depth: The scroll depth is an engagement metric that encapsulates how deep a user scrolls down your landing page or blog content. Typically, a scroll depth of 50% or more means that your content is resonating with visitors.
  • Conversion rate: The conversion rate represents the number of users who converted as a ratio of the total visitors to your website. If your product interests prospects, or your content addresses website visitors’ pain points, they are more likely to convert. Another version of this is the Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) to Sales Qualified Lead (SQL) conversion rate.
  • Impressions: Your impressions indicate how much engagement your content generates. This content could be anything: an article, a blog, or one of your web pages. The impressions metric helps you understand the performance of your social media and search engine marketing campaigns.
  • Time on page: Like the scroll depth, the time a prospect spends on a web page or blog post indicates their interest in your service.
  • Unique users: The number of visitors to your website can be challenging to calculate, since it’s essential that each unique visitor be counted only once, regardless of how often they visit your website.
Factors’ reporting includes path analysis for conversions

Your content reports also need detailed but easily understandable visualizations that allow you to make beneficial decisions at a glance. A content marketing dashboard should immediately help you grasp how key metrics are changing to drive efficient decision-making related to content and attribution. 

Best practices to create effective content dashboards

Your content dashboard should show you everything you need to create an effective content strategy on the same page. Here’s how your marketing team can ensure it has the best possible content dashboard:

1. Understand the metrics you’re using

How is each metric connected to your strategic goals or overall revenue? Asking this question helps to streamline the information on your dashboard so it only shows you relevant metrics. Your marketing team needs to understand how each metric displayed corresponds to the company’s goals to effectively adapt the marketing strategy accordingly.

2. Set the right goals

Not all your goals have to be connected to revenue–some of them can be associated with your company’s strategic goals, such as acquiring prospects in a certain industry sector or locality. Metrics such as the influenced pipeline, for example, are not associated with revenue but with the success of your marketing efforts. Tracking the right metrics while keeping company goals in mind allow you to focus on growth.

3. Make data easy to consume

While deciding which metrics to include in your visualizations, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who/what is this visualization for?
  • Does a specific metric help you make quicker and better marketing decisions? If the answer is yes, include it.
  • Which visualizations are easiest to understand for each metric?
  • How can each piece of data be connected to your company’s overall revenue?

4. Include comparison data

Comparison data is crucial for keeping track of progress. A dashboard incorporating comparison data will often employ graphs and charts that display how certain metrics have changed over selected quarters, for instance. This data helps you see how much closer you are to achieving company goals than before.

5. Don’t forget about influenced pipeline

Measuring how marketing has influenced pipeline helps you see what marketing content influences a lead’s decisions and how. Essentially, the influenced pipeline shows you the real impact of your marketing efforts, and informs you about the channels that most contribute to conversions. It helps you understand the buyer’s journey in greater detail.

Are there any tools to help with content reporting? 

Tools like Factors offer analytics and multi-touch attribution dashboards, along with dedicated content reporting. You’ll be able to see all of your important metrics in one place, along with detailed, comprehensive visualizations that allow you to easily understand your company’s marketing strategy performance at a glance.

 Factors’ various visualization tools, highlighting spend by channel, new website visitors, downloads, and conversions.

Factors’ attribution features also help combine all this information with your customer relationship management (CRM) software entries. This allows you to have a holistic understanding of each buyer’s journey, complete with the touch points that encouraged conversion and the content they found most useful.


Effective content reporting is a critical aspect of developing and adapting your content marketing strategy to current trends in the market. Book a demo with us today to find out how Factors can help your company with effective analytics, attribution, and reporting. 


1. What does a good content report look like?

A good content report includes key metrics for content marketing and visualizations that allow you to make quick and important marketing decisions on a single dashboard. Visualizations involving comparison data are also important, as they help you understand progress in performance.

2. What’s in a content report?

A content report displays changes in engagement and conversion metrics, and detailed analyses of how different types of content are performing across the various marketing channels your company employs. It should connect each metric to specific company goals, and also include easily understandable visualizations for quick decision-making.

9 Best Mixpanel Alternatives for Your Business in 2023

April 12, 2023
0 min read

Marketing analytics tools are crucial for B2B marketers as they offer valuable insights into customer behavior, campaign performance, and marketing ROI. There are numerous analytics tools to choose from, and Mixpanel is one among them. 

Mixpanel is a user behavior analytics platform that helps businesses optimize customer engagement and drive growth. 

It provides various features such as event tracking, cohort analysis, and user segmentation. Though the tool offers product and marketing analytics, Mixpanel is widely used for product analytics. It's even second in the list of best product analytics tools in G2

While Mixpanel seems to be an effective analytics tool, we have found some limitations upon evaluating customer reviews. Poor customer support, expensive pricing, and unintuitive user interface are a few to name. Ergo, marketers are also looking into alternatives that may fit their businesses. 

But with so many available options, it can be hard to know which tool is perfect. That's why we've compiled a list of Mixpanel alternatives you should look for in 2023. 

This blog will discuss 9 alternatives to Mixpanel with their unique features, integrations, pricing, and customer reviews.

So let's dive in and explore what each of these alternatives offers!

Why do users look for Mixpanel alternatives?

Mixpanel has been a popular choice for many, but some teams consider alternatives because of certain limitations of the tool. 

Here are some of the shortcomings of Mixpanel:

1. Higher pricing

User reviews on G2 show that Mixpanel has a predatory pricing model.

High pricing can lead to budget constraints, resulting in companies cutting costs in other areas to accommodate the tool. Also, with high pricing, companies may not be able to afford all features or support services. Customer reviews have shown that Mixpanel’s pricing is very expensive. This is one of the main reasons marketers seek a Mixpanel alternative. 

2.Poor customer support

Customer review of Mixpanel’s customer service

Customer support is crucial for analytics tools. With proper support users can

  • Easily adopt the tool.
  • Resolve technical issues.
  • Better understand tool functionality.

Customer reviews show Mixpanel’s customer service to be unresponsive and poor. Due to their limited support, implementation of the tool also takes a lot of time and effort.

3. Unintuitive User Interface 

User reviews tell us that Mixpanel’s UI is not intuitive.

An intuitive UI encourages quick product adoption and sustained usage. Unfortunately, customers find Mixpanel to be a complex platform with a steep learning curve for non-technical users.

4. Complex filter options

 Mixpanel users say that the various filters in Mixpanel is confusing and difficult to use.

You need to filter out the data perfectly to understand where your product lags and identify how to improve. Based on reviews, customers find Mixpanel’s filters to be confusing. This may lead to extracting unwanted data and hard to find the data you need. 

Following are some cons we found while evaluating customer reviews on Capterra.

  • Data reports may have some missing data. 
  • Duration tracking on iOS platforms is sometimes wrong. 
  • There are no advanced features for detailed email marketing campaigns. 
  • Dashboard features have a very limited data range, up to only 2 weeks. It can’t accommodate all the generated reports. 

The aforementioned limitations are some of the reasons why marketers seek an alternative. However, keep in mind that these may vary with businesses.

Now that we have understood why marketers are looking for an alternative to Mixpanel, let's dive into our list of suggestions.

Top 9 Mixpanel alternatives

Explore the top 9 Mixpanel alternatives to select your marketing analytics tool. We will introduce some competitors that can match or surpass Mixpanel's capabilities. Read on to learn more. 

1. Factors.ai

The feature web page of Factors - one of the best Mixpanel alternatives

First in the list of Mixpanel alternatives is Factors

Factors is a marketing analytics and attribution tool explicitly built for B2B companies. The tool has numerous features that help businesses gain valuable insights into user interactions and engagement with the website.

The platform can track online and offline touchpoints and thus provides a complete view of the customer journey. This helps marketers identify and analyze channels and campaigns that are driving engagement and conversions. 

The tool is easy to implement and allows no-code integrations, helping marketers connect with CRM, ad platforms, and MAPs. In addition, its dashboard is customizable and can gather all key customer data in one place. By doing so, marketers can monitor and analyze campaigns quickly and optimize them accordingly. 

Key features

Factors.ai features and dashboards.
  • Advanced Web Analytics:

With Factors, marketers don't need to create custom events or use different tools for website behavior analysis. It can automatically track all events, both online and offline. The events can be button clicks, form fill attempts, sales calls, and meetings. It also automatically captures retroactive data, allowing marketers to analyze past data, such as user behavior, the performance of past campaigns, etc. This helps them optimize current strategies and make informed decisions for future growth. 

  • User Segmentation: 

The more customer data an analytics tool has the more effectively the tool can segment users. Factors' robust integration with CRM software makes it possible for it to collect more customer data and segment users more efficiently than other tools. 

  • User Timelines:

This feature visualizes every user interaction and engagement on your website. The timeline includes online and offline touchpoints and is available at the user and account-level. As a result, it offers a better understanding of user behavior. 

  • AI-Powered Insights:

Using AI technology, Factors' Explain feature shows which elements are working toward a specific goal and which aren't.

  • Multi-Touch Attribution:

The features provide a range of attribution models to compare and select the right one for the business. It allows you to accurately attribute conversion and revenue to the channels driving revenue. 

  • Account Intelligence:

The feature allows marketers to discover anonymous accounts visiting your website. As a result, marketers gain insights into their traffic, where its are coming from, and more. This helps in segmenting the target audience from the rest. In turn, marketers  can optimize and personalize their campaigns for better conversions.


  • Hubspot
  • Facebook Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • Google Ads
  • Salesforce
  • Segment
  • Bing Ads
  • Rudderstack
  • Marketo
  • 6Sense
  • Clearbit
  • Leadsquared
  • Drift
  • Google Search Console
  • Slack
  • Google Spreadsheet

Customer reviews

Customers of Factors.ai say that the tool is super intuitive and that by using the tool they have seen an increase in revenue and conversion rate.


Find pricing info here: pricing details.

2. Heap

Heap is a digital analytics platform that tracks how users interact with digital products.

Heap is a digital analytics platform that helps businesses track how users interact with digital products. The tool offers no code and easy implementation. Like Factors, Heap can also track various events automatically.

Heap can track events automatically. Since the tool records all events from day one, every event definition is completely retroactive. This allows users to view and analyze past data. 

Additionally, Heap can also automatically generate reports for analysis, which can be very helpful for small teams.

Key Features 

  • Customizable Dashboards: 

Customizable dashboards allow businesses to create custom dashboards to track all essential KPIs and metrics. Companies can visualize and analyze their data without wasting time on irrelevant information.

  • Autocapture: 

Heap doesn’t require manual tagging and can automatically capture user interactions on websites or apps. Marketers can pinpoint the point of friction of a customer journey and optimize accordingly to improve it. 

  • Behavioral Segmentation: 

The feature helps businesses understand how users interact with their website or app. This allows them to effectively target their visitors and provide a personalized user experience.


  • Salesforce
  • Marketo
  • Optimizely
  • Clearbit
  • Zendesk

Customer reviews

User reviews of Heap tell us that the tool is good but not great as it is not intuitive.


Heap pricing page

Heap's free plan includes 1 project and up to 10K monthly sessions. The details about Growth, Pro, and Premier plans are available upon request. 

3. Amplitude

The homepage of Amplitude analytics platform

Amplitude is a digital analytics platform that is used by brands and innovative businesses to personalize their digital products and optimize product development.

Amplitude helps answer critical questions about your digital product strategy, like 

  • How are users navigating through the website?
  • What features are users engaging with most?

It's an analytics solution built for modern product and growth teams, offering real-time analytics, cross-platform tracking, behavioral analytics, and enterprise-level security and customer support.

Key features

  • User Surveys:

With Amplitude, companies can easily create customized surveys to collect user feedback. This feature helps better understand user preferences, opinions, and pain points, helping businesses make more informed decisions to enhance user experience.

  • User Profiling: 

Amplitude provides companies comprehensive data on individual users, including their behavior, demographics, and interests. This information can be used to create personalized marketing and outreach plans to potentially improve the conversion rate. 


  • Segment
  • Slack
  • Salesforce
  • Optimizely

Customer reviews

User review of Amplitude Analytics.


Amplitude pricing page

Amplitude has three different packages. The Starter package is free to use, and you need to contact the sales team to know the pricing for the other two packages.

4. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free analytics tool that help companies better understand their audience, website and digital marketing efforts

Google Analytics is a robust analytical tool that helps companies better understand their audience, website and digital marketing efforts. GA is user-friendly and flexible, enabling marketers to identify the most effective channels for achieving the best results. 

The tool can also help identify areas of friction that marketers can optimize based on information from the tool to improve engagement and other key metrics.

Key Features 

  • Enhanced Reporting

Google Analytics provides auto-generated reports for all of your marketing campaigns. It can provide different reports like - audience reports, behavior reports, conversion reports, real-time reports, and more. You can easily visualize the reports in a chart manner for better understanding. 

  • Data Activation

One of the specialized tools of Google Analytics is data activation. It uses machine learning algorithms to thoroughly analyze the marketing data. This helps you make smarter marketing decisions using input data streams.


  • Salesforce
  • Zoho
  • Hubspot
  • Mailchimp
  • Campaign Monitor

Customer reviews

Users reviews of Google Analytics reveal that the platform isn’t intuitive.


Pricing Page of Google Analytics 360, which is the enterprise version of Google Analytics.

Google Analytics has a free version and an enterprise-version called Google Analytics 360. The pricing for the latter starts at $150,000 per year.

5. Plausible Analytics

The homepage of Plausible analytics tool

Plausible Analytics is a privacy-focused web analytics tool. It offers businesses valuable insights into their website traffic and user engagement. The tool complies with regulation laws such as GDPR, CCPA, and PECR. Plausible is easy to use and implement and is one of the most simple analytics available in the market. 

Key features 

  • Lightweight script:

Plausible is executed through a lightweight script. Its script size is less than 1KB, ensuring that your website’s page load speed won’t be affected in the least. 

  • Traffic segmentation:

You can segment and differentiate data based on various metrics. This helps you understand the volume, behavior, and characteristics of visitors coming to your website and their source. You can also create custom events to get the specific information they need.

  • Sharable dashboards:

Other tools don’t allow dashboard sharing. Plausible allows marketers to share the analytics dashboard with the team members or management for better collaboration. 


  • Carrd
  • Bubble.io
  • Hubspot
  • Google Data Studio

Customer reviews

Users reviews of Plausible Analytics though the tool is easy to set up and use it lacks detailed documentation, especially with best practices.


Their pricing depends on the monthly page views. If you have 10k views, you need to pay $9 per month. They also provide a 30-day free trial and 2 months free if paid annually

6. Matomo 

The homepage of Matomo 

Matomo, formerly known as Piwik, is a powerful open-source web analytics platform. It gives you real-time updates on visitor details, goal conversion tracking, event tracking, and A/B testing for optimizing website campaigns. 

You can choose between two hosting options: cloud and on-premise. The cloud option is easy to set up and requires no technical know-how, whereas the on-premise option has to be hosted on your server and requires developer support.  

The tool is easy to use and is compliant with GDPR privacy laws.

Key features 

  • Event tracking:

Using this feature, marketers can observe, analyze, and interpret the actions and interactions of customers on a website. Marketers can create custom events to analyze the customer's behaviors and help distinguish high-intent visitors from the rest. 

  • Multi-touch attribution:

This helps marketers to accurately identify the marketing campaigns and channels that are performing better and that don’t. 


  • WordPress
  • Magento
  • WooCommerce 
  • MailChimp

Customer reviews

The homepage of Matomo


Matomo pricing page

Hosting On-Premise is free of charge. You can download and set up the platform on your servers. However, it offers limited features, and extra fees apply for each additional feature. 

For Cloud hosting, pricing begins at $23 per month, accommodating up to 50K traffic

7. Kissmetrics

Kissmetrics is an web analytics tool that tracks user behavior.

Kissmetrics is a web analytics tool. It helps track user behavior, identify growth opportunities, and improve customer engagement. 

Its dashboard is intuitive and brings all key metrics to one place. In addition, the Funnel feature visualizes customer interactions at each stage of the customer journey. This enables marketers to identify where prospects are dropping off and potential friction in the funnel, helping improve the overall marketing strategy.

Key features 

  • Customer Segmentation: 

This feature enables businesses to group website visitors and product users based on shared characteristics. This will help the sales and marketing teams create personalized campaigns targeting each group, increasing the conversion rate. 

  • Cohort Analysis:

Businesses can use this feature to identify trends and patterns in user behavior by cohorts, such as determining if customers who signed up during a specific promotional period remain active and engaged in subsequent months.


  • Shopify
  • WooCommerce
  • Zapier
  • Gmail

Customer reviews

Users of Kissmetrics experienced stability issues with the tool.


Kissmetrics pricing page

Pricing of Kissmetrics starts from $299/month to customizable according to the increase in the monthly tracked users. 

8. Contentsquare 

The homepage of contentsquare analytics platform

Contentsquare is a cloud-based digital experience analytics tool that allows businesses to understand customer behavior and use that data to improve their experiences. 

It captures and visualizes a wide range of data, including user clicks, scrolls, and navigation patterns, allowing businesses to understand how visitors engage with their digital properties and identify areas for improvement.

Key features 

  • Behavioral Analytics

Identify the how and why behind metrics, such as the number of clicks, page views, and click-through rates, by capturing every in-page interaction. Also, create user experiences that boost conversions and align future efforts with customer needs and goals based on these behavioral insights.  

  • Tagless integration

The feature captures content interactions automatically. It lets you analyze and prioritize data content pieces to focus on without having to rely on preplanned and configured event tags.

  • Integration and APIs

Contentsquare integrates seamlessly with all major analytics tools and visualization suites. This allows you to bring the best insights on web analytics, A/B testing, Voice of Customer, APM, BI tools, and more. 


  • Salesforce
  • Google Analytics
  • Adobe Analytics
  • InMoment
  • AWS
  • Google 360 Analytics

Customer reviews

Customer review of Contentsquare tell us that the tool is complex and has a steep learning curve


Contentsquare’s pricing page. The tool does not have a transparent pricing policy

There's no pricing information available on the website. Contact the Contentsquare team for more details. 

9. FullStory

FullStory is an analytics tool that helps companies understand how users interact with the website, apps or their digital products

FullStory is a platform that provides Digital Experience Intelligence (DXI) by combining product analytics, session detail, and collaboration tools. This helps you gain real-time insights to improve your web and mobile app experiences. 

With FullStory, you can proactively monitor your website and digital products. This helps you to understand how users interact with your product or website using qualitative information. It also supports effective collaboration with your team, analyzes behavioral data, identifies opportunities for conversion, and creates impactful digital experiences.

Key features 

  • Conversion funnels:

The tool automatically tracks all user interactions and can identify areas of high engagement and spots where users drop off.

  • Web Analytics:

The feature analyzes all key metrics in real-time to understand how users engage with the website or app. The monitored key metrics include engagement time, clicks, scrolls, and more.


  • Slack
  • Shopify
  • Salesforce
  • Google cloud

Customer reviews

Users of FullStory say that it is hard to get the most out of the tool.


FullStory pricing page

They have three different plans, and you can contact the Fullstory team for the pricing details.


As a B2B marketer, you need the tools that really suit your business needs. Every tool has its own pros and cons. Whether you're looking for something with robust reporting capabilities or simply an affordable alternative to Mixpanel, you're sure to find something on this list that fits the bill.

At the end of the day, choosing the right marketing analytics tool can make all the difference in optimizing your business's performance. So, take the time to explore these alternatives and find the one that works best for you. Happy analyzing!


7 Best Amplitude Alternatives: Key Features, Pricing, and More

April 6, 2023
0 min read

Marketing analytics is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data from various digital marketing channels to gain insights into the performance of marketing campaigns.

Various analytics tools are available in the market to help marketers and businesses evaluate and optimize their marketing strategies to increase their revenue and ROI.

Marketing analytics tools help businesses

  • Improve targeting by identifying what is valuable to their users.
  • Measure performance of their marketing campaigns.
  • Reduce costs by saving unnecessary spending on campaigns that do not work.
  • Gain a competitive advantage by enabling them to make data-driven decisions and optimize their strategies.

A popular tool that has helped businesses with analytics is Amplitude Analytics.

The homepage of Amplitude analytics platform.

Amplitude Analytics is a product and web analytics platform that helps marketers gain insights from user data. The tool also allows marketers to visualize the full user journey and identify points of friction that can be optimized to improve conversion rate. 

That said, Amplitude Analytics does have its own limitations. Based on various customer reviews we found Amplitude's setbacks have made users search for its alternatives.

Let’s look at some of these limitations in detail in the next section.

Why Are Users Looking for Alternatives to Amplitude?

Here we analyze in detail some of the limitations in Amplitude Analytics that have led users to search for its alternatives.

1. Issues with new product updates

Users reveal that product updates cause loss of functionality of features.
Users reveal that product updates cause loss of functionality of features.

Quite a few users reported that they faced issues when Amplitude released new product changes. Loss of functionality of certain features or not enough time between updates to get used to the feature.

For a B2B SaaS tool this is a major drawback as the business process comes to a stop or is bottlenecked until the issue is resolved.

2. Lack of training videos and documentation

Every SaaS product should have proper documentation and training resources to help its users in times of need. Users of Amplitude Analytics reveal that the availability of such resources is limited.

This leads to a steeper learning curve.

User reviews on G2 show that Amplitude has very little resources in its knowledge base.
User reviews on G2 show that Amplitude has very little resources in its knowledge base.

3. Long onboarding process

Amplitude has a long onboarding process as revealed by user reviews from G2
Amplitude has a long onboarding process as revealed by user reviews from G2

User reviews also reveal that the onboarding process is time consuming. This is a major drawback as the longer it takes for employees to get used to the tool, the lower the productivity. Some users also say the learning curve is quite steep and that with proper training this can be reduced.

But, as seen above, Amplitude lacks the necessary resources for users to get to know the platform better which further increases the  onboarding process.

4. Expensive

Users reviews show that Amplitude is an expensive tool compared to alternatives available in the market.
Users reviews show that Amplitude is an expensive tool compared to alternatives available in the market.

User reviews tell us that Amplitude Analytics is an expensive platform for small and medium sized companies and that there are other cheaper tools available in the market.

Many users recommend others to check for competitors to fulfill their business needs.

Amplitude Analytics pricing page.

Amplitude does offer a free version, but its features are quite limited. They are not transparent when it comes to their paid plans, so you have to get in touch with them to get a quote.

In the next section, we will look at 7 Amplitude alternatives that are reasonably priced and have better features than Amplitude.

Top 7 Amplitude Alternatives

We curated a list of 7 alternatives to Amplitude Analytics that can help small to enterprise-grade businesses with analytics. In our list, we discuss the unique features of the tools, what users have to say about them, the available integrations, and their pricing, allowing you to make an informed decision.

So without further ado let’s jump right in!

1. Factors.ai

Factors.ai is an AI-powered analytics, attribution and website visitor identification tool.

Factors.ai is a powerful analytics tool that is built for B2B companies. The tool also has revenue attribution, and account intelligence capabilities.

Factors has a range of features to help marketers understand website analytics and user behavior. It has an intuitive dashboard that users can customize to view reports and metrics that are important to them in a single place.

The platform's no-code capabilities, onboarding support, and self-serve UI  ensure that the implementation is done in less than 30 minutes.

Factors' help center and prompt customer support ensure that users don’t have to wait long to get their questions answered. Every customer gets a Dedicated Customer Success Manager at no additional cost.

Key features

Key features of Factors.ai
  • Advanced Web Analytics:

Factors automatically tracks website events in real-time. Some metrics tracked are scroll depth, page count, button clicks, product milestones, etc. Users do not have to spend time setting up custom events or  use other tools for web and user behavior analysis.

  • AI-Powered Analysis:

Factors' AI feature 'Explain' empowers marketers with automated insights and root-cause analysis on any conversion goal so they can understand what's working and not working. 

  • Multi-Touch Attribution:

Factors also has powerful attribution capabilities that help B2B marketers identify if their marketing activities are bringing in leads and generating revenue. The platform has various attribution models that marketers can use in tandem to identify influential channels that are driving engagement, conversions, and revenue.

  • Account identification

Factors.ai provides its users with the ability to identify up to 64% of anonymous companies visiting your website. This feature is extremely useful for businesses that are leveraging Account-Based Marketing


  • Hubspot
  • Facebook Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • Bing Ads
  • Google Search Console
  • Slack
  • Google spreadsheet 
  • Rudderstack
  • Marketo
  • 6Sense
  • Clearbit
  • Leadsquared
  • Drift
  • Google Ads
  • Salesforce
  • Segment

Customer reviews 

Customer review of Factor.ai reveals that the tool solves content analytics and attribution problems and helps users get faster insights.


Factors.ai analytics & attribution pricing page

Factors provides three pricing plans.

Analytics & Attribution: 

  • Starter plan for Early-Stage teams – $399 per month.
  • Growth plan for High-Growth Marketers – $799 per month.
  • Custom and Agency – Contact for a quote.
Book a Demo

2. Kissmetrics

Kissmetrics is an web analytics tool that tracks user behavior.

Kissmetrics is a product and marketing analytics tool built for SaaS and Ecommerce businesses. The tool helps businesses track and analyze application user and website visitor behavior.

With insights from Kissmetrics, marketers can identify what drives conversions and optimize marketing strategies to reduce friction and improve revenue and ROI.

Key features

  • Customer Segmentation: 

This feature allows marketers to segment users based on certain shared characteristics. By doing so, marketers can target individual segments with personalized marketing campaigns to increase engagement and conversion rates.

  • Digital Analytics:

Kissmetrics allows businesses to track individual users throughout their journey, from first visit to conversion. This information enables marketers to  take the necessary steps to improve user experience.

  • Advanced BI Reporting

In Kissmetrics, marketers can query raw data collected by the tool directly with SQL to get valuable insights. This eliminates the need to export data into databases and for reporting. 


  • Slack
  • Shopify
  • Marketo
  • Wufoo Forms

Customer review

Users of Kissmetrics disliked that they had to pay extra even for simple services and also shared that there was lack of qualifies support staff.


Kissmetrics pricing page

Kissmetrics has two paid plans and a custom plan. They also offer a free trial for their paid plans.

  • Silver - $299 per month for 10K visitors
  • Gold - $499 per month for 25K visitors 

3. Heap

Heap is a digital analytics platform that tracks how users interact with digital products.

Heap is a web and product analytics platform that helps businesses identify how users interact with their digital products.

It has different categories of tools for data analysis, data management and data foundation. Marketers can leverage the Heap platform to analyze customer journey mapping and user segmentation and more to improve their web or mobile platform.

Key Features 

  • Customizable Dashboards:
    The customizable dashboards offered by Heap allow businesses to track specific KPIs and metrics in a way that suits their needs. Companies can visualize and analyze data that makes sense to their customized business needs without wasting time on irrelevant information.
  • Auto Capture:
    Heap can automatically capture and track user interactions without any need for manually setting up event tracking. This alleviates any developer dependency and encourages rapid, ad hoc reporting for marketing teams. 
  • Behavioral Segmentation:
    B2B companies can use this feature to segment users based on how they interact with their website or app. This allows them to target visitors more effectively and provide a personalized experience.


  • Snowflake
  • Salesforce
  • Mailchimp
  • Segment

Customer reviews

User review of Heap.

Pricing details

Pricing Page of Heap

Heap has a free plan and three paid plans. Heap does not have a transparent pricing model. Businesses interested in the tool can contact them to get a quote. 

4. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free analytics tool that help companies better understand their audience, website and digital marketing efforts

Google Analytics is a free website analytics tool that provides businesses with insights on website traffic and user behavior.

GA is the initial go-to analytics tool for most businesses, however, as the requirements of businesses increase, they gradually turn to other tools that have more extensive features. With GA, marketers can better understand their website visitors and identify the sources that are driving traffic to their website.

Key features

  • Real-Time Analytics Data:

Google Analytics provides real-time data that shows the number of users, engagement time, views, sessions, etc. Marketers can use insights from the platform to optimize their strategies to improve engagement.

  • eCommerce Tracking:

E-commerce businesses can use Google analytics to track sales and analyze performance of various sales campaigns and channels.

  • Custom Reporting:

With GA users can create customized reports with the metrics they want. There are 9 types of reports that you can create in Google Analytics.hey are 

  • Real Time Report
  • Acquisition Report
  • Engagement Report
  • Monetization Report
  • Retention Report
  • Advertising Report
  • Demographic Report
  • Tech Report
  • Firebase Report


  • Zoho
  • Hubspot
  • Mailchimp
  • Campaign Monitor

Customer review

Users reviews of Google Analytics reveal that the platform isn’t intuitive.


Pricing Page of Google Analytics 360, which is the enterprise version of Google Analytics.

Although there is a free version of Google Analytics, it isn’t enough for most  businesses’ use cases.

Google Analytics 360 is the paid version available for enterprises. The pricing starts at $150,000 per year.

5. Mixpanel 

An overview of Mixpanel’s homepage

Mixpanel helps businesses optimize their products and improve their customer experience by tracking and analyzing customer interactions across different platforms.

Mixpanel supports both coded and codeless integration. Users can quickly implement automated event tracking with the codeless integration without the need of developers.

Users can also leverage coded integrations with assistance from technical teams. According to Mixpanel, it takes a minimum of 30 minutes of development time to implement a single tracked event. 

Key feature

  • Behavioral Analytics: 

Mixpanel, like most tools in the list, is also capable of segmenting users based on behavior and how they interact with the product and website. Marketers can then target the groups with personalized experiences like ads or emails to reduce friction and increase conversion. 

  • Custom Alerts:

Mixpanel enables its users to set custom alerts that notify them when certain conditions are met. For example you can set a custom alert to get notified if the present week’s website traffic has increased compared to the previous week’s. Insights such as this will help teams identify any discrepancies or friction points as soon as they arise.   

  • Data Export: 

Data from Mixpanel can be exported to a number of other tools to carry out enhanced analytics. This feature enables businesses to leverage other tools to gain more information on data collected by Mixpanel. 


  • Segment
  • RudderStack
  • Snowplow
  • Freshpaint

Customer review

Users reviews show that Mixpanel is complex to set up and use.


Pricing Page of Mixpanel

Mixpanel has a free version for up to 20M events per month. The paid plan includes;

  • Growth - starting at $20. For up to 300M events per month
  • Enterprise - starting at $1667 for 5M - 1B + events per month

6. Plausible Analytics

An overview of Plausible analytics’s homepage

Plausible Analytics is a lightweight, open-source web analytics tool. Unlike traditional analytics tools, it does not collect personal data or use cookies, ensuring the privacy of website visitors.

Plausible Analytics provides real-time data on website traffic, page views, bounce rates, and other key metrics. The tool is designed to be easy to use and provides users with a simple dashboard that displays all relevant data in one place.

Key features

  • Traffic Segmentation:

Users can segment visitor traffic in Plausible Analytics based on a variety of metrics. This helps them break down traffic and better understand the various sources.

  • Shareable Dashboards:

Plausible Analytics enables marketers to share their analytics dashboard for easier collaboration and reporting.

  • Lightweight Script

Plausible script code is less than 1KB making it lightweight. This ensures the loading speed of the website remains unaffected.


  • Shopify
  • Segment
  • Hubspot
  • Webflow

Customer review 

Users reviews of Plausible Analytics though the tool is easy to set up and use it lacks detailed documentation, especially with best practices.


the pricing page of Plausible Analytics tool

Plausible Analytics has a free trial available. The paid plans start from just $9 per month for 10K visitors.

7. Contentsquare 

The homepage of contentsquare analytics platform

Contentsquare is a digital analytics platform that can track and analyze customer behavior and provide insights into customer engagement.

Some of the engagement metrics that Contentsquare tracks are clicks, scrolls, hovers, etc. The platform also helps businesses visualize customer journeys, making it clear and easy to understand. Key features include;

  • Session Replay:

Contentsquare records all the website traffic. The feature captures every click, hover and any intent-driven behavior. This helps marketers to visually see how visitors are interacting with the website and identify what is impacting site performance. 

  • Zone-Based Heatmaps:

This feature allows users to analyze how website visitors have interacted with their website. Users can also use this feature to analyze A/B tests and come to conclusions based on visitor behavior and engagement. 

  • Form Analysis:

Contentsquare enables users to gain complete understanding of how visitors engage with forms. It helps identify friction points so that users can take action to improve user experience.


Customer review

Customer review of Contentsquare tell us that the tool is complex and has a steep learning curve


Contentsquare’s pricing page. The tool does not have a transparent pricing policy

Contentsquare does not have a transparent pricing plan. You have to contact their sales  team for more details. 


To conclude, if you are looking for an Amplitude alternative, there are several options available. The tool you select will depend on your business requirements and goal. 

For example, if you want to improve your digital product’s performance and user experience, then consider tools like Mixpanel or Heap.

On the other hand, if you want to improve your overall marketing efforts, then consider tools like Factors.ai. With a ton of features and little to no burden to your budget, Factors is your go to platform for web analytics, marketing and revenue attribution and not to forget website visitor identification.

We suggest you take advantage of the free trial or free version offered by the tools to find the best fit for your business needs.

9 Best Heap Alternatives: Key Features, Pricing, and More

April 5, 2023
0 min read

Marketing analytics tools have become an integral part of B2B companies. Analytics tools help marketers understand how their target audience interacts with the website, various campaigns,  and other touchpoints across the customer journey. 

Advanced analytics tools can track and analyze granular metrics such as website engagement and omni-channel conversion. This, in turn, helps teams reduce friction and optimize marketing ROI by scaling campaigns and initiatives that drive results. One such tool is Heap analytics.

Homepage of Heap

Heap is a digital analytics platform that automatically captures and tracks user interactions on a website or app. The tool provides many features, including automatic event tracking, retroactive data capture, and real-time reporting.

But like every other tool, Heap comes with its limitations. 

We evaluated the customer reviews and found that poor customer support, insufficient data integrations, and a steep learning curve are some of its most prominent limitations. 

This blog will discuss the limitations of Heap and list some comprehensive alternatives for you to choose from. Let us evaluate each alternative, its features, customer reviews, and more in detail below. 

Why do users look for a Heap alternative?

To better understand a tool’s pros and cons, customer reviews are the best place to start. We have analyzed review platforms such as G2, Capterra, and Trustradius and found the following about Heap. 

1. Poor customer support

Customer support is at the heart of great customer experience. Quick, relevant responses and solutions help users get the most out of the product. Unfortunately, according to reviews, customers find Heap's customer support to be lacking.

Customer review pointing out that Heap Analytics provides poor customer support

2. Manual implementation

There are several cons to manually implementing a marketing analytics tool. Two downsides are a higher risk of errors and increased time consumption.

 Customer review criticizing Heap Analytics’s manual set up

3. Heap has limited analytics functionality

While Heap is great at what it does, its overall functionality seems to be limited as compared to other alternatives. This results in skewed analysis and misleading insights.

 User reviews on Heap analytics found on the G2 platform
customer review- Heap

4. Poor data integrations

Limited integration can lead to siloed data and inconsistent reporting across platforms and departments. Heap offers relatively few integrations as compared to other alternatives in the market. This results in the inability to accurately measure and analyze the success of marketing performance.

 Users of Heap say that the poor data integrations of the platform has led to lack of value.

5. Steep learning curve

The usability of the tool can critically impact the tool’s user adoption and engagement. As you can see from the review given below, the user praises the functionality of the tool but, at the same time, disliked the complexity. 

Heap has a steep learning curve as revealed by user reviews.
Dislike about Heap

6. Very expensive

Expensive marketing analytics tools put a strain on businesses’ budgets, making it difficult to invest in all necessary tools for them to grow. 

Users of Heap reviewed that the tool is very expensive.

The above customer reviews provide an overview of Heap’s limitations. These limitations have led marketers to look for an alternative that best fits their business.

Top 9 Heap alternatives

We have conducted thorough research and compiled a list of analytics tools that best fit as Heap alternatives. Go through each tool to see which is the right choice for you. 

1. Factors.ai

Factors.ai is an AI-powered analytics, attribution and website visitor identification tool.

Factors.ai is a marketing analytics tool that is purpose-built for B2B companies. Factors helps B2B teams optimize GTM efforts across campaigns, website, and offline events.

It is easy to use and implement and offers no-code integrations with ad platforms, CRMs, MAPs, and CDPs 

Its dashboard is intuitive and customizable, helping users to include all crucial customer data in one place. This lets users easily track and analyze all data and generate insights to optimize campaigns. 

Factors can help demand generation teams - 

  • Understand each stage of the customer journey
  • Track funnel performance at each stage
  • And identify factors that help drive conversion

It can automatically track and analyze content performance and provide insight into what’s working and what’s not.

Key features

Dashboard of Factor.ai and its key features

1. Event tracking

Factors can automatically track events online and offline. Offline events may include meetings, sales calls, and webinars, which tools like Heap don’t track. Factors also offers retroactive data capturing.  

2. User Segmentation

The level of segmentation depends on the customer data available in the tool. With robust integrations with CRM software, Factors can collect more data than other tools and provide efficient user segmentation. 

3. User Timeline

The feature helps track and visualize all user interactions and engagements with the website. Factors can track offline touchpoints and incorporate them to provide a detailed timeline on both the user-level and account-level. 

4. AI-Powered Insights

The ‘Explain’ feature of Factors uses AI technology to identify the elements that are working in favor of a defined goal and those that aren’t. 

5. Multi-Touch Attribution

Factors allows marketers to compare and choose between attribution models that best fit their business. Also, marketers can attribute conversion to the most influential channels by tracking and analyzing all essential touchpoints

6.  Account Identification

Factors empowers IP-lookup to identify anonymous companies visiting your website You can get insights into high-intent accounts including where they come from, the industry, and the revenue range, and can use the information to segment qualified traffic from the rest. 

7. Path Analysis

Visualize the customer journey at account-level and identify the influential path throughout the journey. With Factors, you can keep track of customers who convert and understand their customer journey in depth.  


  • Hubspot
  • Facebook Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • Google Ads
  • Salesforce
  • Segment
  • Bing Ads
  • Rudderstack
  • Marketo
  • 6Sense
  • Clearbit
  • Leadsquared
  • Drift
  • Google Search Console
  • Slack
  • Google spreadsheet 

Customer reviews 

Customers of Factors.ai say that the tool is super intuitive and that by using the tool they have seen an increase in revenue and conversion rate
 Customers of Factors liked the fact that the tool brings all marketing data in a single place


Factors provides 3 services and the pricing plans are as follows.

Analytics & Attribution

  • Starter plan for Early-Stage team – $399 per month.
  • Growth plan for High-Growth Marketers – $799 per month.
  • Custom and Agency – Contact for a quote.

2. Plausible Analytics

An overview of Plausible analytics’s homepage

Plausible Analytics is a cookieless, open-source web analytics tool. The tool’s script size is smaller than 1KB, ensuring that website loading time remains the same.

The tool is easy to use and complies with GDPR, CCPA, and PECR privacy laws. It provides a range of features to help facilitate web analytics, which we discuss in the next section.

Key features

1. Traffic Segmentation

The feature enables marketers to segment their visitors with metrics like country, region, city, and entry and exit pages. This allows marketers to understand their visitors and content performance better. Marketers can also create custom events to track and collect the necessary information. 

2. Shareable Dashboard

In Plausible Analytics, the dashboard and reports are set to private by default. It also allows users to share the dashboards with the team to facilitate collaboration across departments. 

3. Email and Slack Notifications

Get real-time notifications through email and Slack channels about changes in website traffic. Notifications can be set to weekly or monthly and shared with multiple recipients.


  • Bubble.io
  • Carrd
  • Hubspot
  • Google Data Studio
  • Google Search Console

Customer review 

Users reviews of Plausible Analytics though the tool is easy to set up and use it lacks detailed documentation, especially with best practices


the pricing page of Plausible Analytics tool

The tool provides a free trial, and the paid plans start from just $9 per month for 10K visitors. Furthermore, users can get a 2-month free subscription if they bill annually.

3. Matomo (Piwik)

The homepage of Matomo tool

Matomo, formerly Piwik, is third on the list of our Heap alternatives. The tool is one of the leading open-source web analytics platforms available in the market.  

The tool focuses on providing pristine customer privacy and complete data ownership.  It provides 2 different hosting options, cloud-based and on-premise. While the cloud option makes installation hassle-free, the on-premise option offers more flexibility. 

The tool is easy to use and allows users to create custom dashboards, reports, and widgets to suit their needs.

Key features

1. Multi-Touch Attribution

Matomo provides marketing attribution solutions that enable marketers to identify the channels or campaigns that drive more conversions. 

2. Event tracking

This feature enables marketers to understand visitor behavior within the website. Marketers can also create custom events to analyze visitor behavior and identify hush-quality leads.

3. Custom Reports

This feature allows marketers to generate reports including all essential metrics they want to track and get valuable insights. 


  • WordPress
  • Magento
  • MailChimp
  • WooCommerce

Customer review

Users of Matomo (formerly Piwik) disliked the general navigation of the tool as it was cluttered and confusing.


The pricing page of Matomo tool

The On-Premise hosting is free. Users can download and host it on their servers. A drawback of the on-premise version is that its features are limited, and the users will have to pay additional fees for each feature. 

For Cloud, the pricing starts from $23 per month for 50K traffic. 

4. Amplitude 

 An overview of Amplitude’s homepage

Amplitude is a digital analytics platform providing product analytics and web analytics. Though it offers both services, the tool is primarily used for product analytics.

It provides a range of features that help businesses keep track of key metrics like user retention, conversion rates, etc. Amplitude also allows marketers to create cohorts and track performance across different campaigns. Amplitude enables easy setup of funnels and conversion charts.

Key features

1. User Profiling

This feature offers detailed information about individual users, such as behavior, demographic, and more. Marketers can leverage this information to create more personalized campaigns and increase the likelihood of conversions. 

2. Website Analytics

With Amplitude, businesses can track all user interactions and understand how they engage with their products. These insights help marketers identify the content and campaigns  that resonate with the users and contribute to conversion.

3. User Survey

Amplitude provides a survey option to gather real-time feedback from users. Marketers can use this feedback to optimize their websites and improve customer experience. 


  • Segment
  • Slack
  • Salesforce
  • Optimizely

Customer review

Customer review of amplitude pointing out that the tool is not ideal for marketing


 Amplitude Analytics pricing page. The tool does not have a transparent pricing policy.

Amplitude offers a free Starter plan with limited features. Details about the paid plans Growth and Enterprise are available upon request. 

5. Mixpanel 

An overview of Mixpanel’s homepage

Mixpanel is another analytics tool like Heap and Amplitude. The tool’s primary focus is on product analytics. It can track and analyze customer interactions across different platforms. This helps businesses optimize their products and improve their customer experience.

It offers both coded and codeless implementation depending on the user’s preference. According to their website, it takes a minimum of 30 minutes to implement the tool. Also, you will need the help of some tech experts to implement the coded version. 

Key feature

1. Behavioral Analytics

The feature allows user segmentation based on users’ behavior and interactions with the product. The feature further provides data that help marketers personalize their campaigns to drive conversion. 

2. Custom Alerts

Get alerts in real-time when defined goals are reached. For example, you can set alerts to get notified whenever a visitor turns into a lead or whenever there is a decrease in traffic. By doing so, marketers can analyze their data and find the factors that are causing these changes. 

3. Data Export

Mixpanel allows you to export its data to other tools. Therefore marketers can combine Mixpanel data with other analytics tools' data to get a complete picture of their users’ behavior and preferences. 


  • Google Cloud
  • Salesforce
  • Zendesk
  • Slack
  • Hubspot

Customer review

Users review of Mixpanel


Pricing Page of Mixpanel

The tool offers a free version for 20M events per month. There are two paid plans.

  • Growth - starting from $20 up to 300M events per month
  • Enterprise - starting from $1667 for 1B + events per month

Contact the Mixpanel team for more details about their plans.

6. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free analytics tool that help companies better understand their audience, website and digital marketing efforts

Google Analytics is a website analytics tool that businesses can use to track and analyze their website traffic and user behavior. There is another version specifically for enterprises as well - Google Analytics 360. 

Users can add GA's code to their website to get insights into how visitors interact with your website. The key metrics provided by GA include;

  • Page views
  • Bounce rate
  • Session duration
  • Conversion rate

With GA, users can learn about visitors' demographics, behavior, and traffic sources. This information can be used to optimize the website and campaigns to improve performance. 

Key Note: GA-4, the latest version of Google Analytics, has replaced the previous Universal Analytics. 

Key features

1. Real-Time Analytics Data

The tool provides real-time data on website traffic. The data includes but is not limited to, the number of visitors, their location, and the pages they view. Businesses can use this data to better understand the sources that generate high-intent visitors and how they engage. 

2. eCommerce Tracking

GA provides features for eCommerce businesses allowing them to keep track of sales and revenue.  

3. Custom Reporting

Track the metrics that matter most with custom reports and dashboards. In doing so, marketers can quickly and easily access and analyze the data and make decisions on improving the website and marketing campaigns. 


  • Salesforce
  • Zoho
  • Hubspot
  • Mailchimp
  • Campaign Monitor

Customer review

Users reviews of Google Analytics reveal that the platform isn’t intuitive.


Pricing Page of Google Analytics 360, which is the enterprise version of Google Analytics

Although Google Analytics is free for businesses,  Google Analytics 360 is paid and the pricing starts at $150,000 per year.

7. Kissmetrics

Kissmetrics is an web analytics tool that tracks user behavior

Kissmetrics is an analytics tool that helps track and analyze user behavior on websites and mobile apps. The tool provides data into how users interact with their site, which includes;

  • Pages users visit
  • Sessions per page
  • Actions users take

Marketers can use this information to make data-driven decisions on improving user engagement, conversion rates, and overall user experience. 

Key features

1. Customer Segmentation 

With Kissmetrics, businesses can group users based on shared characteristics. This enables marketers to create targeted campaigns for each segment and improves user engagement.

2. Cohort Analysis

This feature helps track and analyze user behavior by cohorts and identify trends and patterns. For example, it could help businesses determine whether users signed in a particular month will continue to the next month. 

3. A/B Testing 

Test and compare pages and choose the one that performs better. Therefore the feature helps marketers optimize the user experience and improve conversion rates.


  • Hubspot
  • Magento Go
  • Marketo
  • Optimizely
  • Convert
  • Mailchimp

Customer review

User reviews reveal that Kissmetrics has poor customer support


Kissmetrics pricing page

The pricing plan of Kissmetrics is as follows:

  • Silver - $299 per month for 10K visitors
  • Gold - $499 per month for 25K visitors 

They also offer a custom option. Contact the Kissmetrics team for more information. 

8. Contentsquare 

The homepage of contentsquare analytics platform

Contentsquare is a digital analytics platform that helps businesses understand customer interaction with the website and app. The tool can track and analyze customer behavior and provide information about customer engagement.

By analyzing user behavior and engagement data, the tool helps marketers optimize their websites or apps and improves user experience and drives business growth. In addition, it offers an intuitive user interface and can be used by businesses of all sizes and industries.

Key feature

1. Consumer Behavior

The tool tracks all user interactions and micro-gestures to understand what visitors are doing and why they are doing it. These can help align future marketing efforts with customer needs and goals, improving user experience and conversion rates. 

2. Surface Insights

This feature helps pinpoint issues faced by users at any stage of the customer journey. It also helps identify the root problems through session replays and quantify their impact on the brand. 


  • Salesforce
  • Google Analytics
  • Adobe Analytics
  • InMoment
  • AWS

Customer review

Customer review of Contentsquare tell us that the tool is complex and has a steep learning curve


Contentsquare’s pricing page. The tool does not have a transparent pricing policy

The tool does not provide information about their pricing plans. Contact the Contentsquare team for more details. 

9. FullStory

FullStory is an analytics tool that helps companies understand how users interact with the website, apps or their digital products.

The last in the list of Heap alternatives is FullStory.

FullStory is a digital analytics tool that helps understand user interactions on websites, apps, or digital products.

The tool's conversion report pinpoints user friction and quantifies its impact on KPIs. FullStory also allows a customizable dashboard to visualize all key metrics at a glance. 

Key features

1. Funnel Conversions

Automatically tracks all user interactions to see how customers move down the sales funnel. It also helps identify areas of high engagement and areas where users drop off. 

2. Website Analytics

Track all key metrics in real-time to understand how your users interact with the website or app. The metrics can include engagement time, clicks, scrolls, and more. It analyzes these metrics and reveals opportunities to improve your efforts.


  • Salesforce
  • Google Analytics
  • Optimizely
  • Google Optimize
  • Olark 

Customer review

Users of FullStory say that the tool is too expensive for the features it offers.


FullStory pricing page

FullStory offers three paid plans

  • Enterprise
  • Advanced
  • Business

The details of the plans are available upon request.

FullStory also provides a 14-day free trial. 


To conclude, if you are looking for a Heap alternative, there are several options available. The tool you select will depend on your business requirements and goal. 

For example, if you are looking to improve your digital product’s performance and user experience, then consider tools like Mixpanel and Amplitude. On the other hand, if you want to improve your marketing efforts, then consider tools like Factors.ai, Google Analytics, and Matomo.

Make use of the free trials offered by each tool to see which is the best fit for your business.

Dreamdata vs. Bizible: Which Is the Right Tool for You?

April 4, 2023
0 min read

In the B2B industry, measuring and optimizing the impact of marketing efforts on revenue is quite challenging. This is because of lengthy, non-linear sales cycles involving several stakeholders and touchpoints.

Many multi-touch attribution tools are available in the market that help marketers and sales teams alike to solve this challenging task. Each of these tools have their own unique features and approach to attribution.

In this blog, we compare two such attribution tools - Bizible and Dreamdata and evaluate the features and pricing of both tools and help you select the right one for your business. 


  • Adobe Marketo Measure, formerly known as Bizible, is an enterprise-grade platform, while Dreamdata is more suited for small to mid-sized companies.
  • Dreamdata and Bizible are both B2B attribution and analytics platforms that empower their users with multi-touch attribution, predictive analytics, and content analytics.
  • Dreamdata integrates with more softwares and tools compared to Bizible.
  • According to user reviews from G2 and Capterra, Dreamdata ranks higher than Bizible when it comes to
  • Ease of use
  • Customer support
  • Bizible is better than Dreamdata in terms of 
  • Custom attribution model
  • Compliance
  • When it comes to pricing Bizible is priced higher and requires additional spending for implementation and configuration.
  • In the case of Dreamdata, small to mid-sized B2B companies can use the free version, while companies that require advanced revenue attribution can settle for a paid version that costs $999/month.

About Dreamdata

Dreamdata is a revenue attribution platform suited for small and mid-sized companies.

Dreamdata is a B2B revenue attribution platform that helps businesses connect data across their GTM martech stack and gain insights into their customers’ journey.

Additionally, the tool enables businesses to run custom account-based attribution models to track, measure, benchmark, and predict revenue of various channels in the buyer’s journey.

Dreamdata also maps every touchpoint in the customer journey. As a result, it helps users visualize customer journeys at an account level. According to G2, Dreamdata is the best fit for small to mid-market-sized businesses.

About Bizible [Now Marketo Measure]

Adobe Marketo Measure a.k.a Bizible is an attribution software built for enterprises.  

Adobe Marketo Measure, formerly known as Bizible, is an enterprise-grade B2B attribution platform. The platform helps visualize the complete customer journey from the first touchpoint to the last.

This helps sales and marketing teams drive ROI and improve campaign influence on the pipeline.

Since Bizible was primarily built for Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics, it offers a relatively seamless integration experience with the two platforms.

Dreamdata vs. Bizible: Common Features

Here, we identify and discuss the common features between Dreamdata and Bizible and explore how businesses can benefit from them. 

Attribution models

Attribution is one of the core features both tools provide. 

Both tools can track and identify touchpoints across different channels (online and offline). In addition, they both support a range of attribution models to attribute revenue to influential channels. When compared with each other

Bizible offers 6 attribution models.

  • First Touch
  • Lead Creation (Last Touch)
  • U-Shaped
  • W-Shaped
  • Full Path (Linear)
  • Custom Attribution Model

Dreamdata offers 8 attribution models

  • First Touch
  • First Touch Non-Direct
  • Last Touch
  • Linear
  • Linear Non Direct
  • U-Shaped
  • W-Shaped
  • Custom Attribution Model

Content analytics

Content marketing is a great way of engaging with B2B audiences. With content analytics businesses are able to tie content efforts to revenue and pipeline.

Bizible and Dreamdata provide valuable insights into content strategies. Content teams can use these insights to understand the performance of their efforts and optimize them to drive more MQLs. 

When compared with each other, we find that Dreamdata’s content analytics feature helps users 

  • Measure the success of their content based on revenue and pipeline.
  • Understand the topics and types of content that influence accounts the most at various stages of the pipeline.
  • Identify the source driving the traffic to the content, whether it’s social, organic or paid.
Dreamdata’s Content Analytics dashboard.

With Bizible, marketers can

  • Combine various reports to  better understand what's driving engagement and conversions. Eg. A content based report can be combined with a MQL report to find what content is influencing MQL.
  • Apply various attribution models to content pieces to identify how various sources have contributed to its performance.
  • Use various filters to get specific insights. Eg. Identify what content brought traffic to a specific landing page or the type of content that leads download the most.

What Dreamdata Does Better

Here we identify the areas where Dreamdata has a clear upper hand when compared to Bizible


When it comes to integrations, Dreamdata has a clear upper hand compared to Bizible.*

 Integrations supported by Bizible and Dreamdata

*Based on information available on the website and documentation.

Ease of use and setup

User ratings on G2 reveal that Dreamdata is much easier to use than Bizible. When it comes to ease of setup, Dreamdata is a clear winner.

Bizible, being an enterprise-level platform, requires a lot of time and effort to implement. Also, businesses may require a solutions provider to implement and configure Bizible.

Users say that Dreamdata is easy to use, even for non-technical marketers.
Dreamdata’s user rating showing quality of support
Bizible’s user rating showing Ease of Use and Setup
User review reveals that implementation of Marketo Measure, depending on business requirements can take up to 3 months.

Customer support

Providing excellent customer support is crucial in B2B SaaS. It helps businesses build long-term relationships with their customers. Customer support and customer success also help

  • Retain customers:  Customers who are satisfied with the product and have their voice heard tend to stay. Retaining customers is much more cost effective than acquiring new ones.
  • Increase customer loyalty: Loyal customers become product advocates and help spread information about the product through word of mouth.
  • Gather feedback from customers: Suggestions, feedback, etc from customers can help improve the product and make it more valuable to the customers. 

Both platforms have great customer support based on the user reviews from G2. But Dreamdata slightly outshines Bizible on this front.

Customer reviews on Dreamdata’s quality of customer support.
 Customer reviews on Bizibles’s quality of customer support.
Dreamdata’s user rating showing quality of support
 Adobe Marketo Measure a.k.a Bizible’s user rating showing quality of support

What Bizible Does Better

In this section we go over the areas where Bizible is better than Dreamdata. 

Custom Attribution 

One of Bizible’s advanced features is the custom attribution. This feature allows users to identify and choose touchpoints from the buyer journey that they want to include in the model.

The tool also empowers users to control the percentage of revenue attributed to the selected touchpoints. Alternatively, users can choose to use the suggested revenue attribution percentages suggested by Marketo Measure’s (Bizible) machine learning model.

 Users can select the touchpoints or stages in the buyer journey they want to include in the custom attribution model.
Users can also input custom revenue attribution percentage value or use the values suggested by the machine learning model.

User reviews on Bizible’s custom attribution model talking about how easy it is to customize and use the model.


Dreamdata and Bizible comply with common data security and privacy standards such as GDPR and SOC 2.

But Bizible being an enterprise tool complies with additional international standards compared to Dreamdata. You can take a look at the complete list of certification each tool has below.

Data security and privacy standards that Adobe Marketo Measure (Bizible) and Dreamdata comply with.

Dreamdata vs. Bizible: Pricing

A product’s pricing is a critical component for companies as it impacts revenue, profitability, competitiveness in the market among other factors. In this section we compare the pricing of the two tools.

Bizible Pricing

Bizible (Marketo Measure) does not have a transparent pricing policy. Therefore, interested visitors will have to get in touch with their team to get a custom quote for their business.

G2 pricing insights of Bizible. 

Pricing insights from G2 reveal that Bizible is 13% more expensive than the average attribution tool.

Also to note, is the cost incurred when hiring a separate IT solutions partner to implement and configure the tool. This makes Bizible an expensive tool and suited for larger organizations. 

Dreamdata Pricing

Dreamdata offers both free version and paid plans.

  • Team - $999 per month 
  • Business - A custom plan. Details are available upon request.
Pricing plan of Dreamdata

Though Dreamdata is on the expensive side, the free version suits small to mid sized B2B organizations while the paid version is more suited for B2B go-to-market teams that need advanced analytics and attribution.

Still Unsure Which B2B Attribution Tool To Go With?

The right attribution tools depend on your business’s requirements and goals.

If you are an enterprise grade organization that believes in the saying “If it’s not in Salesforce, then it doesn’t exist” or MS Dynamics for that matter, then Bizible is the best fit for you.

On the other hand if you're a new age small to medium sized organization using various platforms in your martech stack then Dreamdata is the one for you.

When compared to Bizible,  Dreamdata

  • Is relatively cheaper.
  • Has more integrations.
  • Is easy to use and  implement.
  • Is Less clunky as it uses a modern techstack and better UI/UX elements.
User review revealing that Bizible is a clunky tool.

.But if you are still not convinced and would like to bargain for more, then we suggest you take a look at Factors.ai.

Factors has all the features that your business needs to

Factor.ai’s powerful features. Multi-touch attribution, unified account analytics, AI feature ‘Explain’ and visitor identification.

When compared to Bizible, Factors is much easier to implement. In fact our no-code integrations and onboarding support ensure that you can get started in 30 minutes.

The tool also integrates with more modern softwares used by B2B businesses. Factors integrates with

  • Hubspot
  • Facebook Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • Google Ads
  • Salesforce
  • Segment
  • Bing Ads
  • Rudderstack
  • Marketo
  • 6Sense
  • Clearbit
  • Leadsquared
  • Drift
  • GSC
  • Slack
  • Google Spreadsheet

Factors when compared with Dreamdata complies with additional data and privacy standards. Factors is GDPR, SOC2 Type I and Type II compliant whereas the latter does not comply with SOC2 Type II. 

Factors also provides businesses with more attributional models to work with compared to Dreamdata and Bizible. The 9 attribution models available in the platform are

  • First Touch
  • First Touch Non Direct
  • Last Touch
  • Last Touch Non Direct
  • Linear
  • W Shaped
  • U Shaped
  • Time Delay
  • Influence

Below are some of the features that our users love and that are not available in Bizible and Dreamdata.  

  1. Advanced web analytics: - Factors automatically tracks all user interactions in the website. There is no need for the users to set up custom tracking or spend time on other tools for visitor behavior analysis. Some of the interactions that Factors track are
  • Page Time Spent
  • Scroll Depth
  • Page Count
  • All Button Clicks
  • Product Milestones
  • Form Fill Attempt
  • Custom UTMs (apart from the regular UTMs)
Factors.ai auto form and click capture feature, tracks all user interactions without the need for manual set up.
  1. Account identification: - Factors website account identification capabilities are extremely useful for businesses looking to know who's visiting their website. By identifying anonymous account-level traffic and what they engage with the most businesses can create personalized marketing and sales efforts to succeed in Account Based Marketing.  
  2. Path analysis: - This feature provides insight into the user interactions at each stage of the customer journey. It also reveals the most influential path that converts visitors into leads.
 Path analysis feature in Factor.ai shows the various paths that visitors take when they visit your website.
  1. Custom funnel analysis: - Generate focused funnel reports by adding necessary KPIs and events from both website and CRM.
  2. Slack alert: - Users get notified in real-time whenever there is any anomaly in KPIs or when an event occurs. Eg When MQL has filled a demo form the sales team can immediately reach out to them or when the CPC of a campaign has shot up by 25% in the last week compared to the previous week.
Automated Slack alerts from Factors.ai when any event occurs.

Read more about Factors’ features

Customer review on G2 about Factors

Factors Pricing

Factors apart from offering more features compared to Bizible and Dreamdata, it is priced relatively lower than both. There is also a 14-day free trial 

Factors.ai Attribution & Analytics pricing plans.

The paid plans for Factors attribution solutions are as follows:

  • Starter - $399 per month (0 - 10K monthly visits)
  • Growth - $799 per month (10 - 100K monthly visits)

The details on the Custom and Agency plan is available upon request. Visit the pricing page to know more.

6sense & Factors.ai Partnership Announcement

April 3, 2023
0 min read

We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with industry-leading account-based marketing platform, 6sense

With this deep-rooted collaboration, Factors.ai now delivers state-of-the-art account identification, firmographics, and intent data along with our existing ABM analytics and attribution capabilities.

Users can expect to tap into 6sense’s extensive databases with Factors.ai to discover upto 64% of anonymous companies visiting the website — including account-level website behavior, purchase intent, and timelines. 

Account Identification + Account Analytics = ABM Magic

This article highlights what the partnership means for our users, along with a few use-cases and testimonials. If you can’t already tell, we’re really excited for the immense value this collaboration brings to our customers.

A few common questions

Why partner with 6sense over other alternatives?

Rigorous comparative testing with over 20,000 IPs reveals that 6sense is far ahead of the game in terms of data quality, volume, consistency, and pricing. The infographic below highlights 6sense's ability to identify up to 27% more accounts than the closest alternative. Also, it doesn't hurt that 6sense is one of the leading ABM platforms in the market today.

Do users need a separate 6sense account to use account identification with Factors?

Nope! you do not have to be a 6sense customer to use account identification with Factors. Simply reach out to our team to enable this integration within your Factors project — without signing up or paying independently for a 6sense account.

If you are an existing 6sense customer, simply integrate your 6sense account to Factors using the API key.

Can Factors identify email IDs or phone numbers of anonymous website visitors?

No. Factors is a privacy-first, GDPR compliant solution. It only discovers IP-to-Company-level data. Factors does not identify individual website visitors or personal information like phone numbers or mail IDs unless the user chooses to share this information through form submissions.

How does pricing work?

Read more about our pricing details here: factors.ai/pricing

6sense & Factors.ai: What’s in it for you?

As B2B go-to-market teams continue to adopt account-based marketing strategies, there’s a growing demand for both account analytics and account intelligence. Here’s how the 6sense x Factors.ai partnership helps with both:

Factors's real-time Slack Alerts for accounts identified via 6sense's visitor identification technology have helped our Sales Team be proactive. Roughly 25% of last month's new revenue for Clearfeed is due to the outbound outreach done by the SDRs based on Factors data.

1. Account Identification

B2B companies invest significant resources towards driving high-intent website traffic. Unfortunately, only about 4% of this traffic comes to light through forms or signups. With 6sense, Factors.ai can identify up to 64% of anonymous companies using industry-standard IP-lookup technology! 

As we’ll cover in following sections, this provides sales and marketing teams with the ability to identify and target the right opportunities, personalize the customer experience, and measure the impact of campaigns.

2. Firmographics + Advanced Analytics

In addition to identifying company names, 6sense enriches visitor data with detailed firmographics such as domain, industry, headcount, location, and more. This information is continually optimized with proprietary machine learning and human QA. Firmographic data, in conjunction with Factors.ai’s advanced website analytics — button auto captures, page time spent, scroll percent, etc — helps effectively identify high-intent accounts, well-resonating website content, and points of friction along the customer journey.  

The cherry on top: configure real-time Slack alerts when target accounts land on specific web pages to reach out to leads while the iron’s still hot. Research finds that contacting leads quickly significantly improves the odds of conversion. Our early adopters have been seeing real value delivered to their sales reps and ABM marketers.

3. Account Journeys & Timelines

A crucial element of account-based marketing is tracking how target accounts are progressing along the customer journey. Upon identifying companies visiting your site, Factors.ai creates an intuitive account-level timeline of the journey in real-time — across campaigns, website, and CRM. 

On one hand, this provides retrospective insight into what campaigns and assets drive conversions. On the other hand, it provides forward looking inputs to optimize retargeting efforts and personalize sales pitches based on the account’s previous interactions. 

Struggling to identify more than 5% of your anonymous traffic? See how Factors.ai can help your business reveal upto 64% of website traffic over a personalized demo.

Use-cases: Account Identification, Firmographics, and Intent Data

1. For Demand Gen

With this partnership, demand gen teams can see which marketing initiatives and assets are driving high-intent accounts to their website. Rather than relying on expensive spray and pray tactics, teams can reallocate resources to targeted efforts that bring in the right kind of buyers. 

On the flip side, demand gen folk can reveal companies visiting the website  and retarget the right, ICP accounts based on firmographic and intent. In a time when teams are asked to do more with less, Factors offers to optimize marketing ROI and make tight budgets go a long way. 

A game changer for B2B Marketers for Account Analytics. Factors' advanced analytics combined with 6sense visitor identification allows us to build a complete understanding of the Account Journey including the dark funnel. We are now able to plan our marketing campaigns and content efforts with clear visibility into what is driving conversions and pipeline.

2. For Content Marketers

B2B companies tend to invest heavily in content without actually knowing who the end consumers are. With Factors, content marketers can pin-point who’s reading ungated assets such as blogs and case studies. 

For one, this helps discern what content resonates with different audiences. Content teams can guide their strategy based on what resonates best with their target personas. For another, content marketers can tie their efforts back to bottom line metrics like pipeline by showcasing timelines as buyers progress from blogs, to demos, to trials, and finally, to deals.

Combining 6sense visitor identification with Factors' advanced analytics has unlocked insightful views for our product and content marketing teams. We now have a clear view of how our content performs across key audience segments — and the opportunities to optimize user journeys and conversions further.

3. For Product Marketers

Product marketers continually iterate on messaging for core pages such as the home page, pricing page, and features page. While standard web analytics and A/B testing tools provide insight into whether a certain message is working for overall traffic, this partnership empowers product marketers to experiment and tailor messaging for known visitors. 

For instance, account identification and firmographics may reveal that larger companies are more interested in privacy compliance material while smaller teams may care about transparent pricing. Based on who the PMM is looking to target, they may alter messaging accordingly. 

4. For Sales

The benefits of account identification and analytics is especially apparent in the case of sales teams. For one, sales reps can tap into a net-new pool of business from existing website traffic with zero additional spend. Within this set of accounts, sales can target the right ones based on intent and engagement insights. Finally, rather than spending hours trying to contact cold prospects, sales reps can improve direct engagement by reaching out to accounts while they’re on the site through real-time Slack alerts. 

Overall, the workflow encouraged by the 6sense x Factors partnership dramatically improves sales productivity.  

A dream solution for B2B marketers to unfold user journeys. When we chalk plans for a campaign, we love valuable insights. Even better when I have it diced & sliced. We get it all here & engage with our audience. The granularity of data is perfect & the mining engine of Factors with 6sense has unbelievable match rates for de-anonymizing accounts.

Curious to see 6sense and Factors.ai in action? Book a personalized demo here!

Related reading: 

  1. Identify anonymous accounts visiting your website with Factors.ai
  2. Website account identification

7 Best HockeyStack Alternatives: Features, Reviews, and More

March 31, 2023
0 min read

Investing in marketing campaigns and search engine optimization (SEO) efforts help improve website traffic — but is hardly enough to drive website conversions. 

Marketing teams need to analyze campaign performance and direct spending towards touchpoints that drive results in order to optimize ROI. Here's where marketing attribution tools can help. One of the popular attribution tools available in the market is Hockeystack.


HockeyStack is a marketing attribution and analytics tool for B2B businesses. It provides no-code integration with third-party data sources and easy implementation. Some of its key features include funnel analysis, cookie-less tracking, and customer journey mapping. 

However, certain limitations of HockeyStack have prompted users to look for alternatives. These include data inaccuracy, the learning curve for first-time users, and the limited number of integrations. 

This blog discusses these limitations and lists 7 suitable alternatives to it. We will evaluate each alternative in detail, including the features, customer reviews, integration, and pricing.  

Why are marketers looking for HockeyStack alternatives?

No tool is without its limitations. Here are 4 reasons why HockeyStack users consider looking for alternative solutions:

1. HockeyStack’s AI insights lack in-depth information

A lack of in-depth information can limit marketers' understanding of customer behavior. This results in less targeted campaigns leading to lower engagement and reduced conversion.  

Users reviews show that HockeyStack’s AI insights are not informative

2. HockeyStack’s integrations are limited

Limited integrations can result in restricting the scope of data collection and analysis. This may lead to incomplete or inaccurate insights into customer behavior, affecting the campaign's effectiveness. Though HockeyStack allows custom-building of these missing integrations, it could take a few days. 

HockeyStack has limited integrations, although they build custom integrations for users, it could take quite some time

3. HockeyStack’s issue with data inaccuracies

Data inaccuracies can skew performance analysis, leading to misguided decision-making. It may also result in misallocating resources and ineffective optimization, negatively affecting the overall marketing strategy. 

Users reveal that there are data inaccuracies in HockeyStack that result in skewed results leading to misleading information

A few other cons of using HockeyStack are as follows. 

  • Limited functionality.
  • Lacks some features compared to Google Analytics.
  • Its Survey feature is an add-on, and you have to pay extra.

All these limitations mentioned above help us understand why marketers are looking for an alternative. Read on to learn about the 7 HockeyStack alternatives.   

Top 7 HockeyStack alternatives 

1. Factors.ai

The features page of the tool Factors - the best HockeyStack alternatives

Factors is a tool built for B2B marketers to help with revenue attribution and marketing analytics. B2B teams of all sizes can use this tool to accurately attribute conversions to different marketing efforts throughout the buyer's journey. 

It enables easy implementation and no-code integration with ad platforms, websites, CRM, and more. The tool also provides a customizable dashboard allowing users to centralize all crucial customer data in one place. This centralized data helps align marketing and sales teams and helps them optimize their efforts for conversion. 

It allows marketing ops to monitor and analyze all key performance indicators in one location while ensuring marketing strategies align with established business goals.

Key features

1. Revenue Attribution

With Factors’ multi-touch attribution, marketers can understand each marketing activity's impact on the pipeline. Marketers can compare and choose the ideal attribution model to track and attribute revenue to high-performing channels. 

2. Account Identification

Factors.ai's account identification reveals up to 64% of anonymous traffic — including company names, firmographics and website activity. As a result, it helps identify a pool of high-intent accounts and how they engage with your brand. This helps GTM teams target sales-ready leads and iterate website content to improve conversions.

3. ABM Analytics

This feature has a complete suite of intuitive analytics and reporting techniques to help run efficient ABM. 

  1. Campaign analytics - Centralizes all data in one place, allowing marketers to track and measure success easily.
  2. Web analytics - Monitor conversions and user behavior and help optimize the website for better engagement. 
  3. Funnel analytics - Connects data from campaigns, websites, and CRM and offers a complete view of the customer journey. This also helps identify valuable accounts, allocate resources, and enhance marketing strategies.

4. Journey Analytics

The feature lets marketers gain deeper insight into the customer journey. It helps identify the paths and touchpoints that lead to a conversion. The feature also offers insights into what does and doesn’t help reach a defined goal.

5. Account Timelines

This offers a complete view of the timeline for account and user interactions. The feature also helps identify engaged accounts and helps your go-to-market team gain an advantage. 


Factors provide no-code integration with the following tools. 

  • Hubspot
  • Facebook Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • Google Ads
  • Salesforce
  • Segment
  • Bing Ads
  • Rudderstack
  • Marketo
  • 6Sense
  • Clearbit
  • Leadsquared
  • Drift
  • Google Search Console
  • Slack
  • Google Spreadsheet

Customer Reviews

 Customer reviews of Factors
Customer reviews of Factors


Pricing page of Factors

On top of marketing attribution, Factors provide visitor identification and consulting service. The pricing info for each plan is as follows. 

Analytics & Attribution 

  • Starter – $399 per month
  • Growth – $799 per month
  • Custom and Agency – Contact for a quote

Website Visitor Identification

  • Starter – $99/month
  • Professional – $149 per month
  • Growth – $499 per month
  • Enterprise – Contact for a quote

Professional Services 

  • Tier 1 – $500 for 10 hrs per month
  • Tier 2 – $900 for 20 hrs per month
  • Tier 3 – $1200 for 30hrs per month

2. Dreamdata

Dreamdata is a web analytics and attribution platform

Dreamdata is another web analytics and attribution tool for B2B companies. It analyzes the content and ad spending with respect to revenue and helps optimize them.

The tool automatically collects and connects customer data from different sources, simplifying the data for building efficient GTM strategies.  

It can identify anonymous website visitors and provides insights into interactions at each stage of the customer journey. 

Key features

1. Performance Attribution:

This enables marketers to assess and evaluate the performance of all their ad channels. This feature facilitates accurate revenue attribution to ad channels and helps measure its ROAS and LTV.

2. Revenue Analytics:

This feature analyzes data from multiple channels and generates insights into a business’s revenue performance. It also enables marketers to identify the channels that drive revenue and optimize marketing efforts to maximize ROI.


Dreamdata offers a large number of integrations. A few key integrations include:

  • HubSpot
  • Salesforce
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • Google Ad Manager
  • Zendesk

Customer reviews

Customer reviews of Dreamdata
Customer reviews of Dreamdata


Pricing page of Dreamdata

Dreamdata offers a free version with limited features. Its paid plans include the following - 

  • Team - $999 per month
  • Custom - Details available upon request

3. Adobe Marketo Measure (Bizible)

Bizible, now Adobe Marketo Measure is an enterprise grade attribution software.

Bizible is third on our list of HockeyStack alternatives.

Bizible uses machine learning to help businesses gain valuable insights by combining sales data with ad data and user behavior data. Marketers use these insights to make data-driven decisions to increase performance of campaigns and channels.

Bizible was acquired by Marketo in 2018 and then by Adobe in the same year and rebranded as Adobe Marketo Measure. 

The tool enables integration with CRMs, MAPs, and ad platforms to capture both online and offline touchpoints. 

Key features

1. Multi-Touch Attribution: 

Bizible provides a range of attribution models and can customize them to align with the business goals. By tracking both online and offline touchpoints, it can help attribute revenue to the most influential channels. 

2, Customizable Dashboard:

Bizible’s simple and intuitive marketing dashboard helps track ROI, marketing expenditure, and more. The built-in report templates, also customizable, help create reports that offer a vivid idea of the effectiveness of marketing efforts. 


The integration capabilities of Bizible are limited compared to other tools in this list. Some of the key integrations are -

  • Salesforce
  • Marketo engage
  • Pardot
  • Google Ads
  • SnapEngage

Customer reviews

Customer reviews of Adobe Marketo Measure


Pricing page of Marketo engage

Adobe Marketo Measure is part of Adobe Marketo Engage, and the pricing details are available upon request. 

4. Attribution

Attribution is a multi-touch attribution platform that helps businesses track and attribute revenue to various conversion events

Attribution is a powerful and user-friendly tool for multi-touch attribution. It lets you track your spending, visits, conversions, revenue, and ROAS in one place. 

It provides various features that help marketers better understand the campaigns' performance and optimize their marketing strategy. The tool is easy to set up and suitable for B2B and B2C companies. 

Key features

1. Multi-Touch Attribution: 

Provides traditional and custom attribution models to effectively track the channels driving conversions and attribute revenue to them. 

2. Built-in Integrations:

Attribution provides secure built-in integrations with CRM software, automation tools, and other relevant marketing tools. 


Popular integrations of Attribution are:

  • LinkedIn 
  • Salesforce 
  • Google Ad Manager
  • Zendesk 
  • Shopify 

Customer reviews

Customer review of Attribution App
Customer review of Attribution App


Attribution’s pricing details are not available on the website. If you are interested in the tool, get in touch with the team for more information.

5. Ruler Analytics

Ruler Analytics is an alternative to HockeyStack

Ruler Analytics is an attribution tool that can automatically identify the channels that are driving more conversions. The tool helps identify anonymous website visitors and also allows call tracking.

It provides insights into how quality leads behave, such as identifying the channels and messages that resonate most with them. This aids marketers in adjusting their marketing strategies by leveraging better-performing channels and minimizing spend on channels that don't bring in quality leads.

Key features

1. Opportunity Attribution

It enables the sales team to track the progress of each prospect in the sales pipeline. Also, it provides valuable data on the number of prospects in the pipeline and which channels contribute most.

2. Revenue Analytics

This feature can stitch marketing, sales, and revenue data to identify the sources that generate more revenue. It further analyzes these to understand how they affect the ROI and ROAS.


Ruler Analytics provides integration with a wide variety of tools and software. Following are some of the most popular integrations. 

  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook
  • Google Ads
  • Salesforce
  • Intercom 

Customer review

Customer reviews of Ruler Analytics


Ruler Analytics’s paid plans include:

  • Small/Medium Business - £199 per month (0 - 50K visits)
  • Large Business - £499 per month (50 - 100K visits)
  • Enterprise - £999 per month (100K + visits)
Pricing page of Ruler Analytics

6. CaliberMind

CaliberMind is a revenue attribution and analytics platform

Next tool on our list is CaliberMind.

CaliberMind is a multi-touch attribution tool that collects all customer behavior data from different sources under one roof. This enables marketers to easily track and analyze these data and improve the campaigns.  

The tool is scalable to grow with your business and adaptable to any tech stack. With CaliberMind, marketers can gain a deeper understanding of the following:

  • Impact of their overall marketing efforts on the sales pipeline.
  • Channels that are driving the most conversions.
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS).

The above information can help marketers optimize their marketing strategy and increase the likelihood of conversion. 

Key features

1. Marketing Attribution 

CaliberMind helps understand your marketing effort's impact on revenue and customer acquisition. The feature monitors user interaction throughout various channels and attributes revenue to the most influential one. 

2. Funnel

The feature tracks user interaction at each stage of the customer journey. This enables you to identify the touchpoints that drive customers down the funnel and those that increase the churn rate. Marketers can optimize their channels accordingly and improve campaign performance. 


CaliberMind integrates with the following.

  • HubSpot
  • LinkedIn
  • Marketo
  • Outreach
  • Google analytics

Customer reviews

Customer reviews of CaliberMind


CaliberMind provides a free version. Details about the paid plans can be available upon request. 

7. Full Circle Insights

Full Circle Insights is a marketing performance and campaign attribution platform that is built on the Salesforce platform

Full Circle Insights is a marketing performance measurement solution that provides insights into marketing campaigns and their effectiveness. It is developed entirely on the Salesforce app cloud and seamlessly integrates with Salesforce CRM. 

The tool provides a range of features that help marketers make informed decisions to optimize marketing strategies. 

Key features

1. Revenue and Pipeline Analysis 

The feature helps identify which campaigns generate revenue by analyzing the sales pipeline. Therefore, it lets marketers understand the performance of various campaigns. Based on this information they allocate their marketing resources to the most effective ones to increase ROI and revenue.  

2. Customizable attribution models

The tool provides a range of attribution models. Also, its customization option allows marketers to create a model that fits their business goals and sales cycle. 


  • Marketo
  • Eloqua
  • Act-on
  • Salesforce

Customer reviews

Customer reviews of Full Circle Insights
Customer reviews of Full Circle Insights


 Pricing page of Full Circle Insights

The pricing of Full Circle Insights is available on request. 


To conclude, if you are looking for a HockeyStack alternative, there are several tools to choose from. The key is to choose the one right for your business. 

We have discussed the features, pricing details, and a few customer reviews of each tool to help you choose the right HockeyStack alternative for your business. But don't take our word for it. Instead, you should visit each tool's website, and use their free version and trials to get first-hand experience on how they work. This will help you ensure that the tool can provide what it markets and that it can meet all your business requirements. 

Following are a few pointers if you are still unsure how to select an attribution tool. 

  • Pricing plans differ with the tools, so it's essential to choose a tool that fits within your budget range. 
  • The range of features provided by the tools also varies. Therefore, ensure the tool has essential features to achieve your business goals. 
  • Check whether the tool provides the necessary integrations with other tools that your team is using. This can save time and streamline workflows.
  • Choose a tool that has a simple and intuitive UI to avoid confusion and improve efficiency.
  • Ensure the tool you choose offers quality, timely customer support to avoid potential problems.
  • 100% accuracy is a myth when it comes to attribution. So, choose a tool that delivers more accurate attribution.
  • Finally, choose a tool that can be customized to meet your business needs and goals.

By carefully considering the factors mentioned above, you can choose the tool that best fits your business's goals. 

5 Stages Of The Customer Journey

March 28, 2023
0 min read

Customer centricity is at the heart of a successful business. Delivering value to buyers at every customer journey stage drives sales conversions and retention. This, however, is easier said than done — especially in the case of B2B customer journeys. 

Understanding the customer journey is crucial for modern marketing and sales strategies. With evolving customer behaviors and preferences, it's essential to adapt and refine approaches to address the complexities of how customers interact with brands. 

This journey is no longer a straightforward path but a complex, often non-linear process. To effectively engage with potential customers, businesses need to grasp the intricacies of each stage, especially awareness, consideration, and decision. This blog explains these stages, offering practical insights and strategies based on current industry understanding and research.


  • Understanding the customer journey is crucial for B2B marketing and sales success due to its complexity and non-linear nature.
  • Customer journeys map out various buyer interactions to track how and why prospects become paying customers. 
  • The customer journey consists of 5 broad stages: Awareness, Consideration, Decision, Retention, and Advocacy. 
  • Delivering relevant material along each stage ensures that prospects feel understood and valued. This, in turn, contributes to successful journeys and provides practical insights and strategies for each stage.
  • Businesses can enhance engagement and build long-term relationships by addressing customer needs and behaviors throughout the journey.
  • Factors.ai connects the dots across campaigns, websites, and CRM to map the customer journey using path analysis and account timelines.

The Evolution of Customer Journey Stages

The B2B sales cycle involves several stakeholders and touch points across campaigns, social media, organic efforts, offline events, and more. A customer journey maps out these interactions to track how and why prospects become paying customers. 

Since B2B sales cycles tend to be lengthy, non-linear experiences, it can be challenging to map them accurately without the right tools and frameworks. 

Learn more about customer journey mapping here: The Complete Guide To Customer Journey Mapping.

Traditionally, the customer journey was viewed as a linear process, with prospects moving through clearly defined stages: awareness, consideration, and decision. However, modern perspectives reflect a more nuanced view. Today’s customers might navigate through these stages in a circular or even chaotic manner, reflecting the complexities of contemporary decision-making.

According to Gartner, only 17% of a customer journey is spent directly conversing with the vendor. The remaining 83% takes place through independent research and internal deliberation. Hence, businesses must distribute relevant value at each journey stage — even outside discovery sessions and demo calls.‍

Understanding the Awareness Stage

The awareness stage is where the customer journey begins. At this point, potential customers become aware of a problem or need but have not started actively seeking solutions. It's crucial to recognize that potential customers need help understanding the scope or urgency of their issue during this stage. They may be exploring general trends or innovations without a clear sense of how these relate to their specific needs.

Customers in the awareness stage primarily gather information. They might browse blogs, read articles, and engage with introductory content. Marketing efforts in this stage should focus on educational content that introduces customers to new concepts or challenges. Content such as informative blog posts, eBooks, and webinars can effectively capture their interest and lay the groundwork for further engagement.

awareness stage of customer journey

Transitioning to the Consideration Stage

As customers move from awareness to consideration, they start recognizing the need for a solution. This transition is often triggered by an internal realization, such as remembering the inefficiency of current processes or the impact of emerging trends. This is a critical phase for businesses where prospects evaluate various solutions to address their identified needs.

During the consideration phase, customers will likely seek detailed information about potential solutions. They will look for case studies, ROI calculators, and in-depth product details to compare options. Effective marketing strategies during this phase should provide comprehensive resources that assist decision-making. This includes offering detailed product descriptions, customer testimonials, and interactive tools that help prospects understand the benefits and value of different solutions.

A few questions to ask here would be:

  • Is the value of my product easy to grasp?
  • Can people find my business without hassle?
  • How does my product compare against competitors in terms of pricing and features?
  • What is my unique selling point to convince buyers to pick me over the competition?

At this stage, it’s important to highlight why your product outshines the others with relevant case studies, product webinars, FAQ documentation, and more.

consideration stage of customer journey

Navigating the Decision-Making Process

The decision stage is where customers are ready to finalize their purchase. At this point, they compare different solutions and make a final choice. However, it's important to note that the decision-making process is sometimes linear. Customers may revisit earlier stages if they encounter new information or if internal factors, such as budget constraints or organizational changes, influence their decision.

The decision stage involves evaluating competitors and making a purchase decision. Marketing efforts should be geared towards removing any final obstacles to purchase. This includes providing clear pricing information, offering competitive comparisons, and addressing any lingering objections. Strong calls to action and easy-to-navigate purchasing processes can significantly impact the final decision.

decision stage of customer journey

Circular and Non-Linear Customer Journeys

Modern customer journeys are often circular or iterative rather than strictly linear. Customers might revisit earlier stages as they gather more information or reassess their needs. HubSpot supports this perspective, noting that the customer journey can involve looping back to previous stages, reflecting the dynamic nature of modern decision-making.

To effectively manage this non-linear journey, businesses must be adaptable and responsive. Implementing tools for account scoring and path analysis can help identify where prospects are in their journey and adjust marketing strategies accordingly. For instance, if a prospect shows renewed interest in a particular product feature, it may indicate a return to the consideration phase.

Leveraging Customer Feedback and Data

Collecting and integrating customer feedback is crucial for refining the customer journey. Feedback at various stages provides valuable insights into customer needs and preferences. By incorporating this feedback, businesses can better align their marketing strategies with customer expectations and improve overall engagement.

Implementing tools for feedback collection, such as surveys and user reviews, can help businesses understand pain points and areas for improvement. Regularly analyzing this data allows for continuous optimization of marketing efforts and enhances the overall customer experience.

Enhance Customer Experience with Personalization

Personalization plays a vital role in managing the customer journey effectively. Tailoring content and interactions based on customer behavior and preferences can significantly enhance engagement. Using data to personalize email campaigns, website content, and product recommendations can create a more relevant and engaging customer experience.

Personalization should be based on insights gained from customer interactions and feedback. Data analytics involves understanding customer behavior, preferences, and pain points. Personalized content can address specific needs and concerns, making it more likely to resonate with the target audience.

The Role of Technology in Managing the Customer Journey

Technology plays a significant role in managing and optimizing the customer journey. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems, marketing automation tools, and analytics platforms are essential for tracking and analyzing customer interactions. These tools can provide valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns.

Implementing CRM systems allows businesses to manage customer relationships more effectively by tracking interactions, managing leads, and analyzing data. Marketing automation tools can streamline communication, and nurture leads through personalized content and targeted campaigns. Analytics platforms provide insights into customer behavior, helping businesses make data-driven decisions and optimize their marketing strategies.

Integrating Omnichannel Marketing for a Seamless Journey

In today's digital age, customers interact with brands across multiple channels. Integrating an omnichannel marketing approach ensures a seamless and consistent experience throughout the customer journey. This involves unifying marketing efforts across various platforms such as social media, email, and in-store experiences.

An effective omnichannel strategy involves synchronizing marketing messages and ensuring that customer interactions are consistent regardless of the channel. This enhances the customer experience and provides a holistic view of customer behavior, enabling better decision-making and more personalized interactions.

Difference Between Customer Journey and Sales Funnels

While the customer journey and sales funnel are often used interchangeably, they represent different aspects of the purchasing process.

The sales funnel is a linear model that outlines a customer's stages, from awareness to purchase. It typically includes stages such as awareness, interest, decision, and action. The funnel model focuses on guiding customers through a sequence of steps toward a final conversion. It's a valuable tool for visualizing and managing the sales process but can oversimplify the complexity of modern customer interactions.

In contrast, the customer journey is a broader concept encompassing all customer interactions with a brand, from initial contact to post-purchase experiences. It acknowledges that customer interactions are not always linear and may involve multiple touchpoints and feedback loops. The customer journey model emphasizes the importance of understanding and optimizing the entire experience, including emotional and contextual factors, rather than just focusing on driving conversions.

The Importance of Customer Journey Mapping

Customer journey mapping is a valuable tool for visualizing the customer experience. It helps businesses understand customers' various touchpoints and interactions with the brand. By mapping out the customer journey, companies can identify potential pain points and opportunities for improvement.

Creating detailed customer journey maps is essential to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences. These maps should include all journey stages, from initial awareness to post-purchase interactions. Regularly updating and analyzing these maps allows businesses to stay attuned to evolving customer needs and optimize their marketing strategies.

Tracking Customer Journey Maps with Factors.ai

Factors.ai provides a robust platform for tracking and analyzing customer journey maps. This tool offers valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and interactions across various touchpoints.

With Factors.ai, you can:

  1. Visualize Customer Journeys

Create detailed maps illustrating how customers interact with your brand through different stages. This visualization helps identify critical touchpoints and understand the overall customer experience.

  1. Analyze Customer Behavior

Track customer actions, preferences, and engagement patterns. Factors.ai provides data-driven insights that inform your marketing and sales strategies, allowing you to tailor your approach based on actual customer behavior.

  1. Optimize Touchpoints

Use the insights gained from journey maps to optimize customer touchpoints and enhance the overall experience. Factors.ai enables you to identify pain points and improvement areas, helping you refine your strategies for better results.

  1. Measure Impact

Assess the impact of interactions and touchpoints on customer satisfaction and conversion rates. Factors.ai offers tools to measure the effectiveness of your efforts and make data-driven decisions to drive better outcomes.

By leveraging Factors.ai, you can better understand the customer journey and make informed decisions to enhance engagement and drive success.

Building Long-Term Customer Relationships

The end goal of managing the customer journey effectively is building long-term customer relationships. This involves facilitating a smooth journey from awareness to a decision and ensuring ongoing engagement and satisfaction post-purchase. Loyalty programs, personalized follow-ups, and excellent customer service are crucial to fostering long-term relationships.

Post-purchase engagement is crucial for maintaining customer loyalty and encouraging repeat business. This can include sending personalized thank-you emails, offering exclusive discounts, and providing excellent customer support. Companies can turn satisfied customers into brand advocates who contribute to long-term success by continuously nurturing customer relationships.

In a nutshell

Navigating the modern customer journey requires a comprehensive understanding of the various stages and an adaptable approach to marketing. The transition from awareness to consideration is a critical phase that demands targeted strategies to address evolving customer needs. Businesses can better engage with prospects and drive successful outcomes by focusing on educational content, detailed product information, and practical decision-making support.

Understanding that the customer journey is often non-linear and iterative allows businesses to remain flexible and responsive. By focusing on each stage and addressing your customers' unique needs and behaviors, you can achieve long-term success and foster a positive relationship with your audience.

Factors.ai can help track each stage, from awareness to advocacy. To see Factors.ai in action, book a personalized demo here!

7 Full Circle Insights Alternatives and Competitors

March 22, 2023
0 min read

Full Circle Insights is a marketing attribution tool that provides a detailed overview of your campaigns. It lets you identify top-performing channels and touchpoints that are more likely to generate and convert leads. 

The tool provides seamless integration with Salesforce and other marketing automation tools. It can capture data across various channels, such as ad platforms, social media, etc., and use them to attribute revenue accurately. Though the tool provides these benefits, it also has some limitations. These include the absence of a support team, lack of flexibility, etc. 

All these matters have led users to look for alternatives and competitors. 

In this article, we will take you through some of the Full Circle Insights alternatives and help you select the best one based on your requirements.

Why do users search for Full Circle Insights alternatives and competitors?

Following are some of the most common challenges users face with Full Circle Insights.


Though the tool is good for understanding customer journeys, it’s highly time-consuming. In fact, it takes over 20 hours to rebuild attribution models. 


Difficult to Implement: 

Even users who are full of praise for Full Circle Insights seem to have issues with its implementation process. In addition, this tool is technically complicated and requires developers’ intervention, even for minor changes to dashboards. 

Difficult to Implement

Absence of an Account Management Team:

The absence of an account management or support team makes Full Circle Insights a difficult tool to use. It’s imperative that users receive the necessary guidance and support to adopt the tool and fully reap its benefits. But without a support team, users will feel lost and unable to utilize the tool’s full potential. 

 Difficult to Implement Absence of an Account Management Team

The drawbacks mentioned above are some of the major factors driving users to look for an alternative. 

We have created a list of the top 7 Full Circle Insights alternatives to simplify your search. 

7 Full Circle Insights alternatives for businesses in 2023

Here is a list of the 7 best alternatives and competitors to help marketers and sales professionals in 2023. Explore each tool to understand how it can improve your marketing performance.  

1. Factors.ai 

An overview of Factors.ai’s customizable dashboard

Factors is an AI-powered revenue attribution and marketing analytics tool designed for B2B sales and marketing teams. This tool enables B2B teams, irrespective of size, to attribute conversions to various marketing efforts across the buyer’s journey. 

Sales and marketing teams can use insights from the platform to find effective channels and campaigns that drive awareness and conversions, and generate revenue. In addition, it allows them to make data-driven decisions and optimize budget allocation to increase the campaign's performance further and boost ROI.

With Factors, Marketing ops can

  1. Gain complete insights into their campaign initiative, current pipeline as well as MQL coverage.
  2. Track and analyze all KPIs in one place using a customizable dashboard.
  3. Ensure that marketing goals are in sync with business objectives

Also, content teams get real-time insights into how the content is performing and its impact on generating MQLs. Factors can automatically collect data and analyze it to identify the content pieces that are working and those that aren’t.


Key features offered by Factors

Multi-Touch Attribution: 

The tool provides a range of attribution models and allows marketers to compare and choose the right one for their business. It can track and identify online and offline touchpoints and help attribute revenue to the most influential channels.

AI-Powered Insights: 

Factors' AI feature “Explain” can provide automated insights for a defined goal. If the goal is to understand what prompts the customers to reach the pricing page, this feature can identify what’s helping and hurting to achieve it.  

Account Identification: 

Factors also has a account identification capability powered by 6Sense. This feature allows SaaS businesses to deanonymize companies engage with the website, reviews, ads, and more.

Marketing Analytics: 

Factors enables businesses to analyze campaign data, website traffic, sales and marketing funnel, and the buyer journey in a single platform.

LinkedIn Tracking:

This feature allows you to find out which companies viewed your LinkedIn campaigns. With this information, marketers can identify and select the most effective campaign and track its effect on pipeline.

Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews
Customer Reviews


Factors can seamlessly integrate with the following list of tools and softwares.

  • Hubspot
  • Facebook Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • Google Ads
  • Salesforce
  • Segment
  • Bing Ads
  • Rudderstack
  • Marketo
  • 6Sense
  • Clearbit
  • Leadsquared
  • Drift
  • Google search console
  • Slack
  • Google spreadsheet


Pricing- Factors

Factors offers three services, and each has its own pricing patterns:

Analytics & Attribution: 

Factors offers website analytics, events and form tracking, multi-touch attribution, and more. The pricing for this is as follows.

  • Starter – $399/Month.
  • Growth – $799/Month.
  • Custom and Agency – Contact for a quote.


The tool allows you to identify anonymous website visitors, analyze user behavior, and generate high-intent leads. 

  • Starter – $99/Month.
  • Professional – $149/Month.
  • Growth – $499/Month.
  • Enterprise – Contact for a quote.

Professional Services: 

Factors also provides expert analytics, consulting, and technical support tailor-made for B2B marketing teams. The pricing plan for the service is as follows.

  • Tier 1 – $500 for 10 hrs/Month.
  • Tier 2 – $900 for 20 hrs/Month.
  • Tier 3 – $1200 for 30hrs/Month.
Book a demo- Factors

2. Adobe Marketo Measure [Bizible]

An overview of Bizible’s homepage

Bizible or Adobe Marketo Measure provides one of the best enterprise-level attribution solutions. It helps marketers visualize the different stages of the B2B customer journey with granular insights across multiple channels.  

Even though the tool is one of the front runners in attribution solutions, users have found some drawbacks, such as limited integrations, longer implementation periods, and higher pricing. 


Multi-touch Attribution:

Bizible offers various attribution models and allows marketers to customize them. The feature can track touchpoints across multiple channels and attribute revenue to the most influential campaigns. 

Advanced Journey Analytics:

This feature helps users get an in-depth understanding of their prospects at each stage of the customer lifecycle. It allows marketers to identify the user interactions and frictions at each stage and improve them to enhance the conversion rate. 

Customer Review

Customer Review


  • Salesforce
  • Microsoft Dynamics
  • Adobe Marketo Engage
  • SnapEngage
  • Google Ads



Marketo Measure comes as a part of Marketo Engage. Pricing is available on request. 

3. HockeyStack 

An overview of HockeyStack’s Homepage

HockeyStack is another analytics and attribution tool for B2B marketers. They provide easy implementation and no-code integrations with CRM, marketing automation, and other relevant tools. With HockeyStack, you can identify high-quality leads and make better use of these datasets to scale faster.

It offers a range of features that help marketers track user behavior, gather feedback and analyze data to improve their marketing efforts. 



The tool’s multi-touch attribution feature allows users to track touchpoints across different channels. It can identify and attribute revenue to the campaign that’s driving more high-quality leads. 

Account-level Journeys:

The feature automates data collection from different touchpoints to enhance visibility into the pre- and post-conversion journeys of users. HockeyStack also helps visualize the customer journey and the customer interactions at each stage, helping marketers better understand the customer journey.

Funnel Analysis:

This feature provides a comprehensive picture of the sales funnel. Marketers can observe and track the success rate of each stage. It lets marketers understand how customers move through the sales funnel and make essential improvements to drive them down the funnel faster. 

LinkedIn Tracking:

HockeyStack helps marketers identify companies that viewed the campaigns on LinkedIn. This allows marketers to choose the best-performing campaign and track how it impacts the pipeline.

Customer Review

HockeyStack- Review


  • HubSpot
  • Pipedrive
  • 6sense
  • Albacross
  • Mailchimp


HockeyStack- pricing

The pricing for HockeyStack starts from $949 for 10K visitors per month and 10 users. The tool also provides a free trial and a live demo. 

4. LeadsRx

An overview of LeadRX’s homepage

Poor or inaccurate attribution is a critical issue for marketers, and LeadsRX aims to solve that. LeadsRX helps revenue generation and marketing teams ace their marketing campaigns with on-point analytics and attribution. The best part is that it can perform attribution for digital and offline channels. You can use LeadsRX’s attribution across organic and paid digital channels, radio, television, and more.


Radio and Television Attribution:

LeadsRx can also attribute conversions from radio and television. The tool’s multi-touch attribution capabilities help radio and television advertisers optimize their spending and make data-backed decisions. 

Podcast, Audio Streaming, and Video Streaming Attribution:

This feature supports multi-touch attribution for various streaming platforms like podcasts, OTT and CTV. The accurate attribution and analytics help these platforms earn higher ROAS from an optimized spend. 

Customer Review

Customer Review- LeadsRx


  • HubSpot
  • Salesforce
  • Optimizely
  • AppsFlyer
  • Webhook


Pricing- LeadsRx

Pricing is available on request.

5. Attribution 

An overview of Attribution’s homepage

Attribution is one of the popular Full Circle Insights alternatives, helping marketing teams to make data-driven decisions. It offers 360-degree visibility into marketing campaigns and is highly affordable. Also, it helps you with a complete tech stack to run successful campaigns.


Multi-Touch Attribution: 

This feature provides customizable attribution models to track all relevant touchpoints and attribute revenue to the most influential campaigns.  

Multiple Built-in Integrations: 

This tool has multiple built-in integrations with various CRM and advertising platforms and other marketing tools. 

Delivers Actionable Insights:

Attribution's dashboard is easy to use and understand. It analyzes data constantly to find trends and patterns to improve campaigns. 

Customer Review

Attribution- customer review


  • Heap
  • Hubspot
  • Salesforce
  • Shopify
  • Zendesk


Attribution- pricing

Pricing is available on request.

6. Ruler Analytics

An overview of Ruler Analytics’s homepage

Ruler Analytics, another Full Circle Insights alternative, helps businesses bridge the gap between marketing and revenue with advanced attribution insights. With Ruler Analytics by their side, marketers can effortlessly create multiple reports simultaneously. The tool also provides an automatic attribution. It tracks each visitor throughout their journey and automatically attributes revenue to the most influential touchpoint. 


Data-Driven Attribution:

It provides an accurate view of the buyer’s journey and consolidates data silos to align the marketing and sales team. Also, the insights provided can help marketers optimize campaigns and maximize success.

Offline Conversion Tracking: 

Ruler Analytics allows marketers to track and identify the offline touchpoints that contribute to conversions. This means that if you hosted an in-person event or meet someone in-person and see a spike in traffic immediately after, Ruler Analytics will be able to attribute traffic to the right touchpoint. 

Predictive Analytics:

By leveraging statistical models and applying machine learning to historical data, the feature helps forecast business outcomes. This allows businesses to optimize their marketing campaigns and scale faster. 

Customer Review

Ruler Analytics- customer reviews


  • HubSpot
  • Facebook Ads
  • Google Analytics
  • Webhooks
  • Zapier


There are four plans, and below are the details: 

Ruler Analytics- Pricing

7. Rockerbox

An overview of RockerBox’s homepage

This tool is a game-changer for early-stage startups with limited marketing budgets. With Rockerbox, businesses can identify their most effective marketing channels and allocate budgets to close more deals. 



The tool offers various attribution models to track touchpoints across multiple channels and attribute revenue to high-performing channels.  

Cross-device tracking: 

This feature enables marketers to track the customer journey across other devices, such as TV (linear and OTT), podcast ads, and direct mail.

Customer Review

Rockerbox- customer review


  • Antvoice
  • Pepperjam
  • Artsai
  • Audacy
  • Digital Remedy


Rockerbox- Pricing

Rockerbox offers free and paid versions. The pricing details are available upon request.

Final words 

As discussed in the blog, each attribution tool has its benefits and drawbacks. If you are still unsure of which tool to choose, then consider the following factors to narrow your search. 


Determine your budget and look for a tool that fits within the range. 


Select the tool that offers the specific features you need. For example, do you want multi-touch attribution, cross-device attribution, or customer analytics? 


Evaluate each tool and understand whether they provide appropriate integrations or not.

User Interface: 

Look for a tool that is easy to use and navigate through. 

Customer Support: 

Check whether the attribution tool offers quality customer support on time.

Data Accuracy: 

Consider the attribution tool that delivers more accurate data.


Evaluate each tool and see if these tools are customizable and can meet your business needs and goals. 

To conclude, if you are looking for a Full Circle Insights alternative, you have several great options to choose from. Each tool we discussed has its own pros and cons, so you should assess your business's unique needs and goals to see which tool would work best. 

Remember, while 'Tool A' might be a good choice for a business, it might not be the same for yours. 

That’s why we suggest you use the free trial or version to see which tool provides more value to your business and select the one that best fits your business.

Top 7 Dreamdata Alternatives to Look For in 2023

March 21, 2023
0 min read

Marketing attribution is extremely valuable for B2B marketers. It measures the impact of campaigns on revenue and identifies which efforts to scale in order to optimize budget allocation. One such tool that helps B2B SaaS companies attribute revenue to their marketing and sales effort is Dreamdata. 

Dreamdata helps analyze marketing expenditure, measure ROI and optimize campaigns to maximize marketing efforts. Some of the key features of Dreamdata are

  • Digital analytics
  • Revenue analytics
  • Performance attribution
  • Customer journey mapping

The tool easily integrates with marketing automation and CRM platforms. However, even with all these benefits, it also has some drawbacks.

In this article, we will evaluate the limitations of the tool and also highlight the best 7 Dreamdata alternatives that businesses can consider. We will discuss key features, customer reviews, and pricing of each alternative. 

Let's dive in. 

Table of Contents

  • Why are marketers looking for Dreamdata alternatives?
  • Quick overview of the top 7 Dreamdata alternatives 
  • Top 7 Dreamdata alternatives 
  • Key Takeaway

Why are marketers looking for Dreamdata alternatives

Upon evaluating customer reviews on platforms like G2, Capterra, and Trustradius, we find that Dreamdata

  • Is difficult to set up
  • Has a steep learning curve for users
  • Does not have an intuitive UI 
  • Can’t gather granular insights on campaigns  
what do you dislike about Dreamdata

Dreamdata is priced higher than its competitors. Also, the available features are very limited in their free version.

All the above factors have led users to look for an efficient alternative.

Read on to learn about the best Dreamdata alternatives and how to choose the right one for your business.

An overview of Dreamdata alternatives and competitors

An overview of Dreamdata alternatives and competitors

Top 7 Dreamdata alternatives

Here are some Dreamdata alternatives that you can check out for your business’s analytics and attribution needs:

1. Factors.ai

Homepage of Factors.ai is one of the best Dreamdata alternatives

The first in the list of Dreamdata alternatives is Factors. It is a marketing analytics and attribution platform built for B2B marketers. 

The tool is easy to implement with itRule Analyticss no-code capability. Once set up, Factors can automatically track all events on the website and also offers retroactive data capturing.

Factors allows easy and no-code integration with CRM, Clearbit, Google Search Console, and other necessary tools. These integrations help centralize customer data and provide actionable insights across departments. Factors also allows users to create customizable dashboards, which help them visualize customer data at a glance. 

Also, Factors has a dedicated customer success management team to attend to each business’s unique requirements and objectives.

What do you like about factors

Key features

A sneak peek into the key features of the marketing analytics and attribution tool - Factors
  • Revenue Attribution: 

Factors' revenue attribution feature lets you know about the impact of your marketing efforts on the pipeline. It offers a range of attribution models to choose from and helps attribute revenue without marketing leakage. 

  • Account Timelines:

This feature breaks down the complex B2B sales cycle, helping marketers identify how different touchpoints in the customer journey impact revenue. It maps out all interactions both on the account and user levels. In doing so, it allows us to understand the prospects and reveal upsell opportunities. 

  • Account Identification:

This feature enables teams to identify anonymous accounts across website, ad impressions and product reviews. It helps understand where the visitors are coming from and analyze details like revenue range to segment their target customers. 

  • ABM Analytics:

Factors provides dedicated campaign, website, and funnel analytics to take ABM to the next level. 

  • Campaign analytics enables marketers to combine and analyze data under a single roof.
  • Website analytics uses automated button tracking and custom domain tracking to understand and improve conversion rates.
  • Funnel analytics creates ad hoc funnels to connect and analyze data from different channels.
  • Journey Analytics:

This feature helps companies get a more in-depth understanding of the customer journey. It gives insights into how the marketing efforts drive conversion by cohort. Its AI-powered analytics can evaluate what works in favor of the defined goal and what doesn't. 


Look up the pricing plans of Factors.

Look up the pricing plans of Factors.

For Analytics & Attribution:

  • Starter - $399 per month
  • Growth - $799 per month

They also have a Custom plan for tailor-made analytics and an Agency plan for marketing agencies. Contact the Factors team for more details. 

For Deanonymization:

  • Starter - $99 per month
  • Professional - $179 per month
  • Growth - $499 per month

Custom - Contact the Factors team for more details.

For Professional Services:

They offer consulting and technical support tailored to each business. The pricing for the service is as follows. 

  • Tier 1 - $500 per month (For Early-Stage Teams)
  • Tier 2 - $900 per month (For High-Growth Teams)
  • Tier 3 - $1200 per month (For End-to-End Consulting)

2. HockeyStack


HockeyStack is another Dreamdata competitor that provides attribution solutions. The tool is intuitive and easy to implement. 

In addition to attribution, HockeyStack also offers a range of functionalities that help marketers;

  • Visualize customer journeys with funnels.
  • Optimize Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) by using CRM properties like companies and contacts to segment metrics.
  • Collect customer feedback through surveys.
HockeyStack reviews

Key features

  • Revenue Attribution:

By attributing revenue to each aspect of marketing, HockeyStack can help understand which channels or campaigns bring more ROI. As a result, it enables marketers to prioritize and focus their efforts and drive more conversions.   

  • Funnel Analytics:

This powerful feature from HockeyStack allows users to visualize different sales stages in detail. Marketers can understand how their customers move down the sales funnel and improve the stages that are not performing well. 

  • Account-Level Journey:

HockeyStack tracks customers' pre- and post-conversion journeys with touchpoints, including website visits and demo calls. It also visualizes the account journey showing the different journey stages and the actions users take at each stage. Therefore, it enables marketers to understand the customer journey comprehensively.


HockeyStack pricing

HockeyStack’s pricing starts from $949 per month. Book a demo with their team to get a detailed quote for your needs. HockeyStack also has a live demo that gives you a sneak peek into the platform.

3. Marketo Measure (Bizible )


Bizible or Marketo Measure is Adobe's attribution solution. It has a touchpoint-based data model that can collect data at each touchpoint, offering insights into the customer journey. This allows marketers to identify the high-performing touchpoints at each stage and improve those not performing well. 

Even Though the tool has all these features and benefits, it is difficult to set up and has limited integration capabilities. 

bizible reviews

Key features

  • Attribution: 

This feature enables marketers to leverage attribution models that align with their business goals. It helps attribute revenue to influential campaigns and boost conversion rates. The fact that Bizible can run multiple attribution models in parallel makes it stand out from the rest. 

  • Intuitive Dashboards: 

Bizible’s dashboard reports insights on marketing KPIs in a highly visual and intuitive format. The KPIs include ROI, pipeline velocity, marketing expenditure, and more. As a result, marketers can easily understand the campaigns' effectiveness and optimize them. 


The pricing details of Bizible are available upon request.

4. Rule Analytics

Ruler Analytics

Ruler Analytics is a marketing attribution tool that tracks online and offline touchpoints. Its attribution feature automatically links revenue with channels and campaigns.   

On top of customer journey tracking, Ruler Analytics also delivers insights into how quality leads behave. This further helps marketers optimize their campaigns and target high-quality leads. 

The tool is intuitive, easy to set up, and provides good customer support. Also, Ruler Analytics allows users to leverage various attribution models to build reports on all essential data. 

Ruler analytics reviews

Key features

  • Marketing Attribution:

Ruler Analytics’s attribution feature automatically attributes revenue to the most influential touchpoints. They track all visitor touchpoints, match leads to marketing data, and attribute revenue to appropriate campaigns.

  • Predictive Analytics:

The feature uses statistical modeling and machine learning to analyze historical data and forecast business outcomes. It can interpret and make sense of the sales and marketing data and identify patterns and trends. This helps marketers optimize marketing strategies to yield better results.

  • Marketing Mix Modelling (MMM):

This feature uses statistical modeling to understand how marketing activities impact sales results. It also makes marketing reporting easier and provides view-through attribution. 


Ruler Analytics pricing

Ruler Analytics’ pricing plans are as follows. 

  • Small/Medium Business - £199 per month (0 - 50K visits) 
  • Large Business - £499 per month (50K - 100K visits)
  • Enterprise - £999 per month (100K+ visits)

It also has an Advanced plan with pricing available upon request (POA).

5. Singular


Singular is another marketing platform that provides attribution solutions. With singular, marketers can

  • Measure and report on all channels
  • Analyze ROI by combining attribution with cost aggregation
  • Track and analyze the customer journey
  • Monitor a single-managed pipeline for analysis-ready marketing data. 

Its open integration framework enables marketers to measure performance across apps, web, SMS, referrals, email, and TV. The tool is easy to set up and delivers robust support for server-side integrations.


Key features

  • Mobile Attribution:

It offers marketers a complete view of ROI and performance and analyzes the impact of every dollar spent. It allows marketers to set up attribution settings for each channel. The feature can prioritize touchpoints based on their impact on the users' decision to install or engage with the app. The attribution methods include multi-touch, UTM tracking, and website-to-app attribution forwarding. 

  • SKAdNetwork Attribution:

This is specifically for improving ad performances on iOS devices. This feature helps marketers save time and effort by automating the conversion value decoding process. In addition, it provides more accurate insights into ad performance on SKAN. 

  • Cross-Device Attribution:

This feature can track and analyze user engagement and acquisition across multiple devices. These devices can be desktops, smartphones, or tablets. Thus, this feature gives marketers a comprehensive view of customers' journeys and interactions. 


Singular Pricing

Singular offers a free version and a free trial for their paid plans. Contact their team for details on plans - Growth and Enterprise.

6. Full Circle Insights

Full circle insights

Full Circle Insights is another marketing analytics and attribution platform that can help optimize marketing efforts. The tool is built on the Salesforce App Cloud, ensuring seamless integration between the two platforms. 

It provides various features, including funnel metrics, camping attribution, and performance reporting. It also offers customizable dashboards and reports to meet each business's unique needs and goals.

Full circle Insights Reviews

Key features

  • Pipeline analysis:

This feature helps users identify influential touchpoints at each stage of the customer journey. In addition, the tool’s detailed reporting enables businesses to optimize and improve their marketing efforts with ease. 

  • Out-of-the-box Attribution Models:

Marketers can choose from various attribution models and customize them to track and analyze their GTM efforts. This helps marketers make data-driven decisions for allocating marketing resources.


Full circle pricing

Full Circle Insights’ pricing plans are not transparent. Contact their team to get more details.

7. LeadsRx


LeadsRx is a SaaS platform that provides attribution solutions. It helps marketers and agencies measure the performance of their marketing efforts. 

LeadsRx can track and measure the impact of touchpoints across multiple channels (online & offline). It enables marketers to understand how each channel drives conversion and revenue and optimize their campaigns accordingly to maximize ROI. 

It has a responsive and intuitive UI and gives excellent customer support. And it also enables easy set-up.

LeadsRx Reviews

Key features

  • Radio and Television Attribution: 

LeadsRx is able to attribute radio and television along with other marketing channels. Its flexible attribution window allows users to change the period from hours to seconds. Additionally, the tool also allows users to monitor decay curves and arbitrate station overlap. 

  • Attribution for Podcast, Audio Streaming, and Video Streaming Advertising:

LeadsRx supports multi-touch attribution for all audio and video streaming platforms. It also provides insights into how well podcast ads perform and helps optimize them to improve ROAS. LeadsRx is the first-ever marketing analytics company to measure real-time podcast ad performance.


LeadsRx Pricing

Contact the LeadsRX team for details.


As you can see, there are several great available for Dreamdata. Each tool we discussed has its unique features as well as drawbacks. 

Factors will be an ideal choice if you are looking for an affordable B2B attribution solution. At the same time, choose Singular if you want to attribute across mobile apps and desktops.  

Ultimately, the right attribution tool depends on your business needs and preferences. So take some time to research and evaluate each tool to the fullest, and choose the one that best fits your business. 

See Factors in action

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