Understanding LinkedIn Ads CTR

September 13, 2024
0 min read

With over 900 million members worldwide, LinkedIn offers businesses a unique opportunity to target a highly professional and engaged audience through its advertising options. However, running successful LinkedIn Ads campaigns requires more than just setting up an ad and letting it run. One of the most critical metrics to monitor and optimize is the Click-Through Rate (CTR). 

In this blog, we’ll explore the average CTR for LinkedIn ads, the factors influencing it, and how to optimize your campaigns for better performance, all while considering your budget.


  • Click-Through Rate (CTR) measures the percentage of people who click your ad after seeing it. It's calculated as (Clicks / Impressions) * 100.
  • High CTR indicates strong ad engagement, leading to better ROI. Low CTR may suggest your ad isn’t resonating with your audience, wasting ad spend.
  • Optimizing CTR on LinkedIn is crucial due to high ad costs. A better CTR can reduce your cost-per-click (CPC) as LinkedIn rewards engaging ads with lower costs and better placements.
  • Average LinkedIn Ads CTR ranges between 0.44% - 0.65%, varying by ad format and industry. Sponsored Content typically sees higher CTRs, while Text Ads are lower.
  • Factors that influence CTR include, audience targeting, ad copy and creatives, ad formats, ad placement and frequency.
  • LinkedIn ads CTR can be optimized by A/B testing ads, improving targeting, refining ad copy/ visuals and budget measurement. 
  • While running LinkedIn ads, some common mistakes are ignoring audience feedback, mobile optimization, ad fatigue, and setting unrealistic expectations for CTR improvements.

What is CTR in LinkedIn Ads?

CTR, or Click-Through Rate, is a key performance indicator in digital marketing that measures the percentage of people who click on your ad after seeing it. In simple terms, it tells you how effectively your ad attracts clicks from your target audience. For LinkedIn Ads, CTR is calculated as the Number of Clicks on the Ad divided by the Number of Impressions multiplied by 100. Understanding and optimizing CTR in LinkedIn Ads is crucial because it directly affects your campaign’s cost efficiency and effectiveness.

Source: https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/how-to-analyze-linkedin-ad-performance/ 

LinkedIn Ads CTR as a Performance Metric

CTR is more than just a number; it’s a reflection of how well your ad resonates with your target audience. A high CTR means that a more significant percentage of people who see your ad are interested enough to click on it, which can lead to higher engagement rates, more conversions, and ultimately a better return on investment (ROI) for your ad spend. On the other hand, a low CTR could show that your ad is not capturing your audience's attention, which can result in wasted ad spend and lower overall campaign performance.

Why CTR is Crucial for LinkedIn Ads?

Optimizing CTR is especially important on LinkedIn, where advertising costs can be relatively high compared to other platforms. LinkedIn Ads operates on a bidding system where advertisers bid for ad placements. A higher CTR can lower your cost-per-click (CPC) because LinkedIn’s algorithm favors more engaging ads, rewarding them with better placements and lower costs. Therefore, by improving your CTR, you’re not only increasing your ad’s effectiveness but also potentially reducing your overall advertising costs.

Understanding the Average CTR for LinkedIn Ads

Industry Benchmarks

When evaluating your LinkedIn Ads CTR, it’s essential to have a benchmark against which to compare. 

According to industry data, the average CTR for LinkedIn Ads typically ranges between 0.44% and 0.65% across all industries. However, this range can vary significantly depending on industry, ad format, and targeting strategy. For instance:

  • Sponsored Content: These often see a higher CTR, averaging around 0.44%. These ads appear directly in the LinkedIn feed, making them more engaging.
  • Text and dynamic Ads tend to have lower CTRs, averaging 0.024%. As they appear in less prominent positions on the page, they are more likely to be overlooked.
  • Message Ads: These ads generally see higher engagement, with an average CTR of about 3.2%, depending on the quality and relevance of the content.

    Also Read: Types of LinkedIn Ads

How Industry and Audience Impact CTR

The industry you’re targeting plays a significant role in determining your average CTR. For example, industries like technology, marketing, and education often see higher CTRs due to their audience’s familiarity with online platforms and digital content. On the other hand, industries like manufacturing or heavy industry may experience lower CTRs due to a less digitally engaged audience.

Additionally, the demographic and professional characteristics of your target audience on LinkedIn can influence CTR. Ads targeting senior-level executives may have lower CTRs compared to those targeting mid-level professionals simply because decision-makers are often more selective in the content they engage with.

Impact of Ad Formats on CTR

The format of your LinkedIn ad is another critical factor affecting CTR. As mentioned earlier, Sponsored Content tends to generate higher CTRs because it blends seamlessly into the LinkedIn feed, making it more likely to be seen and clicked. Text Ads, while cheaper, often have lower CTRs due to their less prominent placement. Message Ads, however, can capture attention more effectively, leading to higher CTRs, provided the content is engaging and relevant.

Factors Affecting CTR on LinkedIn Ads

Target Audience

One of the most significant factors influencing your LinkedIn Ads CTR is the accuracy of your audience targeting. LinkedIn offers various targeting options, including job title, company size, industry, skills, etc. However, even with these tools, it’s easy to either over-target (too narrow) or under-target (too broad), which can negatively impact your CTR.

  • Over-Targeting: When your audience is too narrow, your ads might not get enough impressions, leading to a lower CTR due to a lack of visibility.
  • Under-targeting: When your audience is too broad, your ad may be shown to people who are not genuinely interested, leading to lower engagement and a reduced CTR.

To optimize your CTR, it’s crucial to find the sweet spot in targeting: broad enough to reach a substantial audience but specific enough to engage the right people.

Ad Copy and Creative

The quality of your ad copy and creative elements plays a crucial role in attracting clicks. A well-crafted ad that speaks directly to your target audience's needs and pain points is more likely to achieve a higher CTR. Here are some tips:

  • Compelling Headlines: Use attention-grabbing headlines that highlight the value proposition.
  • Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): A strong CTA guides the audience on what to do next, increasing the likelihood of clicks.
  • Engaging Visuals: Use high-quality images or videos that resonate with your audience and support your message.

Ad Format

As discussed earlier, the choice of ad format can significantly impact CTR. For example, if your goal is to drive high engagement, Sponsored Content or Video Ads may be more effective than Text Ads. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each ad format is essential in choosing the right one for your campaign goals.

Ad Placement and Frequency

Where and how often your ad is shown also influences its CTR. LinkedIn’s ad placement options allow you to position your ad in various locations on the platform, each with different visibility levels. Advertisements in the LinkedIn feed (Sponsored Content) generally perform better than those in sidebars or footers (Text Ads).

  • Ad Frequency: This refers to the number of times your ad is shown to the same user. While repeated exposure can reinforce your message, too much repetition can lead to ad fatigue, where users start ignoring your ad, thus lowering your CTR. It’s important to monitor and adjust ad frequency to balance visibility and engagement.

Optimizing Your LinkedIn Ads for Better CTR

A/B Testing

One of the most effective strategies for improving your LinkedIn Ads CTR is A/B testing. This involves creating multiple versions of your ad with slight variations in elements such as headline, copy, image, or CTA, and then testing them to see which version performs better.

  • Headline Testing: Experiment with different headlines to see which ones capture the most attention.
  • Visual Testing: Try using different images or videos to determine which visuals resonate most with your audience.
  • CTA Testing: Test different CTAs to determine which ones are most effective in driving clicks.

You can gradually improve your CTR and overall campaign performance by systematically testing and refining your ads.

Improving Targeting

Improving your audience targeting can have a significant impact on CTR. Use LinkedIn’s advanced targeting options to reach the most relevant audience segments. Consider using:

  • Lookalike Audiences: These audiences share characteristics similar to those of your existing customers or high-value leads. Targeting lookalike audiences can help you reach new users more likely to engage with your ads.
  • Retargeting: This involves showing ads to users who have previously interacted with your brand, such as visiting your website or engaging with your content on LinkedIn. Retargeting can significantly boost CTR as these users are already familiar with your brand.

Enhancing Ad Copy and Visuals

Investing time in crafting high-quality ad copy and visuals is essential for improving CTR. Here are some additional tips:

  • Use Emotional Triggers: Ads that evoke emotions (e.g., curiosity, excitement, urgency) are likelier to be clicked.
  • Personalization: Tailor your ad content to address different audience segments' specific needs and interests.
  • Consistency: Ensure your ad copy and visuals are consistent with your brand’s tone and messaging.

Monitoring and Adjusting Budgets

Effective budget management is crucial for optimizing your LinkedIn Ads CTR. While a higher budget can increase your ad’s reach, spending more to get better results is not always necessary. The key is to allocate your budget strategically and adjust it based on performance data.

  • Start with a Test Budget: Begin with a smaller budget to test different ad creatives, formats, and targeting options. This allows you to gather data on what works best before scaling up.
  • Monitor Spend vs. Performance: Regularly review how your budget is being spent in relation to your CTR and other key metrics. If certain ads or targeting options are delivering a lower CTR, consider reallocating your budget to higher-performing ads.
  • Dynamic Budget Allocation: Consider using LinkedIn’s budget optimization tools, such as automated bidding, which can help you dynamically allocate your budget to maximize CTR and other desired outcomes.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Improve CTR

Ignoring Audience Feedback

One of the most common mistakes advertisers make is not listening to their audience. Negative feedback, such as low engagement or high bounce rates, is a clear signal that something in your ad is not resonating. Ignoring this feedback can result in wasted budget and poor campaign performance. Regularly monitor user comments, engagement metrics, and CTR to make necessary adjustments.

Overlooking Mobile Optimization

With a significant portion of LinkedIn users accessing the platform via mobile devices, failing to optimize your ads for mobile can severely impact your CTR. Ensure that your ad creatives, landing pages, and CTAs are mobile-friendly to provide a seamless user experience and maximize clicks from mobile users.

Neglecting to Update or Refresh Ads

Ads can become stale over time, especially if they are shown to the same audience repeatedly. This can lead to ad fatigue, where your audience starts to ignore your ads, resulting in a lower CTR. Regularly updating your ad creatives and experimenting with new formats can keep your campaigns fresh and engaging.

Setting Unrealistic Expectations

While aiming for a high CTR is essential, setting unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment and misguided strategy adjustments. LinkedIn is a unique platform; average CTRs may vary from other digital advertising channels. Focus on gradual improvements and optimizing for your specific audience and industry.

The Role of Factors in Optimizing LinkedIn Ads Performance

Factors is a cutting-edge marketing analytics platform designed to help businesses make data-driven decisions. By leveraging advanced AI and machine learning algorithms, Factors provides in-depth insights into your marketing campaigns, including LinkedIn Ads, helping you optimize performance and improve key metrics such as CTR.

How Factors Enhances LinkedIn Ads Performance

  • Comprehensive Analytics: Factors offers comprehensive analytics that go beyond basic metrics. It tracks user behavior, engagement patterns, and conversion pathways, providing a deeper understanding of how your LinkedIn Ads are performing and where improvements can be made.
  • Predictive Insights: The platform uses predictive analytics to forecast CTR trends and potential outcomes based on historical data. This allows you to proactively adjust your campaigns to optimize performance and budget allocation.
  • Automated Reporting: Factors simplifies the reporting process by automatically generating detailed reports on your LinkedIn Ads campaigns. These reports highlight key performance indicators (KPIs), including CTR, and provide actionable insights to improve future campaigns.
  • A/B Testing Optimization: With Factors, you can easily manage and analyze A/B tests across multiple LinkedIn Ads campaigns. The platform’s AI-driven insights help identify the best-performing ad variations, allowing you to optimize CTR more effectively.
  • Customizable Dashboards: The platform offers customizable dashboards that allow you to track CTR and other important metrics in real-time. This real-time monitoring enables you to make quick adjustments to your campaigns, ensuring that your ads remain effective and engaging.

Introducing LinkedIn AdPilot by Factors

We at Factors recently introduced AdPilot, a platform designed to streamline the process of managing and optimizing your LinkedIn Ads. Performance Tracking:

Audience Builder

  • Simplifies the process of list-building across platforms like Apollo and Zoominfo.
  • Ensures you don't miss out on high-intent accounts by integrating data from multiple tools.
  • Centralizes and syncs your data across platforms for more accurate audience creation.
  • Enables precise targeting on LinkedIn, reducing manual effort and increasing efficiency.

Smart Reach

  • Helps balance ad impressions across all accounts, preventing overexposure to the top 10% of companies.
  • Ensures every account in your audience list gets a fair chance to see your ads.
  • Increases the potential for revenue by optimizing ad distribution.
  • Provides control over ad frequency, allowing for more strategic ad placements.

Campaign Automation

  • Allows targeting of high-intent and in-market buyers rather than broad, uninterested audiences.
  • Utilizes intent-based impression control to optimize ad budget allocation.
  • Ensures ads are shown to prospects who are more likely to convert, improving ROI.
  • Reduces wastage of ad spend by focusing on relevant, interested audiences.

LinkedIn True ROI

  • Offers view-through attribution to track how target accounts interact with your ads and website.
  • Provides a detailed view of LinkedIn’s impact on revenue generation, beyond just ad clicks.
  • Helps prove the value of LinkedIn ads to leadership with accurate ROI metrics.
  • Bridges the gap between ad clicks and actual revenue, showing the full customer journey.

LinkedIn CAPI

  • Enhances ad campaign optimization by sending conversion data back to LinkedIn Campaign Manager.
  • Reduces reliance on guesswork in scaling successful ad campaigns.
  • Integrates seamlessly with LinkedIn as a Marketing Partner, improving reporting and insights.
  • Enables more effective A/B testing by providing accurate performance data for future campaigns.

With Factors’ AdPilot, marketers can double down on their LinkedIn Ads ROI. 

In a nutshell

Optimizing the CTR of your LinkedIn Ads is a critical step toward achieving better campaign performance and maximizing your return on investment. You can get the best out of your LinkedIn ads by understanding the factors influencing CTR, such as audience targeting, ad copy, and ad format, and utilizing tools like our LinkedIn A\dPilot. Get a first-hand experience of LinkedIn AdPilot here.

Top 5 CANDDi Alternatives & Competitors

September 13, 2024
0 min read

Understanding customer behavior online is key to business success, so companies are turning to sophisticated tools to monitor website traffic, identify leads, and customize interactions. CANDDi (Customer Analytics and Digital Data Insights) has become popular for its effective visitor tracking and lead identification features. It enables businesses to gain insights into who visits their website, what interests them, and how to convert them into customers.

Although CANDDi is a powerful tool, there may be better fits for some businesses. Factors like cost, feature preferences, or unique business needs prompt companies to consider other options. This blog explores various alternatives to CANDDi, offering a detailed comparison of tools that could better suit your specific requirements.


  • Factors.ai is an AI-powered analytics and visitor tracking tool. The features include visitor identification, AI-powered analytics, custom dashboards, lead scoring, and predictive modeling. Factors offers advanced analytics, AI-driven insights, and customizable dashboards. However, it might be slightly more complex and priced higher.

  • Leadfeeder focuses on company-level data. Offers features such as company identification, behavior tracking, CRM integration, and email alerts. The tool is user-friendly, CRM integration. However, it has limited individual tracking and relies on Google Analytics data.

  • Albacross helps with B2B lead generation and website tracking. Features include company identification, lead generation, CRM integration, and custom reporting. Albacorss offers detailed company insights, a lead generation focus, and custom reporting but has limited individual tracking and pricing transparency issues.

  • Clearbit is a data enrichment and lead generation tool. The features include data enrichment, company identification, CRM integration, API access, and lead scoring. It offers comprehensive data and scalable, robust integration but may be expensive and has a steep learning curve.

  • Lead Forensics offers real-time visitor identification and lead generation. Features include visitor identification, real-time alerts, CRM integration, lead scoring, and custom reporting. While the tool provides detailed lead data, real-time engagement, and comprehensive CRM integration, it is expensive and has data overload issues.

Understanding A Little More About CANDDi

CANDDi, short for Campaign and Digital Data Insights, is a visitor tracking and lead identification tool designed to help businesses understand who is visiting their website, what they are doing there, and how to engage them effectively. The tool provides in-depth insights into visitor behavior, allowing businesses to tailor their marketing and sales strategies accordingly.

Features of CANDDi

  1. Visitor Identification
  2. Data Segmentation
  3. Lead Scoring
  4. CRM Integration
  5. Email Tracking
  6. Real-Time Alerts

Pros of CANDDi:

  • Detailed Visitor Insights
  • Lead Scoring
  • Real-Time Alerts

Cons of CANDDi:

  • Complexity
  • Pricing
  • Limited Customization


CANDDi offers a tiered pricing model. The basic package generally starts at around £150 per month, with pricing increasing based on the number of identified visitors and additional features. Customized plans are available for larger enterprises with more extensive needs.

Ideal User Base 

CANDDi is ideal for B2B companies, particularly those in sales-driven industries such as technology, finance, and professional services. It is most beneficial for businesses that need detailed insights into who is visiting their website and how to convert those visitors into customers.

Why Consider CANDDi Alternatives?

While CANDDi offers robust visitor tracking and lead identification capabilities, some businesses may have better solutions. Here are some reasons why you might consider exploring alternatives:

1. Pricing Constraints: 

While CANDDi’s pricing may be justified by its feature set, it may be prohibitive for small businesses or startups. Exploring alternatives is wise if you're looking for a more budget-friendly option.

2. Feature Overload: 

CANDDi’s extensive features may be more than necessary for businesses that require only basic visitor tracking, leading to unnecessary complexity and cost.

3. Customization Needs: 

If your business requires specific customization options or a different way of viewing and segmenting data, other tools offer more flexibility than CANDDi.

4. Integration Requirements: 

While CANDDi integrates with popular CRM systems, your business might use less standard tools that require more seamless integration capabilities than other platforms offer.

5. Scalability: 

As your business grows, you may need a tool that scales more effectively or offers more advanced features for enterprise-level operations. Some CANDDi alternatives better meet these needs.

Top CANDDi Alternatives

1. Factors.ai


Factors is a relatively new entrant into the visitor tracking and analytics space but has quickly gained traction due to its focus on advanced data analytics and AI-driven insights. Unlike traditional visitor tracking tools, Factors offers a more comprehensive approach by combining visitor tracking with powerful analytics and predictive modeling capabilities, making it a solid alternative to CANDDi.


  • Visitor Identification: Factors identifies website visitors and provides detailed information about their behavior, including the pages they visit and the time they spend on each page.
  • AI-Powered Analytics: The platform leverages AI to analyze visitor data and generate insights that can help you optimize your marketing strategies.
  • Custom Dashboards: Create customizable dashboards to track key metrics and KPIs, providing a clear view of your marketing performance.
  • Lead Scoring and Segmentation: Automatically score and segment leads based on their behavior, ensuring that your sales team focuses on the most promising prospects.
  • CRM and Marketing Automation Integration: Seamless integration with popular CRM systems and marketing automation platforms allows smooth data flow and enhanced lead management.
  • Predictive Modeling: Use predictive modeling to forecast future behavior and trends, enabling more informed decision-making.


  • Advanced Analytics: Factors stands out for its advanced analytics capabilities, which go beyond simple visitor tracking and offer deeper insights into visitor behavior.
  • AI-Driven Insights: Using AI-driven data analysis to generate insights helps businesses optimize their marketing efforts and improve conversion rates.
  • Customizable Dashboards: The ability to create custom dashboards allows businesses to focus on the metrics that matter most to them.


  • Complexity: Factors’ advanced features may require a learning curve, particularly for users unfamiliar with AI-driven tools.
  • Pricing: Factors’ advanced features come at a cost, which may be higher than some simpler alternatives.


Factors offers customized pricing based on your business's specific needs. The cost typically varies depending on the number of visitors tracked, the features required, and the level of service. Businesses interested in Factors are encouraged to request a quote for accurate pricing information.

Ideal User Base

Factors is best suited for data-driven businesses that want to optimize their marketing efforts beyond basic visitor tracking and leverage advanced analytics. It is beneficial for companies in industries like SaaS, e-commerce, and digital marketing that need detailed insights and predictive modeling to drive growth.

2. Leadfeeder


Leadfeeder is a popular web analytics tool that identifies companies visiting your website, showing you how they found you and what they’re interested in. It integrates seamlessly with Google Analytics and CRM systems, making it a go-to choice for B2B companies seeking to generate more website traffic leads.


  • Company Identification: Leadfeeder identifies companies visiting your website and provides details like company name, industry, and contact information.
  • Behavior Tracking: Tracks visitor behavior, showing which pages were viewed and how long the visitor stayed on your site.
  • CRM Integration: Direct integration with CRM systems such as Salesforce, HubSpot, and Pipedrive for easy lead management.
  • Email Alerts: Get notified when a high-value lead visits your website, similar to CANDDi’s real-time alerts.
  • Custom Feeds: Set up custom feeds to filter visitors by criteria such as location, industry, or pages viewed.


  • Easy to Use: Leadfeeder is known for its user-friendly interface, which makes it accessible even to users with minimal technical knowledge.
  • CRM Integration: Seamless CRM integration ensures your sales team has the latest lead information.
  • Scalable: Suitable for both small businesses and large enterprises due to its flexible pricing and feature set.


  • Limited Data on Individuals: Unlike CANDDi, which can sometimes identify individual visitors, Leadfeeder focuses primarily on company-level data.
  • Dependency on Google Analytics: Leadfeeder’s insights rely heavily on Google Analytics data, which might limit its accuracy if your Analytics setup is not optimal.


Leadfeeder offers a free version with limited features and a paid version starting at €79 per month, depending on the number of leads identified and additional features required.

Ideal User Base

Leadfeeder is ideal for B2B companies, particularly those in SaaS, consulting, and digital marketing industries. It’s a great option for businesses that want to enhance their lead-generation efforts without investing heavily in a complex tool.

Also Read: Leadfeeder [Dealfront] vs. Factors

3. Albacross


Albacross is a lead generation and website tracking tool designed to help B2B companies identify website visitors and turn them into leads. It provides detailed insights into the companies visiting your site and enables you to engage them with targeted marketing campaigns.


  • Company Identification: Albacross identifies the companies visiting your website and provides key details such as industry, size, and contact information.
  • Lead Generation: The tool helps you generate leads by tracking visitor behavior and identifying those who are most likely to convert.
  • CRM Integration: Seamless integration with popular CRM systems to streamline lead management.
  • Custom Reporting: Create custom reports to analyze visitor data based on criteria such as location, industry, or behavior.
  • Targeted Campaigns: Use Albacross's insights to run targeted marketing campaigns for specific companies or industries.


  • Detailed Company Insights: Albacross provides extensive information on visiting companies, helping you tailor your marketing efforts effectively.
  • Lead Generation Focus: The tool is designed specifically for lead generation, making it a strong alternative for businesses focused on converting website traffic into leads.
  • Custom Reporting: The ability to create custom reports allows for deeper analysis and more targeted marketing strategies.


  • Limited Individual Tracking: Like Leadfeeder, Albacross focuses on company-level data, which may need to be improved for businesses looking to track individual visitor behavior.
  • Pricing Transparency: Albacross’s pricing structure is not as transparent as some competitors, requiring potential customers to request a quote.


Albacross offers customized pricing based on your business's needs. The cost typically depends on the number of visitors tracked and the required features.

Ideal User Base

Albacross best suits B2B companies looking to enhance their lead generation efforts. It’s useful for businesses in industries like technology, finance, and professional services that need detailed insights into who is visiting their website.

Also Read: Leadfeeder vs. Albacross 

4. Clearbit


Clearbit is a robust data enrichment and lead generation tool that provides detailed insights into your website visitors. It gathers extensive information about visitors, including company details, job roles, and contact information, which can be leveraged for more personalized marketing and sales outreach. Clearbit is known for its data accuracy and is often used by companies to enrich their CRM databases.


  • Data Enrichment: Clearbit enriches your existing data by adding valuable information about leads, such as company size, industry, job title, and contact details.
  • Company Identification: Identify which companies visit your website and gain insights into their interests based on browsing behavior.
  • CRM Integration: Seamlessly integrates with CRMs like Salesforce, enabling you to update your lead records with enriched data automatically.
  • API Access: Clearbit provides robust API access, allowing businesses to integrate its data into their existing tools and workflows.
  • Lead Scoring: Helps prioritize leads by scoring them based on their engagement and fit with your target customer profile.


  • Comprehensive Data: Clearbit’s extensive database ensures that you have access to detailed information about your website visitors, enhancing your ability to tailor marketing efforts.
  • Scalable: Suitable for small and large businesses, with the ability to handle large volumes of data.
  • Integration Capabilities: Clearbit’s API and CRM integrations make it easy to incorporate into your existing sales and marketing stack.


  • Cost: Clearbit can be expensive, particularly for smaller businesses or startups with limited budgets.
  • Complexity: While powerful, Clearbit’s extensive feature set and customization options may require a steeper learning curve and dedicated resources to utilize fully.


Clearbit offers various pricing tiers based on usage, with the starting price for basic access typically around $99 per month. Pricing can increase significantly depending on the volume of data and additional features required, and enterprise solutions are often custom-priced.

Ideal User Base

Clearbit is ideal for data-driven businesses that need detailed, enriched information about their leads. It is popular among SaaS companies, digital marketing agencies, and large enterprises that require accurate and comprehensive data to drive their sales and marketing strategies.

5. Lead Forensics


Lead Forensics is another tool in visitor tracking and lead generation. It provides real-time information about the companies visiting your website, allowing your sales team to engage potential leads proactively. Lead Forensics is particularly well-regarded for its ability to reveal detailed information about otherwise anonymous visitors.


  • Visitor Identification: Lead Forensics identifies website visitors and provides detailed information about their company, including contact details for decision-makers.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Receive notifications when a high-value lead visits your website, enabling immediate follow-up.
  • CRM Integration: Syncs with your existing CRM, ensuring your sales team has up-to-date information on all leads.
  • Lead Scoring: Automatically score leads based on their behavior on your website, helping you prioritize the most promising prospects.
  • Custom Reporting: Create and export custom reports to analyze visitor data and measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.


  • Detailed Lead Data: Lead Forensics provides in-depth information about visiting companies, making it easier to target key decision-makers.
  • Real-Time Engagement: The tool’s real-time alerts allow immediate follow-up, increasing the chances of converting leads into customers.
  • Comprehensive CRM Integration: Seamless integration with CRM systems helps streamline the lead management process.


  • High Cost: Lead Forensics is on the higher end of the pricing spectrum, which might be prohibitive for smaller businesses.
  • Focus on B2B: The tool is specifically designed for B2B businesses, so it may not be suitable for B2C companies.
  • Data Overload: The sheer volume of data provided can be overwhelming, particularly for smaller teams without dedicated analytics resources.


Lead Forensics offers custom pricing based on the size of your business and the number of website visitors. Depending on the features and level of service required, the cost can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per month.

Ideal User Base

Lead Forensics is best suited for B2B companies that rely on proactive sales efforts and need detailed information about their website visitors to drive lead generation. It is particularly useful for technology, manufacturing, and professional services.

Also Read: Top 10 Lead Forensics Alternatives

Why Factors is the Perfect CANDDi Alternative

Factors emerges as a compelling alternative to CANDDi for several reasons. Here’s why it could be the ideal choice for your business:

1. Advanced Analytics and AI Integration:

  • Predictive Modeling: Factors uses AI to analyze visitor data and predict future trends. This allows businesses to make data-driven decisions and anticipate customer needs more accurately than CANDDi.
  • In-depth Insights: The advanced analytics capabilities provide deeper insights into visitor behavior, enabling more precise targeting and personalized marketing strategies.

2. Customizable Dashboards

  • Tailored Reporting: With customizable dashboards, Factors lets you focus on the metrics that matter most to your business. This flexibility is crucial for effectively adapting to specific business goals and tracking performance.

3. Comprehensive Lead Management

  • Lead Scoring and Segmentation: Factors’s lead scoring and segmentation features help prioritize high-value leads and tailor follow-up strategies. This ensures that your sales team can focus on the most promising prospects, similar to CANDDi’s lead scoring capabilities but with added flexibility.

4. Seamless Integration

  • CRM and Marketing Automation: Factors integrates well with popular CRM systems and marketing automation tools, facilitating smooth data flow and enhancing lead management. This is essential for businesses that rely on an integrated tech stack for their sales and marketing efforts.

5. Affordable and Scalable

  • Custom Pricing: Factors offers customized pricing, meaning you only pay for the needed features. This can be more cost-effective compared to CANDDi, especially for businesses looking to scale their use of visitor tracking tools without overspending.

6. LinkedIn AdPilot

  • Maximize LinkedIn Ads ROI: Factors has launched a LinkedIn AdPilot platform designed to optimize your LinkedIn advertising spend. With capabilities such as Campaign Automation, Smart Reach, View-through Attribution, Audience Sync, and Factors’ CAPI integration, AdPilot ensures that every dollar spent on LinkedIn Ads contributes to meaningful business outcomes. This platform also sets Factors apart from CANDDi by providing dedicated tools for LinkedIn ad management, enhancing the overall value proposition for businesses investing in LinkedIn ads.

In a nutshell

Choosing the right visitor tracking and lead generation tool is crucial for optimizing your sales and marketing efforts. While CANDDi offers robust features for visitor identification and lead scoring, some businesses may be better suited to it due to pricing and complexity.

Exploring alternatives like Leadfeeder, Albacross, Clearbit, Lead Forensics, Visitor Queue, and Factors can help you find a tool that better meets your specific needs. Each alternative has its strengths and considerations, and the best choice will depend on your budget, feature requirements, and integration needs.

Factors, in particular, stands out as a solid alternative to CANDDi due to its advanced analytics, AI-driven insights, and customizable reporting. Its flexible pricing and innovative approach make it an appealing option for businesses leveraging cutting-edge technology for improved lead generation and marketing effectiveness.

As you consider your options, weigh each tool's features, pricing, and benefits to make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals. Try demo versions, request quotes, and gather feedback from other users to ensure you select the best solution. Reach out to us at Factors.AI for any further details.

Top LinkedIn Agencies in North America

September 12, 2024
0 min read

LinkedIn is a cornerstone platform for professionals and businesses across North America. It offers unparalleled professional networking opportunities, facilitating connections with industry peers, potential employers, and thought leaders. LinkedIn showcases individuals’ skills, experiences, and achievements like a digital resume, bolstering their career prospects and professional growth.

With a user base exceeding 200 million in North America alone, LinkedIn is an invaluable hub where professionals and businesses converge to exchange insights, forge strategic alliances, and cultivate meaningful connections. Below, we highlight a selection of leading LinkedIn Agencies in North America:

  • B2Linked in Lehi, Utah, USA
  • LeadCookie in St. Louis, Missouri, USA
  • 310 Creative in Los Angeles, USA
  • Sculpt in Iowa City, IA, USA
  • Cleverly in Los Angeles, CA, USA
  • Hey Digital in Tallinn, Estonia
  • New North in Frederick, Maryland, USA

What is LinkedIn Marketing?

LinkedIn Marketing involves leveraging the platform to engage with a professional audience, enhance brand visibility, generate leads, nurture business relationships, and drive website traffic. Capitalizing on LinkedIn's unique role as a professional networking site facilitates direct engagement between businesses and professionals.

Key Components of LinkedIn Marketing:

  1. Company Page: 

A LinkedIn Company Page is the cornerstone of a business’s LinkedIn presence. It offers comprehensive information about the company, showcases products or services, and disseminates updates.

  1. Content Marketing: 

Publishing relevant content such as articles, blog posts, videos, and infographics fosters audience engagement, establishes thought leadership, and stimulates meaningful interactions.

  1. LinkedIn Ads: 

Paid advertising options like sponsored content, sponsored InMail, Text Ads, and Dynamic Ads enable businesses to target specific demographics and expand their reach effectively.

  1. LinkedIn Groups: 

Participation in or creating groups focused on specific industries or interests fosters community building, facilitates knowledge sharing, and enhances brand visibility.

  1. Employee Advocacy: 

Encouraging employees to share company content and professional achievements amplifies brand reach and credibility within their networks.

  1. Analytics: 

Leveraging LinkedIn Analytics provides crucial insights into post performance and audience demographics and enables refined marketing strategies based on data-driven decisions.

Importance of  LinkedIn in B2B Marketing and Professional Networking

A. B2B Marketing:

  1. Lead Generation: LinkedIn is a powerful tool for generating high-quality leads due to its professional user base and targeted advertising capabilities.
  2. Brand Awareness: By sharing valuable content and engaging with the audience, businesses can enhance their brand visibility and establish authority in their industry.
  3. Networking: LinkedIn facilitates connections with industry peers, potential clients, and business partners, fostering long-term professional relationships.
  4. Thought Leadership: Companies can position themselves as industry leaders by consistently sharing insightful content and participating in relevant discussions.

Trends in LinkedIn Usage in North America 

  1. LinkedIn's user base in North America has seen consistent growth as of 2023.
  2. LinkedIn has approximately 220M+ members in North America.
  3. North America has the second-largest user base globally​.

LinkedIn’s popularity among different industries and sectors

  1. Technology and IT: 

LinkedIn is highly popular among professionals in the technology and IT sectors, who use it for networking, job hunting, and sharing industry insights.

  1. Healthcare: 

The healthcare industry leverages LinkedIn for professional development, industry news, and connecting with peers.

  1. Finance: 

Financial professionals use LinkedIn to network, stay updated on market trends, and explore career opportunities.

  1. Education: 

Educators and academic institutions use LinkedIn to connect with alumni, share research, and recruit students and staff.

By understanding these aspects of LinkedIn Marketing and its significance, businesses can effectively leverage the platform for growth and professional networking, especially in the B2B space.

Criteria for Selecting Top LinkedIn Agencies
Here are some criteria to remember if you’re looking to onboard a LinkedIn agency:

  1. Experience and Expertise

Years in operation

  • We should look at companies that have been operational for about 5 to 10 years. These companies will be reliable and up-to-date with the latest technology and LinkedIn marketing.

Specialization in LinkedIn marketing

  • Select agencies that specialize in LinkedIn rather than those that offer generic social media marketing services. Agencies with focused expertise in LinkedIn will likely provide advanced strategies and insights tailored to LinkedIn’s professional audience.
  1. Client Portfolio

Types and sizes of clients served

  • Review the agency’s client portfolio to see the diversity and scale of their clientele. Top agencies often work with clients across various industries, from small startups to large enterprises. This indicates their ability to adapt their strategies to different business needs.

Case studies and success stories

  • Look for detailed case studies and success stories demonstrating the agency’s ability to achieve measurable results. Successful case studies often include specific metrics such as lead generation numbers, engagement rates, and ROI.
  1. Range of Services

Content creation

  • Ensure the agency provides comprehensive content creation services, including article writing, post creation, and multimedia content like videos and infographics, tailored for LinkedIn’s professional audience.

Ad campaign management

  • Top agencies should offer robust ad campaign management services, including creating, monitoring, and optimizing LinkedIn Ads. They should also be adept at targeting specific demographics and industries.

Profile optimization

  • The agency should offer services to optimize LinkedIn profiles for businesses and individuals. This includes enhancing profile sections, effectively utilizing keywords, and making profiles more attractive to potential clients and employers. 

Lead generation

  • Effective lead-generation strategies are crucial. The agency should demonstrate a proven track record of generating high-quality leads through LinkedIn.
  1. Reputation and Reviews

Client testimonials

  • Positive client testimonials and reviews strongly indicate an agency’s reliability and performance.

Industry awards and recognitions

  • Awards and recognitions from reputable industry organizations can testify to the agency’s excellence and expertise.

List of Top LinkedIn Agencies

1. 310 Creative 


  • Los Angeles, USA


  • Founded in 2003, it evolved from a web design firm to a full-service marketing agency.

Key Services

  • LinkedIn Marketing
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • SEO 
  • PPC
  • Web Development

Notable Clients and Case Studies/Accomplishments

  • They have worked with clients like IBM, PayPal, and Xerox, delivering significant improvements in lead generation and online visibility.


  • Their expertise creates highly targeted LinkedIn campaigns that drive quality leads and significant ROI. They combine data-driven strategies with creative content to maximize engagement.


  • “310 Creative helped us redefine our LinkedIn strategy, resulting in a 200% increase in qualified leads within six months.”

Marketing Director, IBM.

Best for

  • Their SEO and HubSpot integration might be the best fit for businesses needing integrated marketing solutions.

2. Sculpt 


  • Iowa City, IA, USA


  • Founded to help B2B marketing and business leaders acquire and delight customers, Sculpt uses social media to stay top-of-mind online. They emphasize building relationships with customers through robust analytics and targeted content.

Key Services

  • Social media strategy and consulting
  • Social media community management
  • Paid social campaigns

Notable Clients and Case Studies/Accomplishments

  • Sculpt has worked with Blend.com, helping distribute long-form content pieces effectively during various campaign ramp-ups. Their collaboration led to elevated campaigns outperforming baseline ones on CPC and CPL against ABM target accounts, achieving up to a 50% higher CTR.


  • Sculpt is known for its ability to repurpose pillar content into high-production-value creative that results in impactful campaigns. It is designed for established enterprise B2B brands.


  • “Sculpt’s ability to repurpose content and deliver high-quality creative for impactful campaigns is unmatched.
    - Blend.com

Best for

  • Comprehensive LinkedIn advertising and tailored content strategies.

3. Cleverly 


  • Los Angeles, CA, USA


  • Cleverly focuses on LinkedIn lead generation and paid advertising, catering to a diverse client base. They offer LinkedIn lead generation services, including content marketing, creation, paid advertising, and recruiting.

Key Services

  • LinkedIn lead generation
  • LinkedIn paid advertising
  • LinkedIn candidate recruiting
  • White-label lead generation

Notable Clients and Case Studies/Accomplishments

  • Cleverly helped Bambee, a dedicated HR service provider, by crafting clear, persuasive messaging and using proprietary software to connect with thousands of LinkedIn users. This strategy generated 307 leads, 49 deals closed, and $100K in revenue in just 90 days.


  • Cleverly is renowned for its personalized outreach campaigns, profile optimization, and data-driven strategies.


  • “Cleverly’s strategy and execution resulted in many leads and deals closing quickly.” 

- Bambee​ 

Best for

  • Offers strong lead-generation services with personalized approaches.

4. Hey Digital


  • Tallinn, Estonia


  • Founded by Dylan Hey in 2019, Hey Digital focuses on helping B2B SaaS companies grow through paid media and conversion rate optimization.

Key Services

  • Google Ads Management
  • LinkedIn Ads Management
  •  Facebook Ads Management
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
  • PPC Campaign Management

Notable Clients and Case Studies/Accomplishments

  • With their tailored strategy, Hey Digital helped Swipesum achieve impressive results. Within three months, Hey Digital helped them save $5,400 from fraudulent clicks, increase conversions by 500%, and decrease ad spend by 17%. The company now benefits from more efficient ad campaigns and significantly improved conversion rates.


  • Specialization in B2B SaaS companies
  • Comprehensive paid media strategies
  • Proven track record of significant ROI improvements
  • Tailored CRO strategies to maximize conversions


-   “The quantifiable ROI from working with Hey Digital for us was an enormous decrease in Cost Per Lead. It was 4x the amount before we hired Hey Digital.
- Claire Peña, VP of Marketing at Stream.

-   “I would definitely recommend Hey Digital to any SaaS marketers. They have a great understanding of metrics and can help with new campaigns and refreshing old ones.”
- Ellen Kraemer, Marketing Manager at Cord. 

5. New North


  • Frederick, Maryland, USA


  • New North was established to assist B2B technology companies in achieving their marketing goals through innovative strategies and personalized services.

 Key Services

  • Account-Based Marketing (ABM)
  • Content Creation (blogs, podcasts, videos)
  • Paid Media Campaigns (PPC, display ads, social media)
  • Comprehensive Reporting and Analytics

Notable Clients and Case Studies/Accomplishments

  • With their tailored strategy, New North helped Swipesum achieve impressive results. Within three months, New North helped them save $5,400 from fraudulent clicks, increase conversions by 500%, and decrease ad spend by 17%. The company now benefits from more efficient ad campaigns and significantly improved conversion rates.


  • Focus on B2B tech marketing
  • Customizable service mix to meet specific client needs
  • Transparent and collaborative approach with 24/7 client portal access
  • Experienced team with a blend of in-house and agency backgrounds


  • “New North transformed our digital advertising and demand generation efforts, exceeding expectations with its clean processes and smart strategies.”
    - Toby Phillips, VP at Kolbe Corp

6. Impactable


  • Cape Coral, Florida


  • Impactable, founded in 2016, specializes in LinkedIn advertising. Known for its expertise in LinkedIn Ads, Impactable helps businesses optimize their LinkedIn advertising strategies to drive growth and improve ROI. The agency is recognized for its data-driven approach and innovative techniques in the LinkedIn Ads space.

Key Services

  • LinkedIn Ads Account Management
  • LinkedIn Ads Strategy and Consulting
  • Advanced Bidding Techniques
  • Audience Targeting and Segmentation
  • A/B Testing and Optimization
  • Ad Scheduling and Campaign Management

Notable Clients and Case Studies/Accomplishments

  • Successfully improved lead generation and conversion rates for clients across various industries.
  • Achieved significant cost efficiencies and high ROI for LinkedIn advertising campaigns.
  • Known for scaling LinkedIn ad programs and enhancing overall campaign performance.


  • Specialized focus on LinkedIn advertising
  • Extensive experience with LinkedIn Ads campaigns
  • Data-driven strategies and proprietary tools
  • Proven track record of optimizing ad performance and achieving high ROI


  • We were pleased with every facet of the services provided. - James Vetrano

7. B2Linked 


  • Lehi, Utah, USA


  • Founded by AJ Wilcox in 2014, B2Linked specializes exclusively in LinkedIn advertising. AJ Wilcox has been recognized as a LinkedIn Ads expert and created the agency to help businesses leverage LinkedIn Ads effectively.

Key Services

  • LinkedIn Ads Account Management
  • Consulting
  • Advanced bidding techniques
  • Audience micro-segmentation
  • A/B testing strategies
  • Ad scheduling

Notable Clients and Case Studies/Accomplishments

  • Improved user acquisition efficiency
  • Achieved a 10X ROI through optimized campaigns
  • Scaled LinkedIn ad programs effectively


  • Exclusive focus on LinkedIn advertising
  • LinkedIn Certified Partner
  • Extensive experience managing large accounts
  • Proprietary tools for ad management and scheduling


  • “B2Linked is a really good investment. Acquiring their services made our business a lot more efficient.” - Bistra Angeuelova, Digital Marketing & User Acquisition at Hired.
  • “The time invested upfront with the B2Linked team significantly cut down costs in the long run, resulting in a 10X ROI for our business” - Megan Nivens-Tannett, Founder & CEO at Flourish.

Best for

  • Comprehensive LinkedIn advertising and tailored content strategies.

8. LeadCookie


  • St. Louis, Missouri, USA


  • LeadCookie specializes in LinkedIn lead generation. Founded to help businesses generate quality leads through LinkedIn, it has developed a reputation for its systematic approach to outreach and engagement.

Key Services

  • LinkedIn lead generation
  • Profile optimization
  • Personalized outreach strategies
  • Email follow-up campaigns

Notable Clients and Case Studies/Accomplishments

  • The agency has helped numerous B2B companies increase their lead generation by up to 300%.


  • Systematic approach to LinkedIn lead generation
  • Focus on building genuine connections and nurturing leads
  • Proven methods to increase lead generation efficiency


  • “Clients appreciate LeadCookie's thorough approach to lead generation and ability to deliver consistent results, highlighting significant increases in lead quality and quantity.”

Best for

  • Offers strong lead-generation services with personalized approaches.

Comparative Analysis in a Snapshot

Agency Pricing Offerings Notable Features Website
310 Creative Custom pricing based on needs LinkedIn content creation, ad management, SEO, HubSpot integration Comprehensive marketing solutions including content and SEO; HubSpot Platinum Partner Visit Site
Sculpt Starts at $2,500/month LinkedIn advertising, content creation, social media strategy Focus on B2B SaaS companies; emphasizes tailored content strategies Visit Site
Hey Digital Get in touch with them to get a quote LinkedIn Marketing Services, Paid Media, CRO -Specialization in B2B SaaS companies; comprehensive paid media strategies
-Proven track record of significant ROI improvements
-Tailored CRO strategies to maximize conversions
Visit Site
New North Get in touch with them to get a quote LinkedIn Marketing Services -Focus on B2B tech marketing
-Customizable service mix to meet specific client needs
-Transparent and collaborative approach with 24/7 client portal access
-Experienced team with a blend of in-house and agency backgrounds
Visit Site
Impactable Custom pricing based on needs Comprehensive LinkedIn advertising strategies; Campaign management and optimization; Detailed performance reporting; Strategic consulting Specialized focus on LinkedIn Ads; Extensive experience and expertise; Data-driven strategies; Proprietary tools for campaign management and analysis Visit Site

In a nutshell

Partnering with a specialized LinkedIn agency can significantly enhance your business’s presence and effectiveness on the platform. These agencies bring expertise, proven strategies, and a track record of success, making them valuable allies in achieving your LinkedIn marketing goals. Whether your objective is to increase brand visibility, generate leads, or recruit top talent, leveraging the services of a top LinkedIn agency can provide a competitive edge in the dynamic North American market.

While agencies can boost your LinkedIn presence, Factors introduces LinkedIn AdPilot—a revolutionary tool designed to harness data-driven insights for precise targeting and rapid ROI enhancement. Experience the transformation yourself by joining our beta program today and see how AdPilot can elevate your marketing strategy.

Lead Generation vs Demand Generation: Definitions, Goals & Differences

September 10, 2024
0 min read

Approximately 95% of the addressable market remains dormant, not actively seeking to purchase a product or service at any given time. This percentage of the market can be tapped with the help of demand-generation tactics. As for the remaining 5%, that can be tackled with lead generation.

Mastering the art of demand generation is critical to the success of any product or service. This systematic process not only raises awareness but also piques customer interest in the product, presenting your product as an irresistible solution tailored to meet the unique needs of potential customers. By identifying the target audience early on in the marketing funnel, businesses can effectively tailor their offerings to meet customer needs and preferences, ensuring continuous improvements in subsequent iterations.

Moving on to demand generation, as we saw above, it focuses on actively engaging with the 5% of potential customers who express interest in finding a solution. By using more direct language and communication methods, lead generation helps businesses capture and interact with these active consumers.

However, generating leads, especially high-quality ones, is no piece of cake. As customer journeys lengthen, advertising costs rise, and alternative channels for customer interactions emerge, marketers must carefully prioritize their efforts to succeed in lead generation.

To put it succinctly, demand generation targets passive customers, whereas lead generation focuses on actively engaging with potential consumers. By employing both strategies harmoniously, businesses can create a robust and successful marketing approach, driving growth and gaining a competitive edge in their industry.

Demand Generation: Top of the Funnel
Demand Generation: Top of the Funnel
Lead Generation: Bottom of the Funnel
Lead Generation: Bottom of the Funnel


  • Demand generation educates, creates awareness, and tailors solutions, while lead generation showcases product benefits.
  • Quality leads are vital, and marketers must prioritize efforts as customer journeys lengthen and costs rise.
  • Harmonizing demand and lead generation strategies create a robust marketing approach for growth.
  • Demand generation sparks interest, while lead generation engages prospects, aiming to convert them.
  • A successful demand gen campaign ensures qualified leads, while lead gen nurtures and converts prospects.
  • Combining both strategies offers a seamless approach to customer acquisition and business growth.
  • In an established market, prioritize lead generation; in a new category, focus on demand generation.
  • Understanding lead types (MQLs, SQLs, PQLs) enables effective nurturing and conversions.
  • Demand gen educates, and lead gen converts; their synergy drives modern marketing success.

Lead Gen vs Demand Gen: Laying the groundwork

What is lead generation? 

Lead generation is focused on finding and attracting potential customers (or leads) for your business. The primary goal here is to procure vital contact information from interested individuals who have expressed an interest in your offerings. So, before immediately contacting eligible leads through sales calls, organizations may educate and nurture prospective consumers through dynamic channels such as landing pages, opt-in email lists, or even insightful content pieces. With these channels, organizations can effectively attract valuable prospects, and pave the way for converting them into paying customers. 

An example of a lead generation strategy could be to offer a ‘free’ e-book in exchange for visitors' email addresses. By providing valuable content, your company captivates potential customers and establishes direct contact for further engagement with the customer.

Lead Generation

Key Aspects of Lead Generation

  • Targeted Engagement: With precision targeting, lead generation zeroes in on individuals who have already exhibited interest, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
  • Conversion Optimization: The ultimate aim is to convert these prospects into leads by capturing their contact details, such as email addresses and phone numbers.
  • Data-Driven Strategies: Employ advanced data analytics and tracking methods to measure campaign success and identify high-yield channels and tactics.

How does lead generation work?

It involves two key steps: initiating interactions with interested leads (potential prospects) and subsequently converting them into leads by obtaining their contact information.

To draw potential customers to your website, identify a winning strategy tailored to your business objectives and financial constraints. Some effective methods include:

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social Media
  • Display Ads
  • Offline Events

Once visitors arrive on your website, the next step is to convert them into leads using various lead generation techniques. These methods aim to capture consumers' interest in your product or service, encouraging them to provide their contact details, often through the use of incentives known as "lead magnets."

Once a lead expresses interest in your offerings, it becomes a Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL). The digital marketing team then initiates nurturing campaigns, often leveraging marketing automation to send targeted emails and engaging content. Here, the goal is to educate and persuade prospects to transition into sales leads. This can happen through an inbound purchase on the company's website or by reaching out to a salesperson. In corporate sales, the sales team may directly contact potential customers to finalise the deal.

What is demand generation?

The systematic process of generating interest in a product or a service is known as demand creation. This process involves increasing product awareness and encouraging customers to explore the product or service as a potential solution to their needs. It also helps identify the target market and serves as the first step in the marketing funnel. What’s more, working on demand generation also helps businesses in understanding customer preferences that may be included in the product throughout subsequent revisions.
Let’s look at an illustrative example of Zendek Corp, a leading provider of industrial solutions, and see how demand generation can help even unconventional sectors. When launching its cutting-edge machinery for precision manufacturing, Zendek faced the challenge of reaching a niche audience in a highly specialized field. Unlike conventional consumer products, their solutions targeted a specific set of manufacturers requiring intricate equipment.

To address this, they strategically employed content marketing and industry partnerships to engage potential buyers. By creating informative whitepapers and hosting webinars that tackled the complexities of precision manufacturing, they positioned themselves as experts and thought leaders. This approach proved transformative, as it not only attracted over 10,000 industry professionals but also nurtured strong connections.
The campaign’s success wasn’t just measured in numbers; it led to partnerships and collaborations that further solidified Zendek’s position as an indispensable partner for manufacturers.

So, how are lead generation and demand generation different?

Demand generation primarily operates at the top of the funnel, focusing on raising awareness of your company and generating interest in your offerings. 

On the other hand, lead generation comes into play at the middle and bottom of the funnel, nurturing qualified prospects and guiding them towards becoming customers.

Let’s look at the channels for lead generation
Lead generation channels are focused on capturing and converting interested prospects into concrete leads. 

To understand this better, let’s assume you're a B2B software company specializing in project management solutions. You're eager to capture the attention of decision-makers in the engineering sector. To achieve this, you craft an in-depth eBook titled 'Streamlining Engineering Projects: A Comprehensive Guide to Efficient Project Management.' This resource delves into the challenges engineers face and presents effective solutions using your software.

Upon landing on your website, visitors are greeted with a well-designed web pop-up offering them this free eBook in exchange for their email addresses. This lead magnet not only promises valuable insights but also addresses a pain point specific to your target audience.

As prospects engage with your content, you leverage lead scoring to identify those displaying a high level of interest. This, in turn, triggers personalized follow-up emails offering case studies showcasing real-world success stories of engineering firms that benefited from your software.

Additionally, you employ retargeting techniques, displaying tailored ads across platforms to keep your solution top-of-mind. Now, social proof takes centre stage as you highlight testimonials from engineering companies praising the effectiveness of your software.

With CRM software in place, your sales team can seamlessly manage and nurture leads, ensuring no prospect falls through the cracks. A/B testing of email subject lines and content helps fine-tune your messaging for optimal engagement.

With this holistic approach, every tactic – from the initial lead magnet (eBook) to the nurturing emails – works in harmony to guide prospects towards a buying decision. The result? An engaged and well-informed audience that's not just interested in your product, but also trusts its ability to solve their challenges.

When it comes to lead generation, a few metrics that need to be kept in mind are:

  • Lead quality
  • Conversion rate
  • Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Total lead value
  • Cost of acquisition (CAC)
  • Cost per lead (CPL)

Channels for demand generation
Effective demand generation involves a mix of strategic channels and tactics to spark interest and raise awareness about your offering. Here's a quick breakdown of the channels where these strategies can be applied:

  • Content that resonates with your audience: Craft insightful blog posts, eBooks, and videos that address your audience's pain points.
  • Social media amplification: Leverage platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram to engage, educate, and initiate conversations.
  • Engaging email campaigns: Reach out directly with personalized email content, nurturing leads through informative sequences.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimize your content for search engines, ensuring your solution is discoverable when prospects seek answers.
  • Webinars and interactive sessions: Host webinars to showcase your expertise and encourage real-time interactions.
  • In-Person and virtual events: Participate in industry events and host virtual gatherings to connect with prospects.
  • Influencer partnerships: Collaborate with industry influencers to expand your reach and credibility.
  • Referral programs: Encourage satisfied customers to refer others, tapping into the power of word-of-mouth.
  • Interactive content: Offer quizzes, calculators, and assessments to engage and provide value.
  • Conversion-driven landing pages: Design landing pages that resonate and drive action.
  • Free trials and demos: Offer hands-on experience with your product or service through free trials or demos, allowing potential customers to understand the value firsthand.

With these channels in your demand generation arsenal, you can seamlessly attract and engage potential customers, guiding them towards exploring your solution further.

A few metrics to remember concerning demand generation are:

  • Brand lift
  • Visibility
  • Competitive analysis
  • Brand awareness
  • Sentiment analysis
  • Content performance

While demand generation focuses on website traffic, brand awareness, social engagement, and content performance; lead generation focuses on landing pages, CTA, paid channels, as well as organic channels.

A successful demand generation campaign ensures that the leads generated are not only qualified but also genuinely interested in what your business has to offer. Meanwhile, by implementing lead generation techniques, you can effectively nurture and convert prospective customers into loyal, paying customers. So, naturally, the symbiotic relationship between demand generation and lead generation strengthens your overall marketing efforts and contributes to your business's success.

You may now be wondering, “Which tactic will help me achieve my company objectives the most effectively?”. Well, the answer is: Both! And that’s because you can't nurture quality leads and turn them into customers without first drawing them to your business. That is to say, demand generation directly aids lead generation. 

But we’ll get into that right after we look at some important points of difference between lead generation and demand generation with regard to:

Demand Generation Lead Generation
 Goals Enhances public awareness
about your business and
the solutions it provides.
Focuses on converting this
generated demand into
concrete leads.
 Impact - Establishes trust and authority
-Positions your business as a
  thought leader in your industry.
- Helps highlight the USPs
  of your products and services
- Showcases the advantages of
  your offerings,  enhancing
  chances of conversions.
 Channels  Demand generation tactics
 may include:
- Content Marketing
- Social Media Marketing
- Email Marketing
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Webinars and Events
- Influencer Marketing
- Referral Programs
- Interactive Content
  (Quizzes, Assessments)
- Landing Pages Free Trials
  and Demos
 Lead generation tactics may
- Lead Magnets
  (eBooks, whitepapers, case studies,
  other free resources)
- Contact Forms
- Live Chats
- Lead Scoring
- Retargeting/ Remarketing
- Web Pop-ups
- CRM Software
- A/B Testing
- Social Proof

 Metrics - Website traffic
- Brand awareness
- Social engagement
- Content performance
- Quality of leads
- Conversion rate
- Clickthrough rate (CTR)
- Total lead value
- Cost of acquisition (CAC)
- Cost per lead (CPL)

The symbiosis of lead generation and demand generation: Why should businesses focus on both?

As you’ve probably noticed, it’s not lead gen vs demand gen – both are equally valuable. While focusing solely on demand generation may hinder your ability to close sales when your audience is actively seeking your product or service as a solution, working only on demand generation can bring in short-term cash but may not be best for long-term brand recognition, potentially impacting revenue in the long term.

The key to success lies in recognising that demand generation and lead generation are interconnected, and prioritising one over the other is irrelevant (and a disaster for business growth). Instead, businesses must focus on how these two approaches can be used in tandem to create a seamless customer acquisition plan – one that generates demand and nurtures prospective customers to turn them into paying customers.

The most effective approach to optimize marketing efforts is by combining strategies. For instance, offering free educational blogs can generate interest among consumers, prompting them to seek gated content in exchange for information such as email IDs. This way, you can engage and capture potential customers, building a valuable database for future marketing activities.

That said, businesses must seek to test and refine their strategies to achieve optimal results in the buyer's journey and inbound sales.

Does the market context matter?
In choosing the implementation strategy, it's of utmost importance to consider the context of the market. In an established market, if your competitive advantage is pricing, prioritize lead generation since the market demand already exists for the solution your business provides. This existing knowledge of the solution allows you to tap into potential customers who are actively seeking solutions. However, if you're pioneering a new category, focus on demand generation to create awareness and then generate leads.

When selecting your implementation strategy, the market context plays a pivotal role. In an established market, where your competitive advantage lies in pricing, prioritizing lead generation can be effective as the market already exhibits demand for the product. However, if you're breaking new ground in a nascent category, concentrating on demand generation becomes paramount. This approach ensures that awareness is first created, paving the way for subsequent lead generation.

Here’s an example to help you understand this better:
Meet InnovaSys: Elevating Industrial Automation

InnovaSys, a B2B industrial automation solutions provider, is aiming to make its mark in a competitive landscape. With cutting-edge solutions that enhance manufacturing efficiency, InnovaSys is venturing into a space where its technology is novel.

Recognizing the need to first generate awareness and establish thought leadership, InnovaSys embraces demand generation tactics. They host webinars, publish in-depth industry reports, and collaborate with influential trade associations to spotlight the advantages of their automation solutions. With this, InnovaSys aims to position itself as a trusted guide, driving curiosity and inquiry from potential clients.

Meet EngiTech: Transforming Data Analytics

On the other side of the spectrum, EngiTech, a B2B data analytics startup, is entering a market brimming with established players. Their unique selling proposition lies in an upgraded and revolutionary data aggregation and visualization tool that significantly streamlines decision-making for businesses.

In this scenario, where the demand for their tool is evident, EngiTech directs its efforts towards lead generation. They harness the power of targeted LinkedIn outreach, engaging with decision-makers who are actively seeking solutions to their data challenges. Additionally, EngiTech partners with industry influencers to amplify their reach among relevant circles.

In the case of both InnovaSys and EngiTech, the chosen strategy aligns with their respective market contexts. InnovaSys embarks on demand generation to pave the way for recognition and interest in their novel automation solutions. Meanwhile, EngiTech capitalizes on existing demand by focusing on lead generation to directly connect with businesses in need of their specialized data analytics tool

Types of Leads & Their Relevance

Understanding the nuances of different types of leads enables companies to implement targeted lead nurturing strategies, ensuring the right message reaches the right audience at the right stage of the buyer's journey. This empowers businesses to maximize their conversion rates, optimize marketing ROI, and ultimately, achieve long-term success. As you may agree, not all leads are created equal, and each type represents a different level of engagement and readiness to make a purchasing decision. By distinguishing between SQLs, MQLs, and PQLs, businesses can effectively prioritize their efforts, customize their approach, and allocate resources wisely. 

Understanding SQLs, MQLs, and PQLs: Nurturing Leads for Successful Conversions

  1. Marketing qualified lead (MQL): 
  • MQLs are leads that have been identified as potential customers based on their engagement and interest in the company's offerings.
  • They have shown interest in the company's products or services, but they may not be fully ready for direct sales outreach.
  • Lead nurturing plays a critical role in converting MQLs into SQLs, as it involves providing them with valuable and relevant content, and guiding them through the decision-making process.
  1. Sales-qualified lead (SQL): 
  • SQLs are leads that have been contacted, evaluated and deemed ready by the sales team.
  • They have shown a strong intent to purchase and are likely to be in the later stages of the buyer's journey.
  • The sales team can focus on converting SQLs into customers by understanding their specific needs and providing personalized solutions.
  1. Product-qualified lead (PQL):
  • PQLs are leads that have experienced the product or service through free trials, demos, or other product interactions.
  • These leads have already demonstrated an interest in the product's value and are more likely to be ready for sales engagement.
  • PQLs can be a valuable source for SQLs since their experience with the product sets them apart from traditional MQLs.

As you can tell, these strategies are not mere buzzwords but indespensible instruments that shape how your business engages with its audiences.
Summing it up, demand generation becomes the guiding light, casting awareness and curiosity over a broad spectrum. It's about educating, sparking conversations, and carving a space for your brand to thrive. While lead generation showcases your product's strengths, resonates with a specific audience, and cultivates relationships that turn into loyal partnerships. The intertwined relationship between these strategies defines the success trajectory of modern businesses, drawing potential clients closer and transforming them into valued patrons.

As modern marketers, the true power lies not just in understanding the nuances of these two strategies, but in recognizing their synergy. It's a mix of education and distinction that fuels the marketing engine. 

Ready to enhance your lead gen or demand gen strategy for optimal tracking and performance? Discover how Factors can streamline implementation and drive results. Get in touch and let’s get started today. 


1. What is a B2B demand generation strategy?

A B2B demand generation strategy is a comprehensive plan and set of actions implemented by a business to create and stimulate interest and demand for their products or services among other businesses or organizations. This strategy involves a series of marketing and sales tactics aimed at attracting and engaging potential buyers throughout the buyer's journey, ultimately leading them to express interest, make inquiries, or request further information. The goal of a B2B demand generation strategy is to generate high-quality leads and drive business growth by converting those leads into customers.

2. What is B2B lead generation?

B2B lead generation is the process of identifying and attracting potential business customers (other businesses or organizations) who have expressed interest in the products or services offered by a company. This process involves targeted marketing and sales strategies designed to generate high-quality leads that can eventually be converted into profitable business relationships.

3. What are the three stages of lead generation? 

It's essential to organize your marketing funnels around the three lead-generation phases:
Awareness: This stage involves creating awareness about a product, service, or brand among the target audience through various marketing efforts.

Interest: In this stage, potential leads express interest by engaging with the provided content or showing intent to learn more about the offering.

Conversion: The final stage focuses on converting interested prospects into actual leads by encouraging them to take a specific action, such as purchasing or providing contact information for further follow-up.

Marketing Performance Measurement - Challenges & Solutions

September 10, 2024
0 min read

Increasingly, marketing performance measurement has become the heartbeat of every SaaS go-to-market function. Marketing performance measurement serves a dual purpose: first, it determines if marketing is indeed working towards business objectives, and two, it supports efficient resource allocation to ensure every marketing dollar counts towards revenue 

Marketing Performance Marketing - A Tale of Two Meetings

Let’s begin our journey by exploring the duality of marketing performance measurement:

Meeting 1: In the C-Suite

Imagine a high-stakes C-level executive meeting in a sleek boardroom, where the CMO stands front and center, under the spotlight.

Their mission? To prove that Marketing isn't just a department spending dollars; it's the strategic lever pushing the business towards its objectives. The CMO seeks to demonstrate marketing's contribution to the bottom line. This is where the first challenge unfolds.

The CMO's Dilemma

The CMO shoulders the responsibility of showcasing how marketing aligns with the overarching business goals. Their primary goal is to guarantee that every marketing initiative enhances the efforts of other departments, including Sales, Customer Success, and Product. The ultimate aim is evident:

  1. Achieve Alignment - The CMO must navigate the labyrinth of business objectives and show how marketing's compass is set in the same direction.
  2. Get Budgets Approved  - To secure the necessary resources, the CMO must articulate how marketing initiatives are essential to drive the business forward.
  3. Show the Impact of Marketing  -In the eyes of the C-suite, the CMO must demonstrate that Marketing is more than a cost center — it's a revenue generator and a strategic asset.

This objective revolves around three key goals: 

  • Achieving alignment
  • Securing budgets
  • Demonstrating the impact of marketing

The CMO's journey is riddled with challenges. They must define and measure marketing success in a way that resonates with the broader business goals. It's a complex task that goes beyond mere clicks, traffic, or conversions.

Meeting 2: Within the Marketing Team

Shift gears to an intense Marketing Team meeting. Here, the scene is all about competing priorities. Each marketing leader is striving to secure their share of the budget pie, aiming to maximize their team's performance. It's a complex puzzle, one that requires a judicious allocation of resources to different marketing functions.

In both meetings, one factor is evident: Marketing's performance holds the key to success, but measuring that performance is easier said than done.  Let's delve into the intricacies of these measurement challenges.

Challenge With Marketing Performance Measurement

The challenges with defining and measuring marketing performance is a tale of two perspectives: 

  1. 1. High-level business objectives in the C-suite
  2. 2. Granular resource allocation within the marketing team

Challenges for C-level Executives in Assessing Marketing Performance

C-level executives are tasked with the critical role of assessing marketing performance. From the perspective of a CMO in the CXO meeting, the objective remains clear: to establish how marketing significantly impacts business goals and aligns with other teams, amplifying their work. 

1. Proving Marketing ROI and Influence on the Pipeline

One of the critical challenges that C-level executives face is proving marketing return on investment (ROI) and measuring marketing's influence on the pipeline. The pressure to demonstrate that every dollar allocated to marketing translates into tangible results weighs heavily on the CMO's shoulders. Here, it's no longer enough to highlight vanity metrics; the focus is on metrics that directly tie marketing initiatives to revenue. It's about showcasing the journey from a marketing touchpoint to a closed deal.

2. Justifying Marketing Investments

Another challenge they often grapple with is the need to justify marketing investments. In an environment where every expenditure needs to be justified, marketing budgets come under tight scrutiny. The CMO must make a compelling case for why marketing deserves a significant share of the financial pie. This involves presenting not just the historical performance data but a strategic roadmap that lays out how marketing investments will contribute to the company's growth trajectory.

3. Improving Budgeting and Resource Allocation

Striking the right balance in budgeting and resource allocation is an intricate puzzle. C-level executives understand that underinvesting in marketing could stifle business growth while overinvesting could lead to budgetary constraints. The task is to allocate resources effectively, ensuring that marketing has the necessary tools to propel the business forward. The balance between short-term gains and long-term brand building must be maintained, a challenge that requires a strategic perspective.

4. Aligning Marketing Efforts with Overall Business Goals

To meet the objective of achieving alignment, executives must ensure that marketing efforts are in complete harmony with the broader business goals. The days of isolated marketing campaigns, driven solely by creative innovation, are long gone. The CMO's mission is to bridge the gap between marketing and other teams like Sales, Customer Success, and Product, ensuring that each department's work complements and amplifies the other.

5. Interpreting Marketing Data and Its Impact on Customer Experience

As you may agree, the world of marketing data is a labyrinth of numbers, charts, and graphs. The challenge lies in interpreting this data and understanding its real impact on customer experience. C-level executives can find themselves lost in this sea of information, struggling to discern actionable insights from vanity metrics. The CMO's role is to present data that tells a story, a narrative that highlights how marketing initiatives shape the customer experience and ultimately drive business growth.

These challenges aren't isolated; they are interconnected facets of the CMO's quest to prove marketing's worth in the CXO meeting. The following sections will delve into the specific strategies and solutions that can help C-level executives overcome these challenges and showcase the true impact of marketing on the bottom line. Through real-world examples, case studies, and analogies, we'll shed light on how business alignment is not just an aspiration but a tangible achievement in the realm of modern marketing.

Challenges for C-level Executives in Assessing Marketing Performance

Example: Adidas' Data-Driven Attribution Success Story

To illustrate how organizations have effectively addressed the challenge of substantiating marketing ROI and measuring marketing's influence on their business outcomes, we can examine the data-driven attribution success achieved by the global footwear giant, Adidas.

Adidas, a prominent player in the athletic and sportswear industry, identified a significant gap in its ability to measure the return on investment effectively. In a fiercely competitive market, understanding the impact of marketing became pivotal, and Adidas recognized that its existing strategies fell short of delivering precise results.

Adidas confronted the challenge of precisely measuring the return on its marketing investments. Despite its stature, the company found itself falling short in accurately gauging the impact of marketing endeavors, especially in the highly competitive landscape of sports and lifestyle apparel.

So, how did Adidas address this challenge?

1. Data-Driven Marketing Strategy

Adidas embarked on a comprehensive data-driven marketing strategy, leveraging state-of-the-art data analytics tools, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Through these technologies, they meticulously traced every dollar invested in marketing, discerning its direct influence on their sales pipeline.

  1. Attribution Modeling:

Adidas implemented advanced attribution modeling, transcending the limitations of the last-click attribution model. This allowed them to attribute due credit to all marketing touch points, even those that contributed earlier in the customer journey. The shift in perspective unveiled the holistic impact of marketing interactions.

  1. Customer Journey Mapping:

Adidas undertook a detailed mapping of the customer journey, encompassing the various marketing touchpoints across different stages. This comprehensive view empowered Adidas to understand precisely how each marketing interaction influenced prospective customers at different points in their journey, transcending mere lead generation.

  1. Holistic Performance Reporting:

The company amalgamated data from diverse marketing channels and tools into a unified performance report. This consolidated view provided C-level executives with a crystal-clear, end-to-end depiction of how marketing endeavours directly contributed to the sales pipeline and, ultimately, revenue.

The Results:

Adidas's strategic adoption of data-driven attribution bore remarkable fruit. They achieved a substantial 15% increase in marketing-sourced leads and a remarkable 30% improvement in return on ad spends, as evidenced by Forbes.

In a nutshell, the Adidas case serves as a compelling example of how a data-driven approach can effectively address the challenge of proving marketing ROI and showcasing marketing's direct impact on the sales pipeline. By investing in advanced analytics, advanced attribution modeling, and a customer-centric methodology, Adidas not only demonstrated the ROI of its marketing initiatives but also uncovered opportunities for further optimization. It stands as a testament to how the alignment between marketing and overarching business objectives can be not only a goal but an attainable reality, delivering tangible results and substantiated ROI.

Challenges for Marketing Teams in Evaluating Performance

Marketing teams, from the perspective of a CMO in a marketing team meeting, face a different set of challenges in evaluating performance. They have the overall budget approved by the C-levels, and the pressure is on them to allocate it wisely across various initiatives. Here, the challenge is not just proving the value of marketing but also ensuring that every marketing dollar is spent with precision and purpose.

1. Measuring and Analyzing Efforts

One of the foremost challenges marketing teams face is measuring and analyzing their efforts effectively. This involves collecting data from various channels and campaigns, a process that can quickly become convoluted. Ensuring that the data collected is accurate, relevant, and up-to-date can be a Herculean task. Marketing teams must grapple with tools and technologies that promise comprehensive data but often fall short in delivering insights that really matter and help them build a case.

2. Attribution Modeling and Performance Reporting

Attribution modeling is often perceived as a daunting task. Determining which marketing touchpoints contributed to conversions and how much credit each should receive is a complex web to untangle. Marketing teams can feel overwhelmed as they attempt to assign values to different marketing channels and efforts accurately. The challenge is to construct an attribution model that aligns with business objectives, a puzzle that often remains unsolved.

3. Demonstrating ROI and Proving Campaign Effectiveness

Marketing teams also face the pressure of demonstrating return on investment (ROI) and proving the effectiveness of campaigns. This involves looking beyond the surface-level metrics such as clicks and impressions and diving into metrics that directly correlate with business outcomes. It's not merely about reporting numbers but about telling a compelling story of how each campaign contributes to the bigger picture.

4. Allocating the Approved Budget Across Initiatives

From the standpoint of marketing teams, the CMO must wrestle with the challenge of allocating the overall budget approved by the CXOs across various initiatives. This isn't just about dividing the pie; it's about distributing it in a way that maximizes the ROI for each initiative. The task is to determine which channels, campaigns, and strategies deserve the lion's share of the budget and which should make do with less.

5. Picking the Right Channels

Choosing the right channels to invest in is often another challenge for marketing teams. The digital world is rife with options, and not all are equally effective for every business. Making the right channel choices can mean the difference between a successful campaign and a wasted budget. That said, marketing teams need to carefully consider their target audience, message, and objectives when deciding where to allocate resources.

6. Unifying Reporting

Another challenge lies in unifying reporting across various channels and campaigns. Often, marketing teams are inundated with isolated reports from different tools and platforms, making it difficult to see the big picture. The objective is to streamline reporting, making it comprehensive and coherent, so that insights can be drawn from a holistic view of marketing performance.

Measuring the Influence of Touchpoints in Unison

Long gone are the days of attributing success to individual touchpoints. Marketing teams must now focus on measuring the influence of touchpoints in unison with each other. Understanding how different channels work together to lead a prospect down the conversion path is a multifaceted challenge. The CMO must guide the team in constructing a performance measurement framework that considers the synergy between touchpoints.

This section will explore solutions to these challenges, drawing from real-world B2B examples, case studies, and analogies that help demystify the intricacies of marketing performance measurement at the ground level. The aim is not just to uncover the problems but to provide actionable insights for CMOs and marketing teams to overcome these hurdles effectively.

Challenges for Marketing Teams in Evaluating Performance

Example: OneSpot's Attribution Modeling Revolution

We’ve already seen how C-levels can resolve marketing measurement-related concerns. Now, to exemplify how marketing teams can address the challenge of attribution modeling and performance reporting, let's take a peek into OneSpot's transformative journey.

OneSpot, a renowned inbound marketing and sales software company, realized the need for a more sophisticated approach to attribution. Like many other marketing teams, they were grappling with assigning proper credit to various touchpoints in the buyer's journey.

So, what did they do?

Holistic Attribution Model 

OneSpot transitioned from a simplistic first-touch or last-touch attribution model to a holistic attribution approach. They introduced a custom attribution model that factored in multiple touchpoints throughout the customer's journey. This shift allowed them to accurately assess the role each touchpoint played in conversions.

Unified Reporting 

OneSpot integrated various marketing channels and tools into a unified reporting dashboard. This dashboard provided marketing teams with a comprehensive view of their efforts' performance. It allowed them to see how different channels and campaigns interacted and influenced one another in the conversion process.

Machine-Learning for Attribution

OneSpot leveraged machine learning algorithms to automatically assign credit to different touchpoints. This data-driven approach ensured that attribution was based on actual data patterns rather than subjective judgments. It eliminated the bias that often crept into manual attribution methods.

Data-Backed Decisions 

By implementing these changes, OneSpot not only enhanced its attribution modeling but also made data-backed decisions regarding budget allocation. The marketing team could clearly see which channels and campaigns were most effective at different stages of the customer journey. This allowed them to optimize resource allocation for maximum impact.

OneSpot's journey is a prime example of how marketing teams can navigate the challenges of attribution modeling and performance reporting. By embracing advanced attribution models, unifying reporting, and leveraging technology like machine learning, they transformed the way they assessed marketing performance. The above example we just saw, illustrates the practical steps that CMOs and marketing teams can take to address these challenges effectively and ensure that every marketing dollar is spent with purpose and precision.

Bridging the Gap: Strategies for Improved Measurement

Understanding the challenges faced by both C-level executives and marketing teams, it's clear that a bridge must be constructed to close the gap between expectations and operational realities. Here, we offer actionable strategies to enhance marketing performance measurement and foster collaboration between CXOs and marketing teams.

For C-Level Executives

1. Educate and Equip 

C-level executives need to invest in understanding the complexities of modern marketing. This means not only asking for data but also having the knowledge to interpret it. Education in digital marketing trends, analytics, and performance measurement can be invaluable.

2. Set Clear Objectives 

Establish unambiguous objectives for marketing efforts that align with broader business goals. Make it a collaborative exercise, involving marketing teams in the goal-setting process to ensure realistic and feasible targets.

3. Regular Reviews and Alignment 

Implement regular review sessions where marketing teams present their findings, challenges, and plans to the C-suite. This keeps everyone on the same page and helps to identify and address bottlenecks promptly.

4. Innovation Budget 

Allocate a portion of the marketing budget to innovation and experimentation. Encourage marketing teams to explore new tactics and technologies that might yield long-term benefits, even if they are harder to measure in the short run.

For Marketing Teams

5. Enhance Data Collection 

Invest in data collection tools and methodologies that provide a holistic view of marketing performance. This includes incorporating cross-channel tracking and ensuring data accuracy.

6. Focus on Customer Journey Mapping 

Instead of isolated touchpoint measurements, concentrate on mapping the customer journey. Understand how different channels influence prospects at various stages, allowing for a more comprehensive performance evaluation.

7. Collaborative Reporting 

Develop a standardized reporting format that incorporates both high-level metrics for the C-suite and detailed analytics for internal use. This ensures that every team member, from CMOs to data analysts, can interpret and act on the data effectively.

8. Continual Learning

The marketing landscape evolves rapidly. Encourage and enable your team members to upskill by staying updated with the latest developments within the industry, emerging trends and technologies. Investing in employee training and development can significantly impact performance.

Joining Hands: Collaboration and Alignment

A significant component of bridging the gap between C-level executives and marketing teams is fostering collaboration and alignment. At the cost of sounding cliche, this means both parties need to work together, understanding each other's challenges and priorities. Establish cross-functional teams where marketing, sales, product, and customer success work together on joint initiatives. This approach helps break down silos, promotes data sharing, and accelerates the achievement of common goals.

The benefits of this collaboration are substantial. C-levels gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies of marketing performance, while marketing teams feel more empowered and supported in their endeavors. The two groups can collectively evaluate the effectiveness of different marketing strategies and tactics, making informed decisions on how to allocate budgets more effectively.

Bridging the Gap for Optimal Performance

Bridging the Gap for Optimal Performance

In B2B marketing, addressing the challenges surrounding performance measurement is essential. Understanding the nuances of these challenges from both the C-level executive perspective and the marketing team's viewpoint is the first step towards bridging the gap. By implementing actionable strategies and fostering collaboration, businesses can achieve optimal marketing performance measurement, align marketing efforts with broader business goals, and showcase marketing's true impact. In this quest for better measurement, both C-level executives and marketing teams must work hand in hand, guided by a shared commitment to success.

Going Beyond Status Quo Marketing Measurement Metrics

September 10, 2024
0 min read

Introduction to Sourcing and Influence Metrics

Performance measurement is a dynamic and multifaceted challenge. Across different companies, there exists a wide variation in how marketing's effectiveness and impact are evaluated. This diversity stems from the complexity of modern marketing strategies and the evolving landscape of the business-to-business domain.

Two common techniques for measuring marketing performance at an executive level are Marketing Sourcing Metrics and Marketing Influence Metrics. Both techniques aim to provide insights into how marketing initiatives contribute to business outcomes, yet they do so from distinct angles. Understanding the nuances of sourcing and influence metrics is essential in the pursuit of an accurate and comprehensive understanding of marketing impact.

So, let’s dive right in!

Sourcing Metrics: Rooted in Inbound Marketing History

Sourcing metrics, often associated with the emergence of inbound marketing, focus on measuring how much business was originally sourced by marketing efforts. In essence, they track the leads and opportunities that marketing directly generates. This metric is crucial for quantifying the immediate impact of marketing initiatives on lead generation, a vital aspect of B2B marketing.

Influence Metrics: A Staple of Marketing Practice

Influence metrics, on the other hand, have been around as long as marketing itself. They aim to gauge how much business is influenced or impacted by marketing activities. While sourcing metrics focus on the origin of leads, influence metrics delve into how marketing contributes to the customer journey and decision-making process. These metrics are tracked over a longer period of time, capturing the enduring influence of marketing on potential clients and business development.

The Ongoing Symbiosis of Marketing and Sales

Historically, marketing has enabled sales. It creates awareness, generates leads, and nurtures prospects to the point where the sales team can engage and convert deals effectively. Yet, marketing's role doesn't end there; it extends well into the customer journey, ensuring that the customer's experience aligns with the brand's promise.

So, are they same-same but different?

Marketing and sales differ significantly when it comes to measuring performance. Sales activities are usually more quantifiable, making it relatively straightforward to measure their contribution. In contrast, marketing's influence may not always be easily quantifiable, as it encompasses a wider array of touchpoints throughout the customer journey.

In the C-level meetings at the executive level, where strategic decisions are made, understanding marketing's impact is pivotal. C-level executives seek to evaluate marketing's performance to assess its alignment with overall business goals, determine resource allocation, and make informed decisions. This assessment often revolves around sourcing and influence metrics, as they provide valuable insights into marketing's direct and indirect contributions to business growth.

Marketing's influence is evident in the numbers that matter most to an organization: revenue, customer acquisition, and brand reputation. To translate marketing's influence into measurable impact, sourcing and influence metrics have been serving as tools for the modern marketing professional.

But are these two tools enough?

In the next sections, we will understand both tools in more detail, explore their limitations and propose new strategies that can help marketing professionals move beyond the current status quo of marketing measurement metrics and achieve a more accurate reflection of their impact on business success.

The Role of Sourcing Metrics in B2B Marketing

Traditionally, sourcing metrics are harnessed to evaluate the immediate and tangible outcomes of marketing efforts. B2B marketing strategies often involve content marketing, advertising campaigns, email marketing, and social media engagement. These activities are strategically designed to draw the attention of potential clients and encourage them to take specific actions, such as signing up for a newsletter, downloading a whitepaper, or requesting a product demonstration.

Sourcing metrics come into play by measuring the efficacy of these marketing tactics. They help determine how many leads and opportunities are sourced directly from these campaigns, providing marketing professionals with a clear and quantifiable understanding of their impact on lead generation. 

The metrics often encompass:

  • Lead Generation: The number of leads generated through marketing initiatives.
  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of leads that successfully convert into opportunities.
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): The cost incurred to acquire a new customer.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): The return generated for each marketing dollar spent.

Limitations of Sourcing Metrics

While sourcing metrics offer valuable insights into the immediate impact of marketing initiatives, they have inherent limitations when used in isolation. These limitations can hinder a comprehensive understanding of marketing performance, particularly when it comes to B2B marketing.

1. Short-term focus

Sourcing metrics primarily reflect short-term results. They capture leads generated and conversions made but may not account for the enduring impact of marketing on the customer's journey. In B2B marketing, where sales cycles are often longer, an overemphasis on sourcing metrics might lead to an incomplete assessment.

2. Overlooking Influence 

Sourcing metrics tend to downplay the broader influence of marketing on potential clients. They focus on quantifying the immediate lead generation but may not capture the touchpoints that influence a prospect's decision-making process over time. This omission results in a less comprehensive understanding of marketing's contribution.

3. Neglecting Brand Building 

Sourcing metrics often does not adequately account for brand-building efforts, which are fundamental in the B2B landscape. Building a strong brand presence influences prospects even before they become leads. This early-stage brand awareness might not be fully reflected in sourcing metrics.

The Need for a Holistic Approach

The limitations of sourcing metrics become increasingly evident when considering the complexity of the B2B marketing environment. B2B deals often involve intricate decision-making processes, extended sales cycles, and multiple stakeholders. These factors necessitate a holistic approach to marketing measurement that goes beyond sourcing metrics.

Case Study: Why are sourcing metrics insufficient?

Company: HP Inc.

Case Study

HP Inc. is a multinational information technology company that specializes in personal computing and related products. In the past, HP used sourcing metrics to measure the effectiveness of its marketing campaigns. These metrics included the number of leads generated, the number of opportunities created, and the number of sales closed.

However, HP realized that these metrics were not a true reflection of the success of its marketing campaigns. For example, a campaign might generate a large number of leads, but only a few of those leads might actually be qualified or converted into sales.

HP also realized that its marketing campaigns were not aligned with its overall business goals. For example, HP might be running a campaign to generate leads for a new product, but its sales team might not be ready to sell that product yet.


  • HP decided to shift its focus from sourcing metrics to customer-centric metrics. Customer-centric metrics measure the impact of marketing campaigns on customer engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty.
  • HP began tracking customer metrics such as the number of website visits, the number of social media interactions, and the number of customer inquiries. HP also began tracking customer satisfaction and loyalty through surveys and other forms of feedback.
  • By focusing on customer-centric metrics, HP was able to create more effective marketing campaigns that were aligned with its overall business goals.

In a nutshell:

HP's case study shows that sourcing metrics can be a flawed way to measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Companies should focus on customer-centric metrics instead, as these metrics provide a more accurate reflection of the impact of marketing on the business.

HP's case study

Influence Metrics in B2B Marketing

From the above section, it's clear that sourcing metrics, while valuable, do not provide a complete picture of marketing performance. Now, let’s delve deeper into the realm of influence metrics and explore how they contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of marketing performance in B2B.

Why did organizations shift to influence metrics?

The transition from solely relying on sourcing metrics to incorporating influence metrics in B2B marketing is driven by the need for a more comprehensive view of marketing's role. Compared to sourcing metrics, influence metrics offer a more complete understanding of how marketing initiatives influence decision-making throughout the entire customer journey.

The shift towards influence metrics was further motivated by the following factors:

1. Prolonged Decision-Making 

B2B sales cycles are often protracted, spanning several months or even years. During this time, potential clients interact with various marketing touchpoints, each of which contributes to their eventual decision. Influence metrics enable marketers to track and evaluate these extended interactions, which sourcing metrics might overlook.

2. Multichannel Engagement

In today's digital age, prospects engage with marketing content across multiple channels. They might receive emails, browse a company's website, attend webinars, and interact on social media. Influence metrics provide a holistic perspective by accounting for the impact of each of these channels, recognizing their cumulative influence on decision-making.

3. Multiple Stakeholders 

B2B purchases often involve multiple stakeholders within an organization. Influence metrics consider the influence of marketing efforts on various decision-makers, acknowledging the diverse touchpoints that cater to each stakeholder's needs.

Limitations of Influence Metrics

While influence metrics offer valuable insights into the broader impact of marketing in the B2B arena, they also have their set of limitations. Acknowledging these limitations is essential for gaining a more realistic view of marketing performance.

1. Difficulty in Quantifying Influence

Influence metrics, by nature, deal with qualitative data and soft measurements. They can provide insight into the impact of marketing efforts but may not be as easily quantifiable as sourcing metrics. This makes it challenging to attribute a specific monetary value to influence.

2. Data Complexity

These metrics often involve tracking a multitude of touchpoints and interactions across diverse channels. Managing and analyzing this vast amount of data can become complex, requiring sophisticated tools and methodologies.

3. Synchronizing with Sales Data

Aligning influence metrics with sales data can be challenging. Unlike sourcing metrics, influence metrics may not directly correlate with short-term sales figures. This can lead to discrepancies when trying to measure marketing's contribution in terms of revenue generation.

The Need for Balance

As B2B marketing continues to evolve, the consensus is clear: reliance solely on sourcing metrics or influence metrics might not provide a complete picture of marketing performance.

Now that we’ve understood sourcing metrics and influence metrics, it’s clear that both have their roles and strengths. However, the most insightful evaluation emerges when they are used together, along with other metrics that set off their disadvantages, respectively.

Relying solely on one or the other can lead to an incomplete picture of marketing performance. It's not an "either-or" scenario; it's a "both-and" strategy that paints a more comprehensive canvas of marketing's influence.

So, what’s the way forward?

Acknowledging the above limitations has paved the way for exploring alternative approaches to marketing measurement: Engagement Scoring.

Exploring Engagement Scoring

One promising alternative on the horizon is engagement scoring. Unlike sourcing and influence metrics, which primarily focus on lead generation and the influence of marketing touchpoints, engagement scoring takes a different route. It prioritizes measuring how engaged and receptive your audience is to your marketing efforts.

Engagement scoring considers a spectrum of interactions, such as content consumption, participation in webinars, social media engagement, and email responses. It doesn't just stop at identifying whether a prospect is interested in your product; it delves deeper into how engaged they are and what specific content or interactions resonate with them.

For a more in-depth exploration of engagement scoring, stay tuned for our next blog, where we will dissect this emerging approach and its application in modern B2B marketing measurement.

Moving Towards a New Approach

From the above sections, one thing has become abundantly clear: B2B marketing is in a state of constant evolution.

The limitations of the existing techniques have set us on a quest for a more holistic and encompassing approach. It's a journey that's far from over, and it's a journey that demands adaptability and innovation.

Embracing a data-driven approach is the cornerstone of effective marketing performance measurement. Data is the lifeblood of modern marketing, and by harnessing the insights from sourcing metrics, influence metrics, and engagement scoring, we can fine-tune our strategies and maximize our impact.

The path to optimizing marketing measurement is a dynamic one, where change is the only constant. And as you can tell, the world of B2B marketing is ever-evolving, and so must be our approach to measurement. It's not a destination but an ongoing journey.

So, as we move forward, let's leverage the full potential of sourcing metrics and marketing influence, all while remaining receptive to emerging approaches that enhance the art and science of B2B marketing. By doing so, we not only meet the challenges of today but also prepare for the exciting opportunities of the future. 

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