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How Upflow Boosts Conversions Using Intent Signals from

In conversation with Aashima Lamba, Senior Manager - Demand Generation at Upflow

pipeline influenced by G2 and Factors

of inbound opportunities from website visitor intent

inbound opportunity-to-customer conversion rate






Account Identification, G2 integration, CRM integration

Upflow is revolutionizing how companies get paid. They bring the convenience of B2C experiences to their clients’ business, with automated reminders, personalized communication, and a user-friendly customer portal.  

Read to learn how helped Upflow identify high-intent accounts and provided data points that empowered their sales team to convert them into paying customers. 

Upflow's Challenges

“SEO and organic campaigns were a success, driving significant revenue for our company. But then I started thinking: we're converting 30-40% of website traffic into leads. What about the remaining 60-70%? How can we tap into this potential goldmine?”

Aashima Lamba

Senior Manager - Demand Generation at Upflow

Upflow started with a difficult task of category creation. In the early days, cold emails, cold calls, and demonstrating ROI was their primary go-to-market strategy. As awareness started kicking in, they doubled down on SEO. By creating valuable content and building backlinks, Upflow significantly increased their website traffic and engagement. 

With SEO performing well, Upflow explored additional channels. They leveraged organic engagement on LinkedIn and strategically utilized platforms like G2 and Capterra. G2, in particular, proved to be a game-changer. Upgrading from a basic to an advanced plan in late 2022 revealed the power of intent signals—data that indicates a visitor's purchase intent. 

This focus on intent signals became a turning point for Upflow. 

The success with intent signals on G2 underscored one key point: focusing on buyer intent was the key to attracting high-quality leads. Upflow now needed a tool that could capture these signals and translate them into actionable steps to nurture those leads.

Upflow's existing tools, while valuable starting points, hindered their ability to scale and optimize their lead generation efforts. These limitations manifested in several ways:

Activating Accounts Identified by G2

Platforms like G2 helped Upflow to detect initial buyer intent but activating these accounts by running targeted campaigns still remained a challenge.

Pricing and Usability Issues

Enterprise visitor identification tools offered intent data, but their pricing structure wasn't ideal for Upflow's initial testing phase. Additionally, they presented challenges with a cumbersome user interface and data quality issues. 

Upflow needed a solution that offered accurate information they could trust and was affordable and user-friendly.

Data Deficiencies

Google Analytics, their initial reporting tool, lacked the data enrichment and reporting capabilities Upflow craved. Basic traffic data wasn't enough.

Upflow needed a platform that could provide actionable insights to streamline marketing and sales processes.

It was with these challenges in mind that Upflow set out to find a solution, eventually leading them to use

How Upflow uses

“Thanks to's intent signals, Q1 2024 was our best quarter ever for meetings booked and conversions. We generated a significant number of high-quality leads through”

Aashima Lamba

Senior Manager - Demand Generation at Upflow

The decision to use Factors was significantly influenced by the vision and drive of Factors' CEO. The alignment of the teams' goals and ambitions played a crucial role in this decision; Aashima Lamba noted. 

"I could draw a lot of parallels between our teams. I just thought that they were in it to go big and they would keep on developing their product a lot. They'll release features super quickly, and make the experience even better."

The partnership only got better, starting with the fact that Factors addressed the limitations Upflow faced with previous solutions by offering a comprehensive suite of intent signal capture, data enrichment, and reporting features – all at a price point that fit Upflow's needs.

Here is how Upflow uses Factors:

Advanced Intent Signals

Factors equipped Upflow with the ability to identify and act on the intent signals from all its online channels—website, CRM, LinkedIn, G2, and others. This approach transformed Upflow’s approach to lead generation and nurturing and helped it get even more conversions, thanks to its ability to identify and target prospects showing genuine interest with greater precision.

Targeted Marketing

  • Upflow uses Factors to identify website visitors who aren't quite sales-ready (1 & 2 star leads). This valuable data allows Upflow to nurture these leads with targeted marketing campaigns.
  • By understanding a visitor's interests and browsing behavior, Upflow can craft personalized email campaigns and ads. This targeted approach increases engagement and conversion rates for marketing efforts.
  • By automating lead qualification through scoring, Upflow can dedicate its sales team's resources to the most promising leads (3 & 4 stars). This optimizes their sales pipeline and maximizes their return on investment.

Increased Revenue from G2 

Factors’s integration with platforms like G2 significantly contributed to Upflow’s revenue growth. Factors allowed Upflow to capture more granular intent signals from G2 and set up advanced automation.

This enabled them to identify high-intent accounts that were previously missed, and run automation like adding them to custom audience lists on LinkedIn to deliver ads, and sending custom intent-based emails to leads that weren’t very sales qualifed. These deeper insights and automation led to more effective targeting and higher conversion rates.

User-Friendly Interface 

Factors’s intuitive and user-friendly interface facilitated quick adoption across Upflow’s teams. This ease of use meant that even new team members could quickly become proficient with the tool, reducing training time and increasing productivity. 

Automated Workflows

Factors automates several tasks, streamlining lead management:

  • Streamlined Lead Management: Factors automates the creation of new accounts within Upflow's Salesforce CRM. This eliminates manual data entry, reduces errors, and ensures all relevant information is captured from the start.
  • Real-Time Sales Alerts: Upon identifying a high-intent account (visitor exhibiting strong interest), Factors triggers instant Slack notifications to the sales team. This ensures critical leads are addressed promptly, increasing the chances of conversion.
  • Detailed Activity Tracking: creates "intent objects" within Salesforce. These objects store comprehensive details of a visitor's activity on Upflow's online channels. This allows sales reps to understand the prospect's journey and tailor their outreach accordingly.

SEO Tracking

  • Upflow migrated from Google Analytics to for a more holistic view of their website performance. provides comprehensive dashboards that go beyond basic metrics like traffic and page visits.
  • These dashboards offer insights into session times, bounce rates, and popular content. Upflow can leverage this data to identify areas for improvement and optimize their SEO strategy for better organic search ranking.
  • And as Upflow produces new content, tracks its performance. This allows them to identify high-performing content and replicate its success for future content creation.

Overall, has become a valuable tool for Upflow, improving lead generation, nurturing, sales pipeline optimization, and SEO strategy.

The Results

pipeline influenced by G2 and Factors

of inbound opportunities from website visitor intent

inbound opportunity-to-customer conversion rate

“Upflow's partnership with has yielded remarkable results. We’re able to get more meetings from our inbound led outbound efforts and close more deals."

Aashima Lamba

Senior Manager - Demand Generation at Upflow

Future Plans

Upflow has set an ambitious goal to double its sales funnel by year-end. To achieve this, they'll implement a multi-faceted approach. They'll prioritize proven channels like LinkedIn ads, organic engagement, and automated outreach, leveraging their past success. 

Finally, they'll optimize existing strategies by fine-tuning SEO, boosting G2 rankings, and fully utilizing Factors to streamline workflows and maximize results.

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