100+ Buying Signals Meets Clay Plays: Presenting the Clay X Factors Playbook

Capture cross channel intent through Factors (Web, Linkedin, G2)
Segment accounts based on actions and filters
Send to Clay when Companies meet your criteria
Included: Clay Files and a how-to doc with the full setup

Modules Covered

How to send real time buying signals from Factors to Clay
Account research and qualification mechanism
Find the right contacts, given identified companies.
Waterfall Enrich the emails of these contacts
Al Personalised conversational phrases and How to think about this
Connecting this Clay Play into an Outreach Sequence
Ideas on how to think about iterating

Pair Factors Cross Channel with Intent with Clay

Across Website, Linkedin, and G2, Factors brings in buying signals, segments accounts, and easily pushes in data into your dream Clay Plays

Increase in audience reach
Increase in opportunities
Increase in influenced pipeline
Lower CPMs